Quiz 2 test biology

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thread-like, walled, more or less cylindrical vegetative growth
Hypha (pl. hyphae)
tangled, matlike mass of fungal hyphae
Mycelium (plural–mycelia)
Organism that obtains carbon from an organic compound such as glucose.
Organisms that digest the remains of primary producers and consumers
Athlete’s Foot
Jock Itch
Asthma attacks
cryptococcal meningitis
Candidial Skin Infection
Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis
Pneumocystis pneumonia
Vulvovaginal candidiasis
Tinea versicolor
Medical Conditions Caused by Fungi
A eukaryotic organism other than a plant, animal or fungus; may be unicellular or multicellular.
Process through which early prokaryotic cells are thought to have engulfed other, smaller cells and eventually incorporated them as organelles; these cells evolved into modern-day eukaryotes.
Nucleus and organelles (eukaryotes)
Appearance of multicellularity (beginning)
Sexual/Asexual reproduction (beginning sexual)
Mitosis and meiosis
Flagella and cilia
Major characteristics of protists
parasites of animals, and some cause serious human disease. most have sexual and asexual stages that require two or more different host species for completion, ex: plasmodium which causes malaria.
Toxoplasma (infect cats, livestock and human, causes congenital defects (eye disease, seizures))
Cryptosporidum (causes diarrhea and infects humans, birds, deer, cats, and dogs)
Babesia: cattle tick fever
Have modified mitochondria. No golgi apparatus. 2 haploid nuclei. several flagella. Giardia-human intestinal parasite that cause diarrhea and intestinal discomfort. leaves host via feces. survives harsh environments by thick walled, protective cysts (don’t drink mountain stream water!)
Have reduced mitochondria called hydrogenosomes that generate some energy anaerobically. Include Trichomonas vaginalis, the pathogen that causes yeast infections in human females.
A group of flagellated protozoa that have a distinct mass in their large, single mitochondrion that houses extranuclear DNA. Trypanosoma (sleeping sickness)
Chagas’ disease
A group of protozoa that have amoeboid body forms and no flagella. Move by the use of a pseudopod (false foot)
Are heterotrophic
Reproduce sexually
Live in aquatic environments.
Amoebic dysentery (Entamoeba histolytica)
heterotrophs which feed on other plants and animals
Protozoa: Nutrition
autotrophic protists, fix CO2 from air
Algae: Nutrition
protists are eukaryotes
Each infection requires medication designed for the specific parasite
The protist must be identified before treatment
Prevention is the best solution
Protozoan infections are hard to fight because
Causes red tide. Dinoflagellates of Gonyaulax species produce neurotoxins.
Bacteria that prefer cold, thriving at temperatures between 0C and 25C
bacteria that thrive best at high temperatures, between 40 C and 70 C
Organisms that have an optimum growth temperature between 65 C and 110 C.
Organisms that have an optimum growth temperature between 10 to 40 degrees C, most human pathogens.
Grows best if O2 is present, but can also grow without it.
facilitative anaerobe
Cannot grow in the presence of O2.
obligate anaerobe
requires O2
obligate aerobe
requires small amounts of O3, but higher concentrations are inhibitory.
Indifferent to O2 (obligate fermenter)
Aerotolerant Anaerobe
Organisms that require increased concentrations of CO2 (5% to 10%) and approximately 15% O2.
Organisms that grow optimally at a pH below 5.5.
Organisms that live under extremes of temperature, pH or other environmental conditions.
Organism that prefers or requires a high salt (NaCl) medium to grow.
Organism that uses CO2 as its main carbon source.
Exacting; refers to organisms that require growth factors.
B. Fungi
Members of this group cause mycoses:
A. Algae
B. Fungi
C. Protozoa
D. Bacteria
E. Viruses
D. Apicomplexa
Members of this group cause malaria:
A. Fungi
B. Mastigophora
C. Dinoflagellates
D. Apicomplexa
E. Amoebae
D. A fungus
If you see hyphae under the microscope, you are observing:
A. A worm
B. A gram positive bacterium
C. A virus
D. A fungus
E. A protozoan
B) plate count method.
A method that counts only live microbes is the
A) pure culture method.
B) plate count method.
C) cell counting method.
D) turbidity method.
E) None of these choices are correct.
E) None of these choices are correct.
Isolating a pure microbial culture from a mixed culture can be best accomplished by the
A) broth culture method.
B) streak plate method.
