Professionalism: Education and College Student Essay

Promoting Professionalism 1 . Professionalism, to me, means taking the workplace seriously, treating everyone in a respectful and professional manner, dressing appropriately, working hard, and positively contributing to the work environment. Good professionalism Is my idea of what employers are looking for In an Ideal candidate for the Job. It Is something that helps to create the business-like environment that so many companies have.

Professionalism, as defined by the dictionary is, professional character, spirit, or ethos; the standing, practice, or methods of a professional, as distinguished from an amateur. 2. Behaviors and attitudes common to students or workers who behave professionally are: attention to detail, hard working in every task assigned, working to be the best both personally and within their environment, the drive to do well and the pride felt after a Job well done, and the ability to receive criticism in a positive manner and better his/her self based on the feedback given.

With all of these characteristics put together, along with others, a student or worker will be able to irately excel in school or a job. 3. Adapting professional behaviors and attitudes can greatly help in the success of a college student. If the goal of a college student is to be professional, his/her outcome will be greatly appreciated.

The student would have priorities as to the amount of time spent on each subject, doing work well and on time rather than procrastinating, work on creating a team environment in the classroom that would only serve to help all involved, and the hard work put into school and working towards good grades would be rewarded when looking for a Job. When a college student chooses to adapt a professional strategy to their schooling the only outcome possible is positivist. 4. This semester I plan on treating everyone with respect.

I know that speech classes are nerve-racking and stressful, so the least can do is be respectful towards the other students, knowing that we are all in the same boat. I plan to work very hard. Haven’t taken a speech class for a few years, so will have to work hard in order to succeed and do well in the classroom. I will also work on being able to receive criticism in a positive manner. The only way I can get better at giving speeches is by hearing feedback and learning from what I do wrong. 5.

My classmates and Instructor will know that I am exalting professional behavior because of the professional attitude I display In class. I will be very respectful, punctual, an active listener, give positive criticism, and will help with the growth of myself and other students. The professional manner I display in class will be noticeable In all ways. Professionalism: Education and College Student By cataclysmal positively contributing to the work environment. Good professionalism is my idea of what employers are looking for in an ideal candidate for the Job.

It is something that greatly excel in school or a Job. 3. Adapting professional behaviors and attitudes can with respect. I know that speech classes are nerve-racking and stressful, so the least I same boat. I plan to work very hard. I haven’t taken a speech class for a few years, so I 5. My classmates and instructor will know that I am exhibiting professional behavior because of the professional attitude I display in class. I will be very respectful, noticeable in all ways.

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