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Pneumonic diseases are an extremely of import cause of morbidity and mortality in the current age. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ) is amongst the most common chronic lung diseases, and is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. In add-on there are several other chronic lung upsets which cause a serious disability in the lives of patients affected by these upsets. It is in this context that the construct of pneumonic rehabilitation assumes importance. Whereas intervention purposes to forestall an damage from going a disablement, rehabilitations aims to forestall an bing disablement from going a disability in the life of a patient.

There are several definitions for Pulmonary Rehabilitation but the most widely used and accepted is that given by the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society late in the twelvemonth 2013. ATS/ERS defines Pulmonary rehabilitation as

Pneumonic rehabilitation is a comprehensive intercession based on a thorough patient appraisal followed by patient tailored therapies that include, but are non limited to, exercising preparation, instruction, and behaviour alteration, designed to better the physical and psychological status of people with chronic respiratory disease and to advance the long-run attachment to health-enhancing behaviors. ”

Pneumonic rehabilitation has had low beginnings. Alvan Barach in 1952 first utilized an exercising programme to show an addition in exercising capacity in two patients with emphysema. In 1966, Thomas Petty established one of the earliest out-patient pneumonic rehabilitation programmes at the University of Colorado. The American college of chest doctors formulated a definition for Pulmonary rehabilitation in 1974 and the American thoracic society issued its first official guideline on Pulmonary rehabilitation in 1980.

Pneumonic rehabilitation is an of import intercession in the direction of chronic clogging pneumonic disease ( COPD ) and other chronic respiratory diseases. The major aims of rehabilitation are the following

  • A decrease in symptoms
  • An improved operation in day-to-day life
  • An improved quality of life
  • Prevention of recurrent aggravations

In add-on to lung disfunction, cardiac disfunction and skeletal musculus disfunction contribute to exert intolerance in patients with chronic lung diseases. Pulmonary rehabilitation improves the operation of the other systems of the organic structure so that the consequence of lung disfunction on exercising intolerance is minimised. Therefore, Improvements in skeletal musculus map after exercising preparation lead to additions in exercising capacity despite the absence of alterations in lung map.

Pulmonary rehabilitation benefits patients irrespective of age, sex, lung map, or smoke position. Pneumonic rehabilitation should be considered for all patients with chronic respiratory disease who are diagnostic inspite of an optimum medical direction.


Pneumonic Rehabilitation is advantageous in the direction of chronic lung conditions in general and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ) in peculiar. Pneumonic rehabilitation improves the exercising tolerance, reduces the esthesis of dyspnea, and improves the health-related quality of life ( HRQOL ).Pneumonic rehabilitation besides leads to betterment in the ability to execute activities of day-to-day life ( ADL ) and decrease in the rates of aggravations. The benefits of Pulmonary rehabilitation are presented in table no 1.


Pneumonic Rehabilitation is utile in diagnostic patients with several chronic respiratory diseases. However the most of import conditions for which it is often utilised include the undermentioned.

  • COPD
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Bronchial Asthma
  • Pneumonic High blood pressure
  • Interstitial Lung Diseases
  • Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Prior to Lung organ transplant and Lung volume decrease surgery


As is apparent from the definition, Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary intercession indicated in diagnostic patients enduring from chronic lung conditions. It requires a squad attack with the co-ordinated engagement of non merely a Doctor but besides a respiratory healer, a physical therapist, a societal worker and equal support from the household members of the patient. Pneumonic Rehabilitation therefore requires a multipronged scheme to guarantee maximization of benefits to the patient.

Pneumonic Rehabilitation consists of the undermentioned major constituents.

1. Physical Rehabilitation

2. Management of organic structure composing abnormalcies and malnutrition

3. Self Management Education

4. Psychosocial and Behavioral intercessions

1. Physical Rehabilitation:

Patients with chronic lung diseases are characterized by important musculus blowing which contributes to hapless exercising tolerance in these patients. Therefore a programme of exercising preparation is an indispensable constituent of Pulmonary rehabilitation. It is of import to understand that exercising preparation does non change the implicit in respiratory damage but produces an betterment in musculus disfunction which is an of import subscriber to exert intolerance.

Exercise preparation is chiefly of two types.

a. Endurance preparation: Endurance preparation is the most normally applied exercising preparation mode in pneumonic rehabilitation. The simplest signifier of endurance preparation includes activities such as cycling, walking etc.

B. Strength preparation: Strength preparation is besides good in patients with chronic lung diseases. This type of preparation is more utile in bettering musculus mass and strength.

A normally used exercising regimen consists of 20 exercising Sessionss at least thrice a hebdomad. Both upper limb and lower limb exercisings should be encouraged. High strength exercising produces greater benefits. Optimizing medical intervention before exercising preparation with bronchodilator therapy, long-run O therapy, and the intervention of co- morbidities may maximise the effectivity of the exercising preparation intercession.

2. Management of organic structure composing abnormalcies and malnutriition

Patients with chronic lung diseases are by and large scraggy. Nutritional intercessions in add-on to strength preparation play an of import function in the rectification of these abnormalcies. Patients with a low BMI or a important weight loss should be considered for thermal supplementation. Adequate protein intake ( about 1- 1.5 gm/kg organic structure weight ) should be ensured. The function of anabolic steroids and growing endocrine remains problematic.