C) membrane filtration method.
D) multi-tube method.
E) None of these choices are correct.
E) All of these choices are correct.
The problem with using gelatin as a solidifying agent for microbiological media is that
A) many organisms can degrade gelatin.
B) gelatin may not remain solid at temperatures required for microbial growth.
C) gelatin is not stable during sterilization procedures.
D) gelatin liquefies at warm temperatures.
E) All of these choices are correct.
C) a psychrophile.
A microorganism isolated from the Arctic region would most likely be
A) a mesophile.
B) facultative.
C) a psychrophile.
D) extremophilic.
E) a psychrotroph.
D) a facultative anaerobe.
A microorganism that grows in the presence of oxygen when it is available but can also grow without oxygen is
A) microaerophilic.
B) aerobic.
C) an aerotolerant anaerobe.
D) a facultative anaerobe.
E) None of these choices are correct.
B) False
When organisms use oxygen in aerobic respiration, helpful derivatives called reactive oxygen species form as by-products.
A) True
B) False
B) chemoorganoheterotrophs.
Organisms that require organic compounds for a carbon and energy source are called
A) chemolithoautotrophs.
B) chemoorganoheterotrophs.
C) mesotrophs.
D) psychrotrophs.
E) aerotrophs.
B) trace elements
Cobalt, zinc, copper and manganese are examples of _____________________________.
A) major elements
B) trace elements
C) vital proteins to a cell
D) growth factors
E) None of the above.
C) an enrichment media for chemolithoautotrophs.
An organism is cultured in media containing hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide as the only sources for energy and carbon. This would be
A) an enrichment media for chemoorganoheterotrophs.
B) a differential media for chemoorganoheterotrophs.
C) an enrichment media for chemolithoautotrophs.
D) a differential medium for photoheterotrophs.
E) None of these choices are correct.
A) Bacteria growing in log phase are least affected by antibiotics.
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) Bacteria growing in log phase are least affected by antibiotics.
B) The generation time of bacteria may vary from species to species.
C) Bacteria divide by binary fission, producing two daughter cells.
D) Secondary metabolites are normally produced during late log phase.
E) In the lag phase, cells increase the number of ribosomes they contain.
A) True
Differential media contain an ingredient that certain microbes can change in a recognizable way.
A) True
B) False
B) log.
When the number of cells in a culture increases exponentially, the phase of the culture cycle is termed
A) lag.
B) log.
C) stationary.
D) death.
E) prolonged decline.
A) lag.
The growth phase in which cells are adapting to new growth conditions is termed
A) lag.
B) log.
C) stationary.
D) death.
E) prolonged decline.
A) True
Selective media is used to isolate a specific organism or group of organisms.
A) True
B) False
C) maintain a bacterial culture in continuous exponential growth.
A chemostat is used to
A) select for certain species of bacteria.
B) enrich the culture environment for certain species of bacteria.
C) maintain a bacterial culture in continuous exponential growth.
D) maintain bacterial cultures for future generations.
E) None of these choices are correct.
B) A meshlike accumulation of polymers that give biofilms a slimy appearance.
What are extracellular polymeric substances?
A) A method used for estimating the concentration of cells in a specimen.
B) A meshlike accumulation of polymers that give biofilms a slimy appearance.
C) A substance added to stock cultures to help maintain storage.
D) An ingredient used for complex media preparation.
E) A substance produced by halophiles when adapting to cold environments.
A) serial dilutions.
The Most Probable Number (MPN) method of determining cell numbers is based on
A) serial dilutions.
B) turbidity.
C) membrane filtration.
D) direct microscopic count.
E) cell-counting chamber.
A) True
The majority of bacterial infections are linked to biofilms.
A) True
B) False
A) stationary
During which phase(s) of culture growth are the number of newly formed cells approximately equal to the number of dying cells?
A) stationary
B) lag
C) log
D) stationary and lag
E) stationary and log
B) halophiles.
While many microbes are inhibited by high concentrations of salt, some can withstand or even require it. Which term would best be used to describe organisms that require approximately 2% of sodium chloride.
A) halotolerant.
B) halophiles.
C) extreme halophiles.
D) heterotrophs.
E) autotrophs.
D) aerotolerant anaerobes.
A bacterial culture maintained under complete anaerobic conditions accidentally develops a leak allowing oxygen into the chamber. However, the bacteria continue to grow. The bacteria are most likely
A) thermophiles.
