Prediction Of Lysine Ubiquitination With Mrmr Biology Essay

Ubiquitination, one of the most of import post-translational alterations of proteins, occurs when ubiquitin ( a little 76 amino-acid protein ) is attached to lysine on a mark protein. It frequently commits the labelled protein to debasement and dramas of import functions in modulating many cellular procedures implicated in a assortment of diseases. Since ubiquitination is rapid and reversible, it is time-consuming and labour-intensive to place ubiquitination sites utilizing conventional experimental attacks. To expeditiously detect lysine-ubiquitination sites, a sequence-based forecaster of ubiquitination site was developed based on Nearest Neighbor Algorithm ( NNA ) . The Maximum Relevance & A ; Minimum Redundancy ( mRMR ) rule and the Incremental Feature Selection ( IFS ) process are used to optimise the anticipation engine. PSSM preservation tonss, aminic acid factors and upset tonss of the environing sequence formed the optimized 456 characteristics. The Mathewi??i??s correlativity coefficient ( MCC ) of our ubiquitination site forecaster achieved 0.142 by clasp knife cross-validation trial on a big benchmark dataset. In independent trial, the MCC of our method was 0.139, higher than the bing ubiquitination site forecaster UbiPred and UbPred. The MCC of UbiPred and UbPred on the same trial set were 0.135 and 0.117, severally. Our analysis shows that the preservation of aminic acids at and around lysine plays an of import function in ubiquitination site anticipation. Whati??i??s more, upset and ubiquitination have a strong relevancy. These findings might supply utile penetrations for analyzing the mechanisms of ubiquitination and modulating the ubiquitination tract, potentially taking to possible curative schemes in the hereafter.


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In the post-genomic epoch, cognition of post-translational alterations ( PTMs ) of proteins is important for understanding the dynamic proteome and assorted signaling tracts or webs in cells ( Aguilar and Wendland 2003 ; Saghatelian and Cravatt 2005 ; Herrmann et Al. 2007 ; Hicke and Dunn 2003 ; Welchman et al. 2005 ) . One of the most of import and cosmopolitan post-translational alterations, protein ubiquitination is a rapid and reversible biochemical procedure in which an iso-peptide bond signifiers covalently between the C-terminal double-glycine carboxy group of a ubiquitin protein and the i??i??-amino group of lysine residues of a substrate protein ( Pickart 2001 ) . Ubiquitination regulates a assortment of biological procedures, such as signal transduction, cell division/mitosis, programmed cell death, and endocytosis ( Sun and Chen 2004 ; Reinstein and Ciechanover 2006 ; Hoeller et Al. 2006 ; Hicke 2001 ) . An aberrancy of the ubiquitin-proteasome system ( UPS ) is associated in legion pathological diseases, such as inflammatory diseases, neurodegenerative upsets, and malignant neoplastic diseases ( Hoeller et al. 2006 ; Reinstein and Ciechanover 2006 ) .

Designation of ubiquitinated proteins sites is one of the greatest challenges in deriving a full apprehension of the regulative functions of ubiquitination ordinance and the molecular mechanism of the ubiquitin system. It is time-consuming and labour-intensive to utilize conventional experimental attacks to place the possible ubiquitinated proteins sites, such as site-mutagenesis ( Lin et al. 2005 ) , antibodies of Ub ( anti-Ub ) ( Gentry et al. 2005 ) , and high-throughput mass-spectrometry ( MS ) ( Kirkpatrick et al. 2005 ) . Therefore, it is convenient and efficient to utilize in silico algorithms in anticipation of ubiquitination sites.

In this work, we developed a new computational method to foretell lysine-ubiquitination. Specifically, we used a machine larning attack ( Nearest Neighbor Algorithm ) combined with characteristic choice ( IFS based on mRMR ( Peng et al. 2005b ) ) . Twenty-six parametric quantities were used to depict each amino acid of the lysine site and its surrounding 1s ( from -10 to +10 ) . The 26 parametric quantities can be broken down into three classs: 20 PSSM preservation tonss, five amino acid factors and one upset mark. A mark assigned utilizing Position-Specific Scoring Matrices ( PSSM ) represents the preservation position of each amino acid in the protein sequence ( Altschul et al. 1997 ) . Amino acerb factors were defined by Atchley et Al ( Atchley et al. 2005 ) through multivariate statistical analyses on AAIndex ( Kawashima and Kanehisa 2000 ) to bring forth five aminic acid factors that reflected mutual opposition ( AAFactor 1 ) , secondary construction ( AAFactor 2 ) , molecular volume ( AAFactor 3 ) , codon diverseness ( AAFactor 4 ) , and electrostatic charge ( AAFactor 5 ) . Disorder mark ( Peng et al. 2006 ) quantified the upset position of each amino acid in the protein sequence. Disordered parts in proteins lack fixed 3-dimensional constructions under physiological conditions, but they play of import functions in ordinance, signaling, and control.

