Phases of Matter

Question Answer
Phase of matter the form in which particles are arranged and move
boiling point the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas
melting point the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid

A solid has …

a definite shape and takes up a definite amount of space
A solid's particles are… closely packed together and have some energy, and move back and forth but do not change places

A liquid…

does not have a definite shape but takes up a definite amount of space

A liquid's particles are… not held in place but are able to slide past one another
A liquid takes the shape… of the container

gases are…

invisible and do not have a definite shape

Gas takes the shape

of the container and expands to fill whatever space is available

Gas particles are… very far apart from one another and move in all directions
in the gas state, water is called… water vapor
gas does not take up a definite amount of… space
Energy can cause the particles in a substance to move faster and farther apart.
Substances change phase (state or form) when enough heat is added or taken away.
Phase changes are examples of physical changes that can be reversed by adding or removing energy.
Every substance changes phases at a different… temperature
The melting point and boiling point of a substance are both physical properties that help identify the substance.
The temperature at which a substance melts is the same temperature at which it freezes, or changes from a solid to a liquid.
The temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas is also the temperature at which the substance changes from a gas back into a liquid.
Substances have different melting and boiling points that are much different from the melting and boiling points of water.

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