B) halophiles.
C) aerobic.
D) aerotolerant anaerobes.
E) microaerophilic.
B) luciferase
A scientist wishes to monitor the growth and health of a bacterial culture by measuring ATP production. Which of the following would she most likely use to measure ATP?
A) a pH meter
B) luciferase
C) blood culture
D) an inverted tube culture
E) a visible light spectrophotometer
A) acidic
Tomato sauce has a pH of 5. A scientist isolates several types of bacteria that cause spoilage of tomato sauce. Which growth condition would be most appropriate to maintain these bacteria in culture?
A) acidic
B) alkaline
C) hyperosmotic
D) neutral pH
E) microaerobic
C) selective properties
Bile is added to some media to encourage the growth of certain medically important bacteria while inhibiting the growth of others. Which of the following properties is bile adding to the media?
A) differential properties
B) anaerobic properties
C) selective properties
D) reducing properties
E) alkaline
E) stationary
A researcher is maintaining a liquid culture of bacteria at exponential growth. The pump providing nutrients to the culture breaks down for two days, allowing culture to run out of nutrients. It is very likely that upon return to the lab the researcher will find the culture in which of the following phases of growth?
A) continuous
B) log
C) lag
D) medium
E) stationary
B) it will only inhibit the bacterial growth.
If an antimicrobial agent is bacteriostatic,
A) complete killing of bacteria occurs with its use.
B) it will only inhibit the bacterial growth.
C) no viable organisms remain after its use.
D) it will kill only spores.
E) it will kill bacteria and inhibit fungi.
C) reduced in the number of organisms that can cause spoilage.
During the process of pasteurization, food is
A) decontaminated.
B) sterilized.
C) reduced in the number of organisms that can cause spoilage.
D) treated with germicides.
E) normally a long process.
D) is a form of pasteurization.
The high-temperature-short-time method of treating foods
A) is a form of sterilization.
B) is a form of autoclaving.
C) kills all spores.
D) is a form of pasteurization.
E) None of these choices are correct.
C) steam and pressure
Autoclaving uses ________ to sterilize.
A) chemicals
B) short periods of high temperature
C) steam and pressure
D) air mixed with steam
E) None of these choices are correct
A) endospores.
A low-level disinfectant cannot kill
A) endospores.
B) enveloped viruses.
C) fungi.
D) all vegetative cells.
E) None of these choices are correct.
D) proteins.
Ethylene oxide is a germicide that kills by reacting with
A) lipids.
C) the cell wall.
D) proteins.
E) carbohydrates.
D) All of these choices are correct.
Hydrogen peroxide is an effective germicide because
A) it leaves no residue.
B) it does not damage stainless steel, rubber or glass.
C) it can be used on living tissue.
D) All of these choices are correct.
E) None of these choices are correct.
E) inoculating loops and glass pipettes.
Dry heat is used to sterilize
A) inoculating loops.
B) glass pipettes.
C) agar media.
D) liquid media.
E) inoculating loops and glass pipettes.
D) All of these choices are correct.
Ionizing radiation kills microorganisms by
A) damaging DNA.
B) cytoplasmic membranes.
C) producing reactive oxygen species.
D) All of these choices are correct.
E) None of these choices are correct.
E) Decontamination–kills all organisms.
Which is mismatched?
A) Antiseptic–disinfectant that is non-toxic enough to be used on skin.
B) Germicide–kills bacteria and inactivates viruses.
C) Pasteurization–short heat treatment to kill disease-causing organisms.
D) Bacteriostatic–prevents growth of microorganisms.
E) Decontamination–kills all organisms.
C) the time required for 90% of the organisms to die under specific conditions.
The D value refers to
A) the chemical exposure time needed to kill all bacteria on a surface.
B) the exposure time it takes to kill a certain number of microorganisms.
C) the time required for 90% of the organisms to die under specific conditions.
D) how long it takes cells to die under a particular temperature.
E) None of these choices are correct.
E) All of these choices are correct.
Highly resistant microbes include:
A) naked viruses
B) Pseudomonas species
C) Protozoan cysts and oocysts
D) Mycobacterium species
E) All of these choices are correct.
A) True
Dirt and grease can interfere with the effectiveness of chemical disinfectants.
A) True
B) False
B) Aldehydes are useful in disinfecting living tissues.
Which of the following is FALSE?
A) Pressurized steam is the only method of heat treatment that reliably kills endospores.
