Potential Causes Of Variation Construction Essay

Literature reviews that of Variations and Variation Orders requires a comprehensive apprehension of the root causes of Variations ( Hester et al. , 1991 ) .Variations some of which are fiscal, design aesthetics, alterations in drawings, conditions, geological and geotechnical grounds. From the literature reappraisal, there were 53 causes of Variations identified and these Variations are chiefly caused by the Employer, Consultants and Contractors.

As shown in Figure 1, these causes of Variations were grouped under four classs: Employer related Variations, Advisers related Variations, Contractor related Variations and other Variations. These Causes of Variations have been identified by many research workers ( CII, 1990a ; Thomas and Napolitan, 1994 ; Clough and Sears, 1994 ; Fisk, 1997 ; Ibbs et al. , 1998 ; O’Brien, 1998 ; Mokhtar et al. , 2000 ; Gray and Hughes, 2001 ; Arain et al. , 2004 ) . The causes of Variations can be categorized harmonizing to the conceivers ( CII, 1990a ; Thomas and Napolitan, 1994 ) . The 53 causes identified from the literature reappraisal are besides discussed below.

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Causes of Variations


related Variations


related Variations


related Variations

Change of programs or range by Employer

Change in design by Advisers

Lack of Contractor ‘s engagement in design

Change of agenda by Employer

Mistakes and skips in design

Inaccessibility of equipment

Employer ‘s fiscal job

Conflict between contract paperss

Inaccessibility of accomplishments

Inadequate undertaking aim

Inadequate range of work for contractor

Contractor ‘s fiscal troubles

Replacement of materials/procedure

Technology alteration

Contractor ‘s coveted profitableness

Hindrance in prompt determination devising procedure

Value technology

Differing site conditions

Obstinate nature of Employer

Lack of coordination

Defective craft

Change in specifications by Employer

Design complexness

Unfamiliarity with local conditions

Inadequate working pulling inside informations

Lack of specialised building director

Inadequate store pulling inside informations

Fast path building

Consultant deficiency of judgement and experience

Poor procurance procedure

Lack of adviser ‘s cognition of available stuffs and equipment

Lack of communicating

Honest incorrect belief of adviser

Contractor ‘s deficiency of opinion & A ; experience

Consultant ‘s deficiency of required informations

Long lead procurance

Obstinate nature of adviser

Honest incorrect belief of contractor

Equivocal design inside informations

Complex design and engineering

Design disagreements ( unequal design )

Lack of strategic planning

Non-compliance design with govt. ordinance

Contractor ‘s deficiency of required informations

Non-compliance design with proprietor ‘s demand

Contractor ‘s stubborn nature

Change in specifications by Consultant

Figure 1: Causes of Variation grouped under four classs

A. Employer Related Changes

This subdivision discusses the causes of Variations that were initiated by the Employer. In some instances, the Employer straight initiates Variations or the Variations are required because the Employer fails to carry through certain demands for transporting out the undertaking.

Change of programs or range by Employer: Change of program or range of undertaking is one of the most important causes of Variations in building undertakings ( CII, 1990b ) and is normally the consequence of deficient planning at the undertaking planning phase, or besides I can because of deficiency of engagement of the Employer in the design stage ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . This cause the Variations affects the undertaking badly during the ulterior stages.

Change of agenda by Employer: A alteration of agenda or maestro programme during the undertaking building stage may ensue in major resource reallocation ( Fisk, 1997 ; O’Brien, 1998 ) . This is because clip has an tantamount money value. A alteration in agenda agencies that the Contractor will either supply extra resources, or maintain some resources idle in the building site. In both instances extra cost is incurred.

Employer ‘s fiscal jobs: The Employer of the undertaking may run into hard fiscal state of affairss that force him to do alterations in an effort to cut down cost of the undertaking. Employer ‘s fiscal jobs affect undertaking advancement and quality ( Clough and Sears, 1994 ; O’Brien, 1998 ) . Proper fiscal planning and reappraisal of undertaking hard currency flow would be effectual in avoid this job to from go oning.