3. Self Management Education:

Education is an indispensable constituent of pneumonic rehabilitation. The major aim of educating the patient is the bar and early intervention of respiratory aggravations. The other constituents of self direction instruction include take a breathing schemes, bronchial hygiene techniques and terminal of life determination devising. Educating the patient lowers wellness service and reduces the load on an already overstretched wellness attention system. The successful execution of educational preparation to the place scene should be emphasized.

4. Psychosocial and Behavioral Interventions:

Chronic respiratory disease is associated with an increased hazard for anxiousness, depression, and other mental wellness upsets. This is most frequently related to the utmost anxiousness and fright provoked by episodes of dyspnoea. Screening for anxiousness and depression must be a portion of the initial appraisal in any Pulmonary rehabilitation programme. When a patient is depressed, the engagement of a mental wellness specializer should be considered. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ( SSRIs ) are the first-line intervention in patients with co-morbid depressive or anxiousness upsets.

Patient Choice:

Pneumonic rehabilitation should be considered for all patients with chronic respiratory disease who have persistent symptoms inspite of equal medical direction. Traditionally patients with dyspnea mMRC grade 2-4 have been considered as ideal campaigners for Pulmonary rehabilitation. However there has been a recent tendency towards widening the benefits to patients with mMRC class 1 dyspnoea with an purpose to turn to chronic lung disease earlier.

The patients benefit the most from Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programmes are the 1s who are motivated to take portion in the programme and who have a strong support from household and relations.

Conditionss such as important orthopedic or neurologic jobs, terrible pneumonic arteria high blood pressure and ill controlled carbon monoxide morbid unwellnesss may prevent the engagement of a patient in these programmes..


Initial appraisal provides an chance to measure the exercising capacity of a patient prior to get downing the programme A baseline 6 minute walk trial is normally performed. Pneumonic map trials including spirometry and diffusion capacity for C monoxide should besides be performed. Subjective dyspnoea appraisal tools such as the Borg graduated table are besides utile tools in the initial appraisal of these patients.

It is prudent to screen patients for anxiousness and depression prior to including them in the programme.


Pneumonic rehabilitation involves a squad attack. The composing of the squad varies harmonizing to patient population, economic restraints, every bit good as the handiness of qualified and good trained forces. The rehabilitation squad normally includes a doctor specialised in cardio-respiratory attention, a physical healer, an occupational healer, a respiratory healer, a societal worker and a mental wellness specializer.


Pneumonic rehabilitation begins with appopriate patient choice. Subsequently an initial patient appraisal is performed which is followed by the formal pneumonic rehabilitation plan. Maintenance programmes are so pursued to keep the benefits of rehabilitation. It is summarized in Figure no. 1Duration OF THE PROGRAMME:

Pneumonic rehabilitation programmes are conventionally 8 to 12 hebdomads in continuance. However at that place does non look to be a cosmopolitan consensus sing the continuance of these programmes. Short-run benefits have been seen from even brief 2-week inmate plans. Certain surveies suggest that the benefits ofpulmonary rehabilitation diminution toward baseline after 6 to 12 months, but still remain improved compared with control topics after 1 twelvemonth.


It is of import to keep benefits obtained from Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes over clip and see them translated into reduced wellness attention resource use, particularly through hospital admittance bar, reduced length of infirmary stay, and improved self-management.

Low cost care plans are a characteristic of many established rehabilitation plans. Patient self direction instruction goes a long manner in protracting the benefits of a Pulmonary rehabilitation programme.

Adverse Effects:

The major hazards of pneumonic rehabilitation plans are related to the exercising constituent of such plans. Musculoskeletal hurt is a hazard, since patients with COPD tend to be aged and are frequently debilitated. This hazard is reduced when rehabilitation is supervised by trained forces.

Exercise induced bronchospasm occurs in some patients with COPD and wise usage of bronchodilators before or during exercising may be appropriate. The greatest hazard is that of a cardiovascular event. Patients with COPD have a well increased hazard of cardiovascular decease as compared with healthy age – matched controls. Before a patient starts an exercising plan, rating for ischaemic bosom disease by agencies of a stress trial is advisable.


Pneumonic rehabilitation is an indispensible facet in the direction of patients with chronic lung diseases. It is a dynamic country which is witnessing batch of new developments with ephemeral clip. The most of import purpose of wellness attention bringing systems should be to supply quality Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes at low-cost monetary values as a immense proportion of patients with chronic lung diseases come from economically disadvantaged subdivisions of the society, particularly in a state like India. Concerted attempts are needed in the country of preparation forces who are an of import portion of the execution of these programmes. This is an country which may profit from a public-private partnership.





1. American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Statement on Pulmonary Rehabilitation, 2013. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 188, Issue 8, pp e13-e64.

2. American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Statement on Pulmonary Rehabilitation, 2013. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 173, pp 1390 – 1413.

2. Pneumonic Rehabilitation. Joint ACCP/AACVPR Evidence-Based Clinical

Practice Guidelines. Chest 2007, 131: 4S-42S.

3. Pneumonic Rehabilitation for Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The New England Journal of Medicine 2009, 360: 1329-1335.

4. D. Gothi and J.M. Joshi, Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Resource Poor Settings. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & A ; Allied Sciences 2011 ; Vol.53: 163-172.

5. Francesco de Blasio, Mario Polverino, Current Best Practice in Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Ther. Adv. Resp. Dis. 2012 ; 6 ( 4 ) : 221-237.

7. Miguel Roman, Concepcion Larraz, Efficacy of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients With Moderate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, BMC Fam. Pract. 2013 ; 14 ( 21 ) .




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