B) Aldehydes are useful in disinfecting living tissues.
C) Filtration cannot remove all viruses.
D) Ultraviolet radiation kills by damaging DNA.
E) High salt foods are preserved by reducing available water.
A) Quaternary ammonium compounds
__________________________________________ are cationic detergents non-toxic enough to be used to disinfect food preparation surfaces.
A) Quaternary ammonium compounds
B) Phenolic compounds
C) Aqueous solutions of 60% to 80% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol
D) Biguanides
E) Halogens
D) It kills all spores.
Which of the following is FALSE concerning the commercial canning process?
A) It uses pressurized steam.
B) It uses a retort.
C) It tries to kill Clostridium botulinum spores.
D) It kills all spores.
E) Cans are heated and the air is exhausted from the can.
B) False
A sterile environment is free of microbes including endospores, viruses, and prions.
A) True
B) False
D) kill endospores.
An aqueous solution of 60% isopropyl alcohol rapidly kills vegetative bacteria and fungi. This solution does NOT:
A) inactivate enveloped viruses.
B) evaporate easily from skin.
C) denature proteins.
D) kill endospores.
E) damage lipid membranes.
D) endospores.
High level disinfectants reliably destroy all but
A) fungi.
B) mycobacteria.
C) naked viruses.
D) endospores.
E) enveloped viruses.
C) autoclaving.
Surgical instruments and most microbiological media are sterilized through the process of
A) incineration.
B) exposure to radiation.
C) autoclaving.
D) poison gas exposure.
E) None of these choices are correct.
A) autoclave
You are working in a government laboratory in charge of destroying bioterrorism materials. An envelope containing the spore-forming bacterium that causes anthrax must be safely destroyed. What would be the best method for ensuring that the organism is killed?
A) autoclave
B) dry heat
C) disinfectant
D) sanitizing spray
E) bleach soaking
E) ozone treatment
You are taking a tour of a municipal water treatment plant. Your guide discusses that the water is sterilized before it is pumped as drinking water. What type of sterilization treatment should you expect to see on the tour?
A) glutaraldehyde treatment
B) iodine treatment
C) autoclaving
D) ethylene oxide percolation
E) ozone treatment
B) He found ways to reduce wound infections during surgery.
Which of the following best represents Joseph Lister’s contribution to modern surgical practices?
A) He invented phenolic sterilizing agents.
B) He found ways to reduce wound infections during surgery.
C) He identified a better way to suture surgical wounds.
D) He found a cure for the gangrene disease in surgical wounds.
E) He invented surgical dressing applied to wounds after surgery.
D) torn blood pressure cuffs
The sterilization of hospital waste before disposal is very expensive. So, hospital personnel are required to judge whether a waste needs to be sterilized before being disposed. Which would least likely need to be sterilized before disposal?
A) used needles
B) microbiology culture plates
C) blood samples
D) torn blood pressure cuffs
E) used endotracheal tubes
A) True
Low temperature storage is bacteriostatic to some bacteria and bactericidal to others.
A) True
B) False
C) 1,2,4,5
Which of the following statements are true about algae? 1. They contain chlorophyll and are photosynthetic. 2. Some are single-celled, microscopic organisms, while others are large, multicellular organisms. 3. They possess an organized vascular system. 4. They reproduce asexually by fragmentation. 5. The toxins produced by some species can cause illness and even death in humans.
A) 1,2,3
B) 1,2,4
C) 1,2,4,5
D) 2,3,4,5
E) 1,2,3,4,5
E) Sarcoptes scabiei.
Which organism is a mite that causes a disease characterized by an itchy rash?
A) Dermacentor andersoni.
B) Rickettsia rickettsii.
C) Borrelia burgdorferi.
D) Ixodes scapularis.
E) Sarcoptes scabiei.
B) cellulose
The cell wall of most algae is composed of which of the following substances?
A) peptidoglycan
B) cellulose
C) chitin
D) holdfast
E) phospholipids
D) Gonyaulax
Which of the following algae produces neurotoxins that can be harmful to humans and has seriously affected the shellfish industry?
A) Trichinella
B) Ulva
C) Volvox
D) Gonyaulax
E) All of these choices are correct.
E) All of these are correct.
Which of the following statements about protozoa is FALSE?
A) They are microscopic.
B) They lack photosynthetic ability.
C) They are an important part of the food chain.