Inadequate undertaking aims: Inadequate undertaking aims are one of the causes of Variations in building undertakings ( Ibbs and Allen, 1995 ) . Due to inadequate undertaking aims, the interior decorators would non be able to develop a comprehensive design which leads to many of Variations during the undertaking building stage.

Replacement of stuffs or processs: Replacement of stuffs or processs may do major Variations during the building stage. The permutation of processs includes Variations in application methods ( Chappell and Willis, 1996 ) . Therefore, an accommodation to the original contract value is required if there is a alteration in processs.

Hindrance in prompt determination doing procedure: Prompt determination devising is an of import factor for undertaking success ( Sanvido et al. , 1992 ; Gray and Hughes, 2001 ) . A hold in determination devising may blockade the advancement of subsequent building activities and that may finally detain the full undertaking advancement.

Obstinate nature of Employer: A edifice undertaking is the consequence of the combined attempts of the professionals. They have to work at the assorted interfaces of a undertaking ( Wang, 2000 ; Arain et al. , 2004 ) . If the Employer is stubborn, he may non suit other originative and good thoughts. Finally, this may do major Variations in the ulterior phases and impact the undertaking negatively.

Change in specifications by proprietor: Changes in specifications are frequent in building undertakings with unequal undertaking aims ( O’Brien, 1998 ) . In a multi-player environment like any building undertaking, alteration in specifications by the Employer during the building stage may necessitate major Variations and accommodations in undertaking planning and procurance activities.

B. Consultant Related Variations

This subdivision discusses the causes of Variations that were initiated by the adviser. In some instances, the adviser straight initiates Variations or the Variations are required because the adviser fails to carry through certain demands for transporting out the undertaking.

Change in design by Advisers: Change in design for betterment by the Consultant is a norm in modern-day professional pattern ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . The alterations in design are frequent in undertakings where building starts before the design is finalized ( Fisk, 1997 ) . Design alterations can impact a undertaking adversely depending on the timing of the happening of the alterations.

Mistakes and skips in design: Mistakes and skips in design are an of import cause of undertaking to detain ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Design mistakes and skips may take to loss of productiveness and hold in undertaking agenda ( Assaf et al. , 1995 ) . Hence, mistakes and skips in design can impact a undertaking adversely depending on the timing of the happening of the mistakes.

Conflicts between contract paperss: Conflict between contract paperss can ensue in misunderstanding of the existent demand of a undertaking ( CII, 1986a ) . To convey complete undertaking range for participants, the contract paperss must be clear and straight to the point. Insufficient inside informations in contract paperss may adversely impact the undertaking, taking to detain in project completion.

Inadequate range of work for contractor: In a multi-player environment like building, the range of work for all the participants must be clear and without uncertainness for successful undertaking completion ( Fisk, 1997 ; Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Inadequate range of work for the contractor can do major Variations that may negatively impact the undertaking, and leads to alterations in building planning.

Technology alteration: Technology alteration is a possible cause of Variations in a undertaking. Project planning should be flexible for suiting new good Variations ( CII, 1994b ) . This is because the new engineering can be good in the undertaking life rhythm, for case, cut downing care cost of the undertaking. Or new methods of buildings that cut down building cost.

Value technology: Value technology should ideally be carried out during the design stage ( Dell’Isola, 1982 ) . During the building stage, value technology can be a dearly-won exercising, as Variation in any design component would originate and leads to Variations to other relevant design constituents ( Mokhtar et al. , 2000 ) .

Lack of coordination: A deficiency of coordination between parties may do major fluctuations that could finally impact the undertaking adversely ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Unfavorable Variations, which affect the undertakings negatively, can normally be managed at an early phase by paying excess focal point in coordination.

Design complexness: Complex designs require alone accomplishments and building methods ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Complexity affects the flow of building activities, whereas simple and additive building plants are comparatively easy to manage ( Fisk, 1997 ) . Hence, complexness may do major Variations in building undertakings.

