Purchasing Power Parity In Different Countries Essay

A considerable sum of research has been done sing the testing of cogency of buying power para in different states. The consequences are contradictory as some macroeconomic experts concluded that PPP fails to keep in a short tally but some grounds has been found over the longer-run. Eight Pak-rupee exchange rate was examined Nusair ( 2003 ) attempted to prove the cogency of PPP by utilizing quarterly informations sample of six developing states ( Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Singapore, the Philippines and Thailand ) in the Asiatic fiscal crisis. Using the KPSS trial and PP trial, writer concluded the presence of PPP in four states. Mohammad et Al ( 2009 ) explored the cogency of PPP with the mention to Pakistan utilizing Engle-Granger co-integration and Error Correction Mechanism. The writers found the remainders of the examined equations stationary I ( 0 ) and at I ( 1 ) ; and the mistake rectification term was important at 5 % degree of important with 35 % velocity of accommodations. Therefore, with mention to Pakistan, PPP does keep in the short and long tally.

Quarterly clip series informations from 1982: Q1 to 2010: Q4 has been adopted for the survey which was obtained from International Financial Statistics ( IFS ) of International Monetary Funds ( IMF ) informations. Market rate, period norm ( RF.ZF ) is examined as a nominal exchange rate of Pakistan rupee per US dollar. Initially Pakistani Rupee ( PKR ) was pegged to the British Pound but in 1982, the so authorities transformed it to a managed float government. Consumer monetary value index ( CPI ) is a step of mean alteration in a market basket of consumer goods and services over clip paid by consumers ( Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011 ) . CPI ( ZF ) of 12 major metropoliss of Pakistan is taken into consideration. CPI is a placeholder for domestic monetary values of non-tradable goods as it has higher services to goods demanded ratio. Bing an economic leader, USA is considered as a state for comparing for the peculiar survey. Wholesale monetary value index ( WPI, line 63 ) of USA is used as a placeholder for foreign monetary value of tradable trade goods.

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For econometrically proving the cogency of PPP among the states, macroeconomic experts analyzed legion theoretical accounts to prove for average reversion behaviour or stationarity of existent exchange rate and concluded contradictory consequences. When existent exchange rate ( RER ) is in equilibrium, the economic system accumulates ( or runs down ) assets at a “ coveted ” rate and demand for domestic goods equate its supply ( Edwards, 1989 ) . Analytically, RER is defined as where RER is a existent exchange rate of Pakistan, EN is a nominal exchange rate of Pakistan as national currency per US dollar, PF is WPI of USA and CPI is considered as PD. Natural logarithm is taken of the above equation which would transform the equation into additive equation.

Equation ( 2 ) would be considered as a base theoretical account and would be tested through empirical observation to prove the cogency of PPP in Pakistan, where lower instance variables represents the natural logarithm of the variables. Harmonizing to PPP theory, in the absence of dealing and transit cost or other protectionist barriers, RER should set harmonizing to differences in the monetary value degrees of the state. For the credence of cogency of PPP in the state, the existent exchange rate should be stationary as a lessening in comparative monetary values would appreciate the nominal exchange rate by the same sum and frailty versa. If the existent exchange rate is non-stationary, the theory of PPP will be rejected ( Nusair, 2003 ) .

The ADF unit root trial

For proving the stationarity of RER, Augmented Dickey Fuller ( ADF ) trial is being applied to prove the void hypothesis of a unit-root procedure. The general equation for ADF trial is,

a?†yt = Aµ + I’yt-1 + I?t + I??a?†yt-i + Iµt ( 3 )

Where yt is a existent exchange rate informations, a?† represents a alteration in the value as compared to the old value of it, ‘i ‘ is the figure of slowdowns used to stipulate the figure of lagged difference footings to include in the covariate list and to find whether the error term ( Iµt ) is a white noise. Choice of lags length is of import as inappropriate sum of slowdowns can give a specious consequence. For ciphering an appropriate figure of slowdowns, two attacks were taken into consideration. General-to-specific attack is to prove the equation with different slowdowns and analyze the significance of t-values of the coefficients and information standard attack is used to take the theoretical account with the lowest Akaike information standard ( AIC ) and/or Bayesian information standard ( BIC ) . If I’ , the parametric quantity of involvement is 0 & gt ; I’ & gt ; 1, the alternate hypothesis would be accepted reasoning the absence of unit root in the series.

The PP unit root trial

Another method to the trial the void hypothesis of unit root in the variable is the Phillip-Perron ( PP ) trial. In ADF trial, an error term is I ( 0 ) and may be heteroscedastic. The PP trial allows the error term to be decrepit dependant and heterogeneously distributed and can be used to prove the hypothesis about the coefficients under the void hypothesis of being unit root. The PP trial histories for possible structural interruption in the existent exchange rate. The PP trial uses Newey-West standard mistakes to account for consecutive correlativity. If the series has unit root in it, the existent exchange rate series would be non-stationary and hence PPP would n’t keep in Pakistan.


To prove the void hypothesis of unit root, the existent exchange was generated as described in equation ( 2 ) . The existent exchange rate was tested with two slowdowns, no clip tendency and no invariable. The trial consequence shows that the void hypothesis can non be rejected at any important degree. The trial statistic is 0.925 as compared to the critical values at 1 %, 5 % and 10 % significance degree are -2.60, -1.95 and -1.61 severally. The existent exchange rate has a unit root and as shown in the figure below, the existent exchange rate is non-stationary in nature and does n’t return to its mean.

On the footing of PP trial consequences, the void hypothesis of unit root can non be rejected. The trial statistic value is -2.719 as compared to the critical values at 1 %, 5 % and 10 % significance degree are -3.505, -2.889 and -2.579. After econometrically proving the existent exchange rate through two different trials, the void hypothesis of unit root can non be rejected and therefore the PPP does n’t keep in Pakistan for the instance of USA.


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