D) They are grouped primarily on their mode of locomotion
E) All of these are correct.
C) 1,3,4.
Which of the following structures are used by protozoa for locomotion? 1. pseudopodia; 2. axial filaments; 3. flagella; 4. cilia; 5. fimbria
A) 1.
B) 1,2,3.
C) 1,3,4.
D) 1,2,3,4.
E) 1,2,3,4,5.
B) Plasmodium
The protozoan genus responsible for causing the disease malaria is
A) Trypanosoma
B) Plasmodium
C) Trichomonas
D) Entamoeba
E) Toxoplasma
A) True
Cellular Slime Molds form into a mass of cells called slugs when food has been depleted.
A) True
B) False
D) Fungi are not known to cause disease in humans.
Which of the following statements about fungi is FALSE?
A) They obtain their nourishment from organic compounds, often dead plants and animals.
B) Fungi are most successful in moist environments.
C) Many species cause disease in plants.
D) Fungi are not known to cause disease in humans.
E) None of these choices are correct.
C) fungi
What type of organisms does a mycologist study?
A) Mycobacterium
B) Mycoplasma
C) fungi
D) algae
E) protozoa
A) True
The frog population has declined over the past decade because of the fungi Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.
A) True
B) False
A) yeast.
The term used to describe the single-celled form of fungi is
A) yeast.
B) hyphae.
C) mycelia.
D) haustoria.
E) buds.
B) They prefer to live in aquatic environments.
Which of the following statements about fungi is FALSE?
A) Most are aerobic, yet some yeasts are facultative anaerobes.
B) They prefer to live in aquatic environments.
C) They have the ability to live in high sugar and salt concentrations, and acidic pHs that would kill most bacteria.
D) They are a major cause of food spoilage.
E) Many produce spores that can survive harsh conditions.
D) aflatoxin.
Aspergillus is a fungus that grows on grains and peanuts and can produce a toxin that causes liver cancer in humans. This toxin is called
A) mycotoxin.
B) aspertoxin.
C) ergot.
D) aflatoxin.
E) alpha-bungarotoxin.
E) All of these choices are correct.
Which of the following statements about lichens is incorrect?
A) They are part algae and part fungus.
B) The fungal part absorbs water and minerals.
C) The algal part supplies organic molecules through photosynthesis.
D) Lichens can grow in extreme conditions that neither the fungus nor the algae would be able to survive on their own.
E) All of these choices are correct.
D) Mycorrhizae
____________________ is/are fungi that form mutualistic associations with the root systems of vascular plants, increasing the absorptive surface area of the roots for water and micronutrient uptake.
A) Lichens
B) Mycelia
C) Hyphae
D) Mycorrhizae
E) Conidiophores
E) 1,2,3,4,5.
Fungi are economically important in both positive and negative ways. Which of the following describe ways that fungi have an economic impact on society? 1. Some species are used in the production of beer, wine, and bread. 2. Some are used in making cheeses. 3. Some produce antibiotics that can cure infections in humans. 4. Some are responsible for a significant amount of food spoilage. 5. Some forms of fungi are useful in genetic engineering.
A) 1,2,3.
B) 2,3,4.
C) 1,2,3,4.
D) 2,3,4,5.
E) 1,2,3,4,5.
C) arthropod – helminth
Which of the following is paired incorrectly?
A) nematode – roundworm
B) cestode – tapeworm
C) arthropod – helminth
D) trematodes – flukes
E) All of these choices are correct.
B) 1,3,4.
Which of the following diseases are transmitted to humans by mosquitoes? 1. malaria; 2. Lyme disease; 3. equine encephalitis; 4. yellow fever; 5. plague
A) 1,2,3.
B) 1,3,4.
C) 1,2,3,4.
D) 2,3,4.
E) 1,2,3,4,5.
D) ticks
Which of the following arthropods are responsible for transmitting the bacteria that cause Rocky Mountain Spotted fever and Lyme disease?
A) mosquitoes
B) fleas
C) lice
D) ticks
E) mites
D) Using insecticides in swampy areas and around homes.
The spread of Malaria in Africa is probably best controlled by the following practice:
A) Killing off all large grazing animals.
B) Treating drinking water and sewage.
C) Washing all food.
D) Using insecticides in swampy areas and around homes.
E) Taking drugs that combat malaria.
E) Fungi.
A researcher discovers that a previously unidentified single-celled eukaryotic organism that is nonmotile and has a cell wall made of chitin. It most likely belongs to this group of organisms:
A) Protozoa.