Inadequate working pulling inside informations: To convey a complete construct of the undertaking design, the on the job drawings must be clear and concise ( Geok, 2002 ) . Insufficient working pulling inside informations can ensue in misunderstanding of the existent demand of a undertaking ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Thorough reviewing of design inside informations would help in minimising Variations.

Inadequate store pulling inside informations: Shop drawings are normally developed for construction work inside informations for site professionals ( Cox and Hamilton, 1995 ) . As mentioned earlier with respect to working pulling inside informations, similarly, insufficiency of store pulling inside informations can be a possible cause of Variations in the building undertakings.

Consultant ‘s deficiency of judgement and experience: Professional experience and judgement is an of import factor for a successful completion of a edifice undertaking ( Clough and Sears, 1994 ; O’Brien, 1998 ) . The deficiency of professional experience increases the hazard of mistakes in design every bit good as during building. Finally, this may impact the undertaking quality and detain the undertaking completion.

Lack of adviser ‘s cognition of available stuffs and equipment: Knowledge of available stuffs and equipment is an of import factor for developing a comprehensive design ( Geok, 2002 ) . In the building industry where material standardisation is non common, the adviser ‘s deficiency of cognition of available stuffs and equipment can do legion major Variations during assorted undertaking stages.

Honest incorrect beliefs of adviser: Honest wrong beliefs may do building professionals to lend hapless value attention deficit disorder in undertakings ( Arain, 2002 ; Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Advisers, without holding firsthand cognition, may do determinations based on their incorrect beliefs which would adversely impact the gait of the undertaking.

Consultant ‘s deficiency of required informations: A deficiency of informations can ensue in misunderstanding of the existent demands of a undertaking ( Assaf et al. , 1995 ; Arain, 2002 ) . When there is deficient informations, advisers are prone to develop designs based on their ain perceptual experiences, which may non be what the Employer wants. Finally, this may do major Variations and impact the undertaking negatively.

Obstinate nature of adviser: In a multi-player environment like building, the professionals have to work every bit squad at the assorted interfaces of a undertaking ( Wang, 2000 ; Arain et al. , 2004 ) . If the adviser is stubborn, he may non suit other originative and good thoughts. Finally, this may do major Variations in the ulterior phases and impact the undertaking Negatively.

Equivocal design inside informations: A clearer design tends to be comprehended more readily ( O’Brien, 1998 ) . Ambiguity or Doubtfulness or uncertainness in design is a possible cause of Variations in a undertaking. This is because ambiguity in design can be misinterpreted by undertaking participants, taking to make over and detain in the undertaking completion. Finally, this may impact the undertaking advancement negatively.

Design disagreements ( unequal design ) : Inadequate design can be a frequent cause of Variations in building undertakings ( CII, 1990a ; Fisk, 1997 ) . Design discrepancies affect the undertaking functionality and quality. Finally, this can impact a undertaking adversely depending on the timing of the happening of the Variations.

Disobedience of design with authorities ordinances: Disobedience of design with authorities ordinances or policies would be the undertaking hard to put to death ( Clough and Sears, 1994 ) . Disobedience with authorities ordinances may impact the undertaking safety and advancement negatively, taking to serious accidents and holds in the undertaking completion.

Disobedience of design with proprietor ‘s demands: A comprehensive design is one that accommodates the proprietor ‘s demands ( Cox and Hamilton, 1995 ) . A disobedience design with the proprietor ‘s demands is considered an unequal design ( Fisk, 1997 ) . Finally, this may do Variations for suiting the Employer ‘s demands. This may impact the undertaking adversely during the building stage.

Change in specifications by adviser: Changes in specifications are frequent in building undertakings with unequal undertaking aims ( O’Brien, 1998 ) . As mentioned earlier with regard to alterations in specifications by the Employer, this is besides a possible cause of Variations in a undertaking, taking to reworks and holds in the undertaking completion.