This survey focuses on the computational designation of lysine ( K ) ubiquitination. The Mathewi??i??s correlativity coefficient ( MCC ) of lysine ( K ) ubiquitination site anticipations was 0.142 on preparation set evaluated by clasp knife cross-validation and 0.139 on independent trial set. The undermentioned characteristics separate our survey from old ubiquitination anticipation theoretical accounts ( Radivojac et al. 2010 ; Tung and Ho 2008 ) : ( 1 ) a larger benchmark dataset was used, ( 2 ) the characteristic set was much smaller and more compact, ( 3 ) clasp knife cross-validation and independent trial were used to measure efficaciously and objectively the public presentation of our classifier, ( 4 ) the applied anticipation theoretical account nearest neighbour algorithm was much simpler and faster than SVM ( Tung and Ho 2008 ) or random wood, ( Radivojac et al. 2010 ) both of which could hold easy introduced over-fitting jobs, and ( 5 ) on independent trial our theoretical account has better public presentation than two bing forecasters: UbiPred and UbPred. Our analysis shows that the preservation of amino acid at the lysine site and around dramas of import functions in ubiquitination site anticipation. It besides shows that electrostatic charge, molecular volume, secondary construction, codon diverseness, and mutual opposition of aminic acids in the flanking sequences are of import for the ubiquitination procedure. Interestingly, upset and ubiquitination have a strong relevancy.

Materials and Methods


The ubiquitinated protein sequences we used for developing comes from SysPTM ( Li et al. 2009 ) . Peptides incorporating lysine ( K ) were extracted as our preparation samples. Harmonizing to Tungi??i??s work ( Tung and Ho 2008 ) , the best window size for ubiquitination site anticipation is 21. So we adopted their Windowss size and stand for each lysine ubiquitination site with a peptide fragment consisted of 21 residues with 10 residues upriver and 10 residues downstream of the lysine ( K ) . The original dataset downloaded from SysPTM has 514 lysine-ubiquitination sites from 349 proteins. After taking the redundancy of the 349 protein sequences against homology prejudice utilizing the plan cd-hit ( Li and Godzik 2006 ) , we obtained 273 distinguishable sequences among which the sequence individuality was lower than 0.6. We indiscriminately selected 12 proteins to organize the independent trial set and the left 271 proteins to build the preparation set. Since the figure of ubiquitinated lysine sites and non-ubiquitinated lysine sites were extremely imbalanced ; we randomly choice three clip negative samples to fit the positive 1s in preparation set. In independent trial set, we remained the all the positive and negative samples to do it near to existent state of affairs. There were 364 positive samples ( ubiquitinated lysine fragments ) and 1,092 negative samples ( non-ubiquitinated lysine fragments ) in the preparation set ; meanwhile in the independent trial set, there were 14 positive samples and 267 negative samples. The benchmark dataset we used were larger than Tungi??i??s 157 ubiquitination sites ( Tung and Ho 2008 ) or Radivojaci??i??s 272 ubiquitinated fragments ( Radivojac et al. 2010 ) . Both the positive and negative lysine samples for preparation and independent trial can be found in Dataset S1.

Feature Construction

The characteristics of PSSM preservation tonss

Evolutionary preservation is one of the most of import constructs in biological science. If an amino acid in a peculiar place of a peculiar protein is conserved, it indicates that this amino acid may turn up in an of import or functional part of the protein.