B) Algae.
C) Helminth.
D) Ciliophora.
E) Fungi.
C) 3, 4
An increase in cloud cover associated with global climate change would directly affect which of the following organisms: 1. Fungi; 2. Protozoa; 3. Algae; 4. Lichens; 5. Helminths
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 1, 2, 5
C) 3, 4
D) 3, 4, 5
E) 5
A) Hookworms – Ascariasis
Which of the following is paired incorrectly?
A) Hookworms – Ascariasis
B) Whipworms – Trichuriasis
C) Pinworms – Enterobiasis
D) Threadworm – Strongyloidiasis
E) All of these are correct.
E) Kinetoplastids
Which of the following have at least one flagellum and a complex mass of DNA in a large mitochondria?
A) Diplomonads
B) Apicomplexan
C) Parabasalid
D) Loboseans
E) Kinetoplastids
B. Quorum sensing
A density-dependent chemical communication between microbes is known as
A. Autoinducing
B. Quorum sensing
C. Group translocation
D. Signal relay systems
The process of destroying or removing all microorganisms and viruses through physical or chemical means.
the process of inhibiting the growth and multiplication of microorganisms
inhibits growth of bacteria
Include heat treatment, irradiation, filtration, and mechanical removal (washing).
Physical methods
instrument for sterilization by means moist heat under pressure
the process whereby fluids pass through a filter or a filtering medium
Act by denaturing proteins and disrupting cell membranes.
Phenols/organic aromatic rings
Elimination of most or all pathogens on or in a material.
generally implies a process that substantially reduces the microbial population to meet accepted health standards.
A brief heat treatment that reduces the number of spoilage organisms and destroys pathogens.
Boling, Autoclaving
moist heat
Surface active agents that reduce surface tension between the skin and the product to increase product spreadability; also allow oil and water to mix; detergents and emulsifiers.
a class of oxidizing-type sterilizing disinfectants
These come into direct contact with body tissues; they include needles and scalpels. Critical instruments must be sterile.
critical instruments
These come into contact with mucous membranes, but do not penetrate body tissue: they include gastrointestinal endoscopes and endotrachael tubes. Semicritical instruments must be free of all viruses and vegetative bacteria.
semicritical instruments
These come into contact only with unbroken skin so they pose little risk for infection.
non-critical instruments and surfaces
Chlorine and iodine are common disinfectants that are thought to act by reacting with proteins and other essential cell components.
breakdown of complex organic compounds
generates energy
building of complex molecules from simple ones
requires energy
D) 1.6 x 10^4
If there are 10^3 cells per ml at the middle of log phase, and the generation time of the cells is 30 minutes, how many cells will there be 2 hours later?
A) 2 x 10^3
B) 4 x 10^3
C) 8 x 10^3
D) 1.6 x 10^4
E) 1 x 10^7
A) more slowly.
Compared with their growth in the laboratory, bacteria in nature generally grow
A) more slowly.
B) faster.
C) at the same rate.
B) Exponential
Cells are most sensitive to penicillin during which phase of the growth curve?
A) Lag
B) Exponential
C) Stationary
D) Death
E) More than one of these
B) Exponential
Lactic acid is a primary metabolite. If a company wants to harvest this compound from a bacterial culture, the cells should be in which growth phase?
A) Lag
B) Exponential
C) Stationary
D) Death
E) More than one of these
B) larger when grown under aerobic conditions.
E. coli, a faculative anaerobe, is grown for 24 hours on the same solid medium, but under two different conditions: one aerobic, the other anaerobic. The size of the colonies would be
A) the same under both conditions.
B) larger when grown under aerobic conditions.
C) larger when grown under anaerobic conditions.
E) 220 minutes at 37 C; 20 minutes at 65 C
The generation time of a bacterium was measured at two different temperatures. Which results would be expected of a thermophile?
A) 20 minutes at 10 C; 220 minutes at 37 C
B) 220 minutes at 10 C; 20 minutes at 37 C
C) no growth at 10 C; 20 minutes at 37 C
D) 20 minutes at 45 C; 220 minutes at 65 C
E) 220 minutes at 37 C; 20 minutes at 65 C
C) Some eukaryotes can fix N2.
Which of the following is false?
A) E. coli grows faster in nutrient broth than in glucose-salts medium.
B) Organisms require nitrogen to make amino acids.