C. Contractor Related Variations

This subdivision discusses the causes of Variations that were related to the Contractor. In some instances, the contractor may propose Variations to the undertaking, or the Variations may be required because the contractor fails to carry through certain demands for transporting out the undertaking.

Lack of Contractor ‘s engagement in design: Engagement of the Contractor in the design may help in developing better designs by suiting his creative and practical thoughts ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Lack of Contractor ‘s engagement in design may finally do Variations. Practical thoughts which are non accommodated during the design stage will finally impact the undertaking negatively.

Inaccessibility of equipment: Inaccessibility of equipment is a procurance job that can impact the undertaking completion ( O’Brien, 1998 ) . Occasionally, the deficiency of equipment may do major design Variations or accommodations to project scheduling to suit the replacing.

Inaccessibility of accomplishments ( deficit of skilled work force ) : Skilled work force is one of the major resources required for complex technological undertakings ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Deficit of skilled work force is more likely to happen in complex technological undertakings. This deficiency can be a cause for Variations that may detain the undertaking ‘s completion day of the month.

Contractor ‘s fiscal troubles: Construction is a labour intensive industry. Whether the Contractor has been paid or non, the rewards of the worker must still be paid ( Thomas and Napolitan, 1994 ) . Contractor ‘s fiscal troubles may do major Variations during a undertaking, impacting its quality and advancement and in some instances even the safety of the site is affected if there is an statement.

Contractor ‘s coveted profitableness: Contractor ‘s coveted profitableness can be a possible cause of Variations in building undertakings. This is because Variations are considered a common beginning of extra plants for the contractor ( O’Brien, 1998 ) . The Contractor may finally endeavor to convert the undertaking Employer to let certain Variations, taking to extra fiscal benefits for him.

Differing site conditions: Differing site status can be an of import cause of holds in big edifice undertakings ( Assaf et al. , 1995 ) . The contractor may confront different dirt conditions than those indicated in the stamp paperss. Finally this may impact his cost estimations and agenda negatively.

Defective craft: Defective craft may take to destruction and rework in building undertakings ( Fisk, 1997 ; O’Brien, 1998 ) . Defective craft consequences in low quality in building undertakings ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Even the Contractor bares the cost of the faulty work, but this besides may impact the undertaking negatively, taking to make over and detain in the undertaking completion.

Unfamiliarity with local conditions: Acquaintance with local conditions is an of import factor for the successful completion of a building undertaking ( Clough and Sears, 1994 ) . If the Contractor is non cognizant of local conditions, it would be highly hard for him to transport out the undertaking. Finally, undertaking holds may happen that stop up with critical Variations in the full design entity.

Lack of a specialised building director: The building director carries out the building stage in an organized manner to extinguish the hazards of holds and other jobs. Lack of a specialised building director may take to faulty craft and hold in the building undertaking.

Fast path building: Fast path building requires an organized system to at the same time transport out mutualist undertaking activities ( Fisk, 1997 ) . When the populace and private sectors have big financess and want to finish undertakings in a really short clip, complete building drawings and specifications may non be available when the contractor starts work ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) .Eventually, this procurement manner may do major Variations.

Poor procurement procedure: Procurement holds have assorted negative effects on other procedures in the building rhythm ( Fisk, 1997 ) . Occasionally, the procurement hold may do an full alteration or replacing for originally specified stuffs or equipment for the undertaking ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . This may therefore cause a demand for undertaking activities to be reworked.

Lack of communicating: Damaging Variations, which affect the undertakings adversely, can normally be managed at an early phase with strong and ceaseless communicating. A deficiency of coordination and communicating between parties may do major Variations that could finally impact the undertaking negatively ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) .

Contractor ‘s deficiency of judgement and experience: The adviser ‘s deficiency of professional experience increases the hazard of mistakes during building ( O’Brien, 1998 ) . This deficiency may do major building Variations in a undertaking, when both Contractor and adviser could non place or anticipate the jobs in the planning phase due to both parties are missing of experience. Finally, this may impact the undertaking quality and detain the undertaking completion.