Position Specific Iterated BLAST ( PSI BLAST ) ( Altschul et al. 1997 ) can mensurate the residue preservation in a given location. Each residue can be encoded into a 20-dimensional vector which represents the chances of preservation against mutants to 20 different amino acids. Position Specific Scoring Matrix ( PSSM ) ( Ahmad and Sarai 2005 ) is a matrix of such vectors which represent all residues in a given sequence. If a residue is conserved in PSI BLAST, it is likely to be of import for biological map. In this survey, we used the PSSM preservation mark to quantify the preservation position of each amino acid in the protein sequence. The plan i??i??blastpgpi??i?? downloaded from file transfer protocol: // was used to cipher the PSSM preservation mark with three loops ( -j 3 ) and e-value threshold for inclusion in multipass theoretical account 0.0001 ( -h 0.0001 ) .

The characteristics of aminic acerb factors

AAIndex ( Kawashima and Kanehisa 2000 ) is a database of numerical indices, stand foring assorted physicochemical and biochemical belongingss of aminic acids or braces of aminic acids. Atchley et Al ( Atchley et al. 2005 ) did multivariate statistical analyses on AAIndex to bring forth five multidimensional forms of attribute covariation reflecting mutual opposition ( AAFactor 1 ) , secondary construction ( AAFactor 2 ) , molecular volume ( AAFactor 3 ) , codon diverseness ( AAFactor 4 ) , and electrostatic charge ( AAFactor 5 ) . These five transformed tonss ( called i??i??amino acid factorsi??i?? here ) has been used to successfully work out several hard biological science jobs, such as hurtful non-synonymous SNP designation ( Huang et al. 2010b ) and B-cell antigenic determinants anticipation ( Rubinstein et al. 2009 ) . Here, we used these five amino acerb factors to encode each amino acid in the lysine fragment.

The characteristics of upset mark

Disordered parts in proteins lack fixed 3-dimensional constructions under physiological conditions, but they play of import functions in ordinance, signaling control. These activities are achieved by high-specificity low affinity interactions and multiple binding of proteins ( Sickmeier et al. 2007 ) . In this survey, we used upset mark to quantify the upset position of each amino acid in the protein sequence. VSL2 ( Peng et al. 2006 ) was used to cipher the upset mark. The VSL2 forecasters can foretell broken parts of any length and it can accurately place the short broken parts. The upset tonss of lysine site and its surrounding amino acids formed the characteristics of upsets.

The characteristic infinite

The lysine ( K ) ubiquitination site was encoded by 20 PSSM preservation tonss and 1 upset mark, in entire 21 characteristics. Each of its environing aminic acids ( 10 residues upriver and 10 residues downstream ) was encoded by 26 characteristics, including 20 PSSM preservation tonss, 5 amino acid factors, and 1 upset mark. Overall, each sample was represented by characteristics.

mRMR method

The Maximum Relevance, Minimum Redundancy ( mRMR ) method was originally developed to cover with the microarray informations processing by Peng et Al. ( Peng et al. 2005a ) . In this method, each characteristic can be ranked based on its relevancy to aim, and the superior procedure is able to see the redundancy of these characteristics at the same clip. A i??i??goodi??i?? characteristic is defined as one has the best tradeoff between maximal relevancy to aim and minimal redundancy within the characteristics. To quantify both relevancy and redundancy, common information ( MI ) , which estimates how much one vector is related to another, is defined as followers.

( 1 )

where, are vectors, is the joint probabilistic denseness, and are the fringy probabilistic densenesss. Givendata points drawn from the joint chance distribution, the joint and fringy densenesss can be estimated by the Gaussian meat calculator as following ( Beirlant et al. 1997 ; Qiu et Al. 2009 )

( 2 )

( 3 )

( 4 )

is a tuning parametric quantity that controls the breadth of the meats.

Let denotes the whole characteristic set, while denotes the already-selected characteristic set which contains m characteristics and denotes the to-be-selected characteristic set which contains n characteristics. Relevance of the characteristic in with the targetcan be calculated by:

( 5 )

And redundancyof the characteristic in with all the characteristics in can be calculated by:

( 6 )

To obtain the featurein with maximal relevancy and minimal redundancy, Eq ( 5 ) and Eq ( 6 ) are combined with the mRMR map:

( 7 )

For a characteristic set withfeatures, the characteristic rating will go on N unit of ammunitions. After these ratings, we will acquire a characteristic setby mRMR method:

( 8 )

In this characteristic set, each characteristic has an index H, which indicates which unit of ammunition that the characteristic is selected. The better a characteristic is, the earlier it will be selected, and the smaller its index H will be.

Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

In our survey, Nearest Neighbor Algorithm ( NNA ) is used as a anticipation theoretical account. NNA makes its determination by ciphering similarities between the trial sample and all the preparation samples. In our survey, the distance between vector and is defined as follow ( Qian et Al. 2006 ; Huang et Al. 2009 ; Huang et Al. 2010a ) :

( 9 )

In NNA, the question vector will be designated to the same category of its nearest neighbour in preparation set with known categories which has the smallest distance.

Jackknife cross-validation and independent trial

We used the jackknife cross-validation method, besides known as Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation ( LOOCV ) ( Li et al. 2007 ; Cai et Al. 2009 ; Huang et Al. 2008 ) , one of the most effectual and nonsubjective ways to measure the public presentation of our classifier on preparation set. With jackknife cross-validation, every sample is tested by the forecaster trained with all the other samples. Besides the clasp knife cross-validation on preparation set, we besides did independent trial. Since the positive and negative samples are extremely imbalanced in preparation set and independent trial set, the Matthewsi??i??s correlativity coefficient ( MCC ) ( Baldi et al. 2000 ) was used to measure the anticipation public presentation and defined as

( 10 )

where TP, TN, FP and FN stand for true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative, severally.

Taken both sensitiveness and specificity into history, MCC is considered as a balanced step in covering with unbalanced informations ( Baldi et al. 2000 ; Han et Al. 2008 ) .

Meanwhile, Sensitivity ( Sn ) , specificity ( Sp ) and truth ( ACC ) and defined as following are besides calculated

( 11 )

( 12 )

( 13 )

where TP, TN, FP and FN stand for true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative, severally.

Incremental Feature Selection ( IFS )

Although mRMR could rank the characteristics based on their importance, we do non cognize how many characteristics in the list should be chosen. In our survey, Incremental Feature Selection ( IFS ) ( Huang et al. 2009 ; Huang et Al. 2010a ) was used to find the optimum figure of characteristics.

An incremental characteristic choice is conducted for each of the independent forecaster with the graded characteristics. Features in a set are added one by one from higher to lower rank. If one characteristic is added, a new characteristic set is obtained, so we get N characteristic sets where N is the figure of characteristics, and the i-th characteristic set is:

Based on each of the N characteristic sets, NNA forecasters were constructed and tested by jackknife cross-validation on preparation set. With MCC of clasp knife cross-validation calculated, we obtain an IFS tabular array with the figure of characteristics and the public presentation of them. is the optimum characteristic set that achieves the highest MCC.


mRMR consequence

Using the mRMR plan downloaded from hypertext transfer protocol: //, we obtained the graded mRMR list of 541 characteristics. The smaller index of characteristic indicates more of import functions in discriminate positive samples from negative 1s. The mRMR list was used in IFS process for characteristic choice and analysis.

IFS consequence

Based on the end products of mRMR, we built 541 single forecasters for the 541 sub-feature sets to foretell the lysine-ubiquitination sites. As described in the Materials and Methods subdivision, we tested the forecasters with one characteristic, two characteristics, three characteristics, etc. , and obtained the IFS consequence which can be found in Table S1.

Figure 1 shows IFS curve plotted based on Table S1. The highest MCC was 0.142 when 456 characteristics were used. So these 456 characteristics were considered as the optimum characteristic set of our classifier. The 456 optimum characteristics were given in Table S2.

Independent trial and comparing with other methods

We tested our theoretical account in an independent dataset in which there were 14 positive samples and 267 negative samples. The MCC of our method independent trial was 0.139. Meanwhile, we besides predicted the independent set with two bing ubiquitination site forecasters: UbiPred ( Tung and Ho 2008 ) and UbPred ( Radivojac et al. 2010 ) . The MCC of UbiPred and UbPred on the same independent trial set were 0.135 and 0.117, severally. The public presentation of our theoretical account is better than both UbiPred and UbPred on the independent trial set in which the positive and negative samples are extremely imbalanced and near to existent state of affairs.