C) Some eukaryotes can fix N2.
D) An organism that grows on ham is osmotolerant.
E) Blood agar is used to detect hemolysis.
A) complex
If the pH indicator were left out of MacConkey agar, the medium would be
A) complex
B) differential
C) defined
D) defined and differential
E) complex and differential
C) Many more bacteria would be estimated by method 2.
A soil sample is placed in liquid and the number of bacteria in the sample determined in two ways: (1) colony count and (2) direct microscopic count. How would the results compare?
A) Methods 1 and 2 would give approximately the same results.
B) Many more bacteria would be estimated by method 1.
C) Many more bacteria would be estimated by method 2.
D) Depending on the soil sample, sometimes method 1 would be higher and sometimes method 2 would be higher.
B) plate out an appropriate dilution of the sample on nutrient agar.
The concentration of E. coli in a broth is between 10^4 and 10^6 cells per ml. To determine the precise number of living cells in the sample it would be best to
A) use a counting chamber
B) plate out an appropriate dilution of the sample on nutrient agar.
C) determine cell number by using a spectrophotometer.
D) Any of these three methods would be satisfactory.
E) None of these three methods would be satisfactory.
C) is non-toxic enough to be used on human skin.
Unlike a disinfectant, an antiseptic
A) sanitizes objects rather than sterilizes them.
B) destroys all microorganisms.
C) is non-toxic enough to be used on human skin.
D) requires heat to be effective.
E) can be used in food products.
D) 90% of bacteria in a population.
The D value is defined as the time it takes to kill
A) all bacteria in a population.
B) all pathogens in a population.
C) 99.9% of bacteria in a population.
D) 90% of bacteria in a population.
E) 10% of bacteria in a population.
A) Bacterial endospores
Which of the following is the most resistant to destruction by chemicals and heat?
A) Bacterial endospores
B) Fungal spores
C) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
D) E. coli
B) damaging DNA.
Ultraviolet light kills bacteria by
A) generating heat.
B) damaging DNA.
C) inhibiting protein synthesis.
D) damaging cells walls.
E) damaging cytoplasmic membranes.
B) 75%
Which concentration of alcohol is the most effective germicide.
A) 100%
B) 75%
C) 50%
D) 25%
E) 5%
C) Ethylene oxide gas
Which of the following can most reliably be used as a sterilant?
A) Alcohol
B) Phenolic compounds
C) Ethylene oxide gas
D) Iodine
E) ethylene oxide.
All of the following are routinely used to preserve food except
A) high concentrations of sugar.
B) high concentrations of salt.
C) benzoic acid.
D) freezing.
E) ethylene oxide.
D) Ultra-high-temperature (UHT) method
Aseptically boxed juices and cream containers are processed using which of the following heating methods?
A) Canning
B) High-temperature-short-time (HTST) method
C) Low-temperature-long-time (LTLT) method
D) Ultra-high-temperature (UHT) method
C) Endospores of Clostridium botulinum
Commercial canning processes are designed to ensure destruction of which of the following?
A) All vegetative bacteria
B) All viruses
C) Endospores of Clostridium botulinum
D) E. coli
E) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
A) A high-level disinfectant cannot be used as a sterilant.
Which of the following is false?
A) A high-level disinfectant cannot be used as a sterilant.
B) Critical items must be sterilized before use.
C) Low numbers of endospores may remain on semicritical items.
D) Standard sterilization procedures do not destroy prions.
E) Quaternary ammonium compounds can be used to disinfect food preparation surfaces.
C) Fungi
Members of this group have chitinous cell walls.
A) Algae
B) Protozoa
C) Fungi
D) Helminths
E) Arthropods
A) Algae
Members of this group are photosynthetic.
A) Algae
B) Protozoa
C) Fungi
D) Helminths
E) Arthropods
C) Fungi
This group helps produce many of the foods that we eat.
A) Algae
B) Protozoa
C) Fungi
D) Helminths
E) Arthropods
A) schizogony.
Protozoa reproduce asexually by
A) schizogony.
B) fragmentation.
C) meiosis.
D) polymorphism.
B) Trypanosomes-dysentery
Which of the following is mismatched?
A) Plasmodium-malaria
B) Trypanosomes-dysentery
C) Dinoflagellates-paralytic shellfish poisoning
D) Nematode-trichinellosis
C) Baker’s yeast-algae
Which of the following is mismatched?