Long lead procurance: Procurement holds have assorted inauspicious affects on other procedures in the building rhythm ( Fisk, 1997 ) . Occasionally, the procurement hold may do an full alteration or replacing for originally specified stuffs or equipment for the undertaking. Delay in long lead procurance is a common cause of holds in edifice undertakings ( Assaf et al. , 1995 ) .

Honest incorrect beliefs of contractor: As mentioned earlier with regard to honest incorrect beliefs of the adviser, honest incorrect beliefs of the contractor can besides be a possible cause of Variations in building undertakings. Contractors, without holding firsthand cognition, may do determinations based on their incorrect beliefs which would adversely impact the quality and gait of the undertaking.

Complex design and engineering: Complex design and engineering require elaborate readings by the interior decorator to do it comprehendible for the Contractor ( Arain, 2002 ) . A complex design may be experienced for the first clip by the Contractor. Finally, the complexness may impact the flow of building activities, taking to holds in the undertaking completion.

Lack of strategic planning: Proper strategic planning is an of import factor for successful completion of a edifice undertaking ( Clough and Sears, 1994 ; CII, 1994a ) . The deficiency of strategic planning is a common cause of Variations in undertakings where building starts before the design is finalized, for case, in coincident design and building contracts ( O’Brien, 1998 ) .

Contractor ‘s deficiency of required informations: A deficiency of required informations may impact the contractor ‘s strategic planning for successful undertaking completion, taking to frequent breaks during the building procedure. This is because a deficiency of informations can ensue in misunderstanding of the existent demands of a undertaking ( Assaf et al. , 1995 ; Arain et al. , 2004 ) .

Contractor ‘s stubborn nature: As mentioned earlier with respect to the stubborn nature of adviser, similarly, this can be a possible cause of Variations in building undertakings. If the Contractor is stubborn, he may non suit originative and good thoughts suggested by others. Finally, this may do major Variations in the ulterior phases and impact the undertaking negatively.

D. Other Variations

This subdivision discusses the causes of Variations that were non straight related to the undertaking squad.

Upwind conditions: Adverse conditions conditions can impact outside activities in building undertakings ( Fisk, 1997 ; O’Brien, 1998 ) . When conditions conditions vary such as the assorted monsoon seasons in Malaysia, the contractor needs to set the building agenda consequently. Occasionally, this may impact the undertaking advancement negatively, taking to holds in building.

Safety considerations: Safety is an of import factor for the successful completion of a edifice undertaking ( Clough and Sears, 1994 ) . Disobedience with safety demands may do major Variations in design. Lack of safety considerations may impact the undertaking advancement negatively, taking to serious accidents and holds in the undertaking completion.

Change in authorities ordinances: Local governments may hold specific codifications and ordinances that need to be accommodated in the design ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Change in authorities ordinances during the undertaking building stage may do major Variations in design and building. This can impact a undertaking negatively depending on the timing of the happening of the alterations.

Change in economic conditions: Economic conditions are one of the influential factors that may impact a building undertaking ( Fisk, 1997 ) . The economic state of affairs of a state can impact the whole building industry and its participants. Finally, this may impact the undertaking negatively, depending on the timing of the happening of the Variations.

Socio-cultural factors: Professionals with different socio-cultural backgrounds may meet jobs due to different perceptual experiences, and this may impact the working environment of the building undertaking ( Arain et al. , 2004 ) . Lack of coordination is common between professionals with different socio-cultural backgrounds ( O’Brien, 1998 ) . Finally, undertaking holds may happen that stop up with critical alterations in the full undertaking squad.

Unanticipated jobs: Unanticipated conditions are normally faced by professionals in the building industry ( Clough and Sears, 1994 ; O’Brien, 1998 ) . If these conditions are non solved every bit shortly as possible, they may do major Variations in the building undertakings. Finally, this may impact the undertaking negatively, taking to reworks and holds in the undertaking completion.


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