Prevention and control of computer abuse Essay


The Board of Directors of Aries Infotech, Inc. has adopted this Guideline in direct understanding with all Company Employees and related Business Associates to forestall and command Computer Abuse in the Work Environment.


The computing machines, electronic media and services provided by Rams Infotech are chiefly for concern usage to help employees in the public presentation of their occupations. Equally long as personal usage does non interfere with the employee ‘s responsibilities, is non done for pecuniary addition, does non conflict with the Company ‘s public presentation, and does non go against any Company policy, occasional, or incidental usage of electronic media ( directing or having ) for personal, non concern intents is apprehensible and acceptable, and all such usage should be done in a mode that does non negatively affect the systems ‘ usage for their concern intents. However, employees are expected to show a sense of duty and non mistreat this privilege.

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By and large, electronic information created and/or communicated by an employee utilizing electronic mail, word processing, public-service corporation plans, spreadsheets, voice mail, telephones, Internet and bulletin board system entree, and similar electronic media is non reviewed by the company.

However, the undermentioned conditions should be noted:

Rams Infotech does routinely garner logs for most electronic activities or proctor employee communications straight, be it:

  • Telephone Use and Voicemail
  • Electronic Mail
  • Desktop Facsimile Use
  • Document Use
  • Internet Use

Rams Infotech militias the right, at its discretion and without notice, to reexamine any employee ‘s electronic files and messages to the extent necessary to guarantee electronic media and services are being used in conformity with the jurisprudence, this policy and other company policies, or to look into misconduct, to turn up information, or for any other concern intent.

Guidelines for Computer and Network Usage


Entree to the Aries Infotech engineering resoursces is within the exclusive discretion of the Company. By and large, employees are given entree to the Company ‘s assorted engineerings based on their occupation maps. Merely employees whose occupation public presentation will profit from the usage of the Company ‘s engineering resources will be given entree to the necessary engineering. Additionally, employees must successfully finish Company-approved preparation before being given entree to the Aries Infotech engineering resources.


  • Employees must esteem the confidentiality of other persons ‘ electronic communications. Except in instance in which expressed mandate has been granted by company direction, employees are prohibited from prosecuting in, or trying to prosecute in:
  • Monitoring or stoping the files or electronic communications of other employees or 3rd parties ;
  • Choping or obtaining entree to systems or histories they are non authorized to utilize ;
  • Using other people ‘s log-ins or watchwords ; and
  • Breaching, proving, or supervising computing machine or web security steps.


Employees can utilize encoding package supplied to them by the systems decision makers for intents of safeguarding sensitive or confidential concern information. Employees who use encoding on files stored on a Company computing machine must supply their supervisor with a certain difficult transcript record ( to be retained in a secure location ) of all of the watchwords and/or encoding keys necessary to entree the files.


The Company is really sensitive to the issue of protection of trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information of both the Company and 3rd parties, in other words “ Confidential Information ” . Therefore, employees are expected to utilize good judgement and to adhere to the highest ethical criterions when utilizing or conveying Confidential Information on the Company ‘s engineering resources.


Any employee who abuses the privilege of their entree to e-mail or the Internet in misdemeanor of this policy will be capable to disciplinary action, including possible expiration of employment, legal action, and condemnable liability.


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