A) Trematode–fluke
B) Tick–arachnid
C) Baker’s yeast-algae
D) Apicomplexan-protozoa
A) Can act as a vector to transmit disease.
Body Lice
A) Can act as a vector to transmit disease.
B) are not infectious.
C) have eight legs and sucking mouthparts.
D) are more closely related to ticks than they are to mosquitoes.
A) chlorophyll a.
All algae have
A) chlorophyll a.
B) cell walls that contain agar.
C) holdfasts.
D) red tides.
C) They often act as vectors in disease transmission.
Which of the following statements regarding protists is false?
A) They include both autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms.
B) They include both microscopic and macroscopic organisms.
C) They often act as vectors in disease transmission.
D) They include algae and protozoa.
B) They complete their life cycles in a single host.
Which of the following statements regarding tapeworms is false?
A) They absorb nutrients from the host through their body wall.
B) They complete their life cycles in a single host.
C) They can form cysts in the tissue of their host.
D) They cannot be transmitted from human to human.
D) Plate count
To measure the effectiveness of a sterilizing method, you would use:
A) Hemocytometer
B) Coulter Counter
C) Spectrophotometer
D) Plate count
Polymer-encased community of microorganisms
A culture medium composed of exact quantities of pure chemicals; generally used for specific experiments when nutrients must be precisely controlled.
Chemically Defined Medium
A culture medium that contains protein digests, extracts or other ingredients that vary in their chemical composition.
Complex Medium
A culture medium with an ingredient that certain microorganisms change in a recognizable way; used to differentiate microbes based on their metabolic traits.
Differential Medium
Stage in the growth curve during which cells divide at a constant rate; generation time is measured during this period of active multiplication.
Exponential (Log) Phase
The time it takes for a population to double in number
Generation Time
Method to measure the concentration of viable cells by determining the number of colonies that develop from a sample added to an agar plate.
Plate Count
A population descended from a single cell.
Pure Culture
A culture medium with an ingredient that inhibits the growth of microbes other than the one being sought.
Selective Medium
Determines the total number of cells living and dead. Methods: Direct microscopic count and cell-counting instruments (coulter counters & flow cytometers.
Direct Cell Counts
Used to determine the number of viable microorganisms in a sample. Methods: Plate Count Membrane filtration and most probable number
Viable Cell Counts
Biomass can be correlated to cell number. Methods: Turbidity and Total weight.
Measuring Biomas
Used to detect growth, but not routinely used for quantitation. Methods Acid and Gas production.
Detecting Cell Products
an organism that thrives in neutral pH environments.
organisms that thrive under highly acidic conditions (usually at pH 2.0 or below)
organisms that are capable of survival in alkaline (pH roughly 8.5-11) environments, growing optimally around a pH of 10
Procedures that minimize the chance of unwanted microbes being accidentally introduced.
Aseptic Technique
A chemical that destroys many microbes. Chlorine and Iodine, Halogens, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
Kills microbes: Formaldehyde
A chemical that destroys all microbes: Ethylene oxide, Aldehydes, Hydrogen Peroxide
Completely free of all viable microbes; an absolute term.
A disinfectant that is non-toxic enough to be used on skin. Biguanides, Alcohol
D) 0.85% saline (only water and NaCl) solution for intravenous use (No heat sensitive component)
Which of the following solution(s) does not have to be filter sterilized?
A) Heat sensitive vitamin solution
B) Injectable solution of genetically engineered growth hormone (polypeptide)
C) Compounds which release noxious fumes at high temperatures.
D) 0.85% saline (only water and NaCl) solution for intravenous use (No heat sensitive component)
E) All of the above solutions should be filter sterilized.
A) True
Sterlization is effective in destroying endospores.
A) True
B) False
B) False
Biofilms are more susceptible to antimicrobial agents than individual microbial cells.
A) True
B) False
Prions ??
Bacterial Spores (Endospores)
Non-lipid or Small Viruses (polio, rotavirus, rabies)
Vegetative Bacteria
Lipid or Medium-Size Viruses (Herpes, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV)
Order of resistance to containment of cells or infection agent:
Use the energy of sunlight along with CO2 in the atmosphere to make organic compounds.
Use the energy of sunlight and derive their carbon from organic compounds.
Uses inorganic compounds for energy and derive their carbon from CO2. Lives in hot sulfer springs.
Use organic compounds for both energy and carbon. Most common.

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