Personal Statement Essay

Application to Undertake the Proposed Dissertation Topic:

“ Strategic Analysis of Virgin Atlantic ‘s Customer Relationship Management ”

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The subject of client relationship direction ( CRM ) as a field in strategic direction is an country that I have ever wanted to research. Sing the strength of the fight and dynamism of the planetary concern environment, merely the most airy concerns will be able to run into their net income aims and survive. Furthermore, those who are able to appreciate the customer-focused attack to direction will besides recognize that information engineering or IT has a important function in bring forthing the ever-loyal consumer who will lend significantly to purchases, hence, net incomes.

Implementing CRM in concerns is a turning scheme non merely to promote client trueness but to retain them every bit good. The concern has to be able to hold the ability to pull new clients, make those clients happy, and maintain them happy. Ultimately, the end of puting in client dealingss is to spike up net incomes and heighten overall fiscal public presentation. I want to be able to understand how precisely CRM plants within a company and how cost-efficient the scheme truly is. CRM execution is merely relevant if the scheme is profitable. I want to be able to utilize my analytical accomplishments and cognition in direction theory to mensurate profitableness utilizing CRM as a concern scheme. This means holding to account for the lifetime value of each client and accounting for gross and outgos associated with each client over clip.

Since my focal point is on IT, a peculiar attractive force for me in suggesting this thesis is researching the IT side of CRM. From a professional position, understanding how the development of sound IT substructure can hike CRM is important to my line of work. For a twelvemonth now, I have been Assistant Manager for IT for the Nigerian Communication Satellite Ltd. or NIGCOMSAT which is a telecommunications company that pioneered the usage of a geostationary communicating orbiter in the Sub-Saharan Africa part. As the first-ever African orbiter company, it is relied upon to supply a assortment of services and applications to fulfill the turning engineering demands of the African part.

The NIGCOMSAT-1 provides telecommunications, cyberspace and multimedia services, direct broadcast orbiter services, and telepresence engineering which in bend, make possible tele-education ( distance acquisition ) and telemedicine. Not unlike many communications houses, NIGCOMSAT needs to better its overall market fight and rise its reactivity to altering market conditions and to accomplish planetary fight. The orbiter ‘s much-publicised orbit failure in 2008 has created important client trueness concerns. For the NIGCOMSAT to better its market fight, CRM is yet an undiscovered scheme, but one that has fueled the growing of many successful planetary companies. I want to dig more profoundly into this subject.

One peculiar company is Virgin Atlantic Airlines ( VAA ) , designated many times over as Europe ‘s No. 1 air hose. VAA is all about the customer-focused experience – traveling the excess stat mi to service clients such as holding a VAA employee fetch you from the hotel to the airdrome, to lodging your baggage at the conveyer belt, until being handed your get oning base on balls by a VAA associate. One of the other customer-centred services which the air hose has pioneered is the amusement system for excellent riders, a scheme already emulated by many planetary air hose companies.

Of peculiar involvement to me is how VAA ‘s IT substructure has been configured to run into end-user outlooks. Encouraging every bit good as retaining clients for a planetary air hose company requires non merely the add-on of services, freebees, or plans such as the frequent-flyer programme ( FFP ) , it must necessitate the smooth operation of all operations – from the information Centres, to the airdrome operations, and the air hose ‘s contact centres from around the Earth. Guaranting that these operations function swimmingly to vouch client satisfaction requires an efficient IT substructure. Customers now are more Internet- and tech-savvy and demand companies to react to questions and function them in promptest clip possible. IT operations of air hose companies have to suit the fast-paced universe of its client pool. With the coming of planetary outsourcing, I would wish to analyse how VAA ‘s CRM scheme is able to vouch that all of the company ‘s business-critical applications such as the engagement system, lading, airdrome booths, technology, crew direction, frequent flyer trueness programme, and company web site are all synched and direction to supply the satisfaction for the client.

If there is one important thing that pattern has taught me, is that direction is the cardinal driver to company success. After a brief stretch in the Access Bank of Nigeria, I ventured into the telecommunications industry get downing out as administrative staff for Nigeria Telecommunications ( NITEL ) in 2005 before I finally landed a place in NIGCOMSAT. I learned firsthand how the proverbial “ the client is ever right ” is a regulation in running companies. Bad service leads to client ailments and finally, bad promotion that does nil but hurt the company and the company ‘s underside line. The orbit failure incident in 2008 proved damaging to NIGCOMSAT. The telecommunications industry serves to present applications and services in the most efficient and prompt mode – signal breaks, applications inavailability, and service failures – are jobs that could be avoided with efficient IT direction. My experience has shown me how IT allows greater monitoring and visibleness of public presentation and information on all related services and business-critical applications.

In prosecuting this proposed thesis subject, I am aware of what analytical accomplishments and cognition are required of me. I feel confident, given the direction theories and theoretical accounts that I have studied in the MSc in Information Technology for Management plan therefore far, and the accrued experience I have had in my profession, that I will be able to transport out this proposed independent research. I have had equal theoretical and proficient readying for this undertaking. I have had Webmaster Basics Training in 2008 and Evolution Series PD55 Training from Paradise Datacom Ltd. in the same twelvemonth.

I believe in the capacity of information engineering to turn to concern jobs, and I want to use direction constructs and theoretical theoretical accounts to this proposed research enterprise. After finishing this research and this alumnus grade, I expect to emerge an expert in IT direction and addition command over how engineering affects a concern – its behaviour, map, construction, and direction. Gaining an MSc in IT direction grade would be helpful in easing my calling as a future engineering leader in Nigeria. The concern landscape has been everlastingly changed by the progressively globalised and interconnected universe. Nigeria and the African part present several chances for the maximization of IT direction and CRM schemes to better overall market effectivity. This proposed thesis will be a valuable add-on that end.


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