The distribution of the optimized characteristic set

As described in the Materials and Methods subdivision, there were three sorts of characteristics: PSSM preservation tonss, aminic acid factors and upset tonss. The figure of each type of characteristics in optimum characteristic set was investigated and shown in Figure 2A. The figure of each site of characteristics in optimum characteristic set was shown in Figure 2B. In the optimized 456 characteristics, there were 100 amino acid factor characteristics, 8 upset mark characteristics and 348 PSSM preservation mark characteristics. This may propose that preservation played of import function for the ubiquitination site anticipation. Similar evolutionary information exploited through position-specific marking matrices ( PSSMs ) was besides used in two old anticipation theoretical accounts of ubiquitylation ( Radivojac et al. 2010 ; Tung and Ho 2008 ) .

Since there were 348 PSSM preservation mark characteristics which count for a big proportion in the optimized 456 characteristics, we investigated the figure of each sort of amino acid of PSSM characteristics ( Figure 3A ) and the figure of each site of PSSM characteristics ( Figure 3B ) . The preservation of lysine site ( AA11 ) was most of import for the ubiquitination, and there were more PSSM preservation mark characteristics at nearby site AA7, AA8, AA9, AA12, AA14 and remote site AA1, AA18, AA19, AA21 than others. The importance of distant site explained why Tung found that the proper window size for ubiquitylation site anticipation is 21 ( Tung and Ho 2008 ) . In add-on, the preservation against mutants to 20 amino acids played different functions. Mutants to amino acids A, C, F, H, I, L, M, S, T, V, W and Y have more influence on ubiquitination than other sorts of mutants.

The figure of aminic acerb factor characteristics in the optimum characteristic set was 100, which means all amino acerb factor characteristics have been selected and all the five amino acid factors were every bit of import.

There were 8 upset tonss selected in the optimum characteristic set: the upset tonss at site AA6, AA7, AA8, AA9, AA10, AA14, AA17 and AA18. The upset mark of AA7 ranked foremost in the mRMR list. This indicated the upset position of amino acid around the ubiquitination site could impact the ubiquitination procedure. It has been reported that broken proteins have a greater proportion of predicted ubiquitination sites ( Edwards et al. 2009 ) . To better look into the relationship between upset and ubiquitination, we averaged the upset tonss at each site in ubiquitinated fragments and non-ubiquitinated fragments and compared them in Figure 4. In Figure 4, the ruddy and bluish points were the mean of upset tonss at each site in ubiquitinated fragments and non-ubiquitinated fragments, repectively. The breadth of mistake saloon represents the standard mistake of the mean. It is rather clearly that the ubiquitinated fragments and non-ubiquitinated fragments have really different upset mark form. The upset mark at each site in the ubiquitinated fragments is higher than the 1 in the non-ubiquitinated fragments.


Proteins are targeted for debasement by the covalent ligation to ubiquitin, a little 76-amino-acid residue protein. Ubiquitination of mark substrates is a extremely collaborative procedure affecting a three-step cascade mechanism between the ubiquitin-activating enzyme ( E1 ) , ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes ( E2 ) , and ubiquitin ligases ( E3 ) ( Hershko and Ciechanover 1998 ) .

Within the selected physicochemical belongings parametric quantities, we show that mutual opposition ( AAFactor 1 ) , secondary construction ( AAFactor 2 ) , molecular volume ( AAFactor 3 ) , codon diverseness ( AAFactor 4 ) , and electrostatic charge ( AAFactor 5 ) portion the similar function in protein ubiquitination choice. The most marked characteristic of Ub sites is the copiousness of charged and polar amino acids, particularly negatively charged D and E, and the depletion of hydrophobic residues, such as L, I, F, and P around Ub sites ( Nonaka et al. 2005 ; Radivojac et Al. 2010 ) . These parametric quantities are extremely related to electrostatic charge and amino acerb composing in the next sequence. The known E3 enzymes could be separated in two protein households: HECT sphere and RING E3s. The crystal constructions of these composites reveal extraordinary specificity of interaction by a little set of cringles at the terminal of the UbcH7 i??i??-sheet ( a subset of secondary construction ) ( Zheng et al. 2000 ; Huang et Al. 1999 ) . From these consequences, it is easier to understand how the presence of a few divergent surface residues could modulate the catalytic belongingss of ubiquitination. The similar places of the three substrate binding spheres supported that RING E3s promote ubiquitin transportation by positioning the substrate in a mode such that the lysine is optimally E2 active size ( Zheng et al. 2002 ; Schulman et al. 2000 ) , spacing between the devastation motive and the ubiquitin-acceptor lysine residue as a parametric quantity that affects the rate of substrate ubiquitination, farther back uping the placement theoretical account ( Wu et al. 2003 ) . These construction analyses stress the importance of secondary construction, molecular size or volume to the ubiquitination procedure.

The relationship between ubiquitination and protein upset is complex and remains ill-defined, but research workers have observed that the per centum of residues predicted as possible ubiquitination sites additions with increasing sums of upset ( Edwards et al. 2009 ) . A big proportion of broken proteins are extremely expressed in many tissues ( Edwards et al. 2009 ) . These proteins may hold a higher opportunity of debasement, as they are likely to hold a higher denseness of ubiquitination sites.

Although much cognition about ubiquitination has been accumulated to day of the month, it is hard to presume that all substrates carry a similar preexisting construction before they bind to the constituents of the ubiquitination machinery. Here, we examine sequence and structural penchants of all available ubiquitination sites and show that they have selected physicochemical belongings parametric quantities. Regulated protein aiming and turnover through the ubiquitin-proteasome system underlies a host of critical physiological and pathological provinces in worlds. The ability to modulate the single stairss in the ubiquitination tract offers possible curative schemes in the hereafter.


A fresh sequence-based forecaster was developed for placing the ubiquitination at Lysine-site. With the IFS characteristic choice process based on mRMR analysis, the forecaster achieved an MCC of 0.142 by clasp knife cross-validation trial on benchmark dataset. In independent trial, the MCC of our forecaster was 0.139, higher than the bing ubiquitination site anticipation tools UbiPred and UbPred. Our analysis shows that the preservation of amino acid at and around lysine dramas of import functions in ubiquitination site anticipation. It besides shows that electrostatic charge, molecular volume, secondary construction, codon diverseness, and mutual opposition of aminic acids in the flanking sequences are of import for the ubiquitination procedure. Interestingly, upset and ubiquitination have a strong relevancy. Although the consequences reported here are rather encouraging, the present survey is simply a preliminary 1. Further probe is needed to clear uping the predicted relationship between preservation, upset and ubiquitination.

Figure fables

Figure 1 – The IFS curve of forecasters

In the IFS curve, the x-axis is the figure of characteristics and the y-axis is the MCC of clasp knife cross-validation. The highest MCC was 0.142 when 456 characteristics were used. So these 456 characteristics were considered as the optimum characteristic set of our classifier.

Figure 2 – The figure of each type or each site of characteristics in optimum characteristic set

( A ) The figure of each type of characteristics in optimum characteristic set. There were 100 amino acid factor characteristics, 8 upset mark characteristics and 348 PSSM preservation mark characteristics. ( B ) The figure of each site of characteristics in optimum characteristic set. From 10 residues upriver to 10 residues downstream ( i??i??AA1i??i?? , i??i??AA2i??i?? , i??i?? , i??i??AA20i??i?? , i??i??AA21i??i?? ) , there were 23, 20, 21, 21, 20, 21, 23, 23, 24, 22, 20, 23, 19, 24, 20, 22, 21, 24, 22, 21 and 22 characteristics, severally.

Figure 3 – The figure of each type or each site of PSSM characteristics in optimum characteristic set

( A ) The figure of each type of PSSM characteristics in optimum characteristic set. ( B ) The figure of each site of PSSM characteristics in optimum characteristic set. The preservation of lysine site ( AA11 ) was most of import for the ubiquitination, and there were more PSSM preservation mark characteristics at nearby site AA7, AA8, AA9, AA12, AA14 and remote site AA1, AA18, AA19, AA21 than others.

Figure 4 – The upset tonss at each site in ubiquitinated fragments and non-ubiquitinated fragments

The ruddy and bluish points were the mean of upset tonss at each site in ubiquitinated fragments and non-ubiquitinated fragments, repectively. The breadth of mistake saloon represents the standard mistake of the mean.

Auxiliary Material

Dataset S1 – Benchmark dataset.

Table S1 – The IFS consequence.

Table S2 – The 456 optimum characteristics.


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