Rheumatoid arthritis Radiology Quiz 3

Radiographic findings of RA

M: Marginal erosions
O: Osteopenia
B: Bilaterally symmetrical
S: Subluxation
S: Swelling
S: Symmetrical joint space narrowing
Radiographic findings of RA


DMARDs (methotrexane, TNF-a antagonists, hydrochloroquine & sulfasalazine)
Treatments (3)
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1. Fibular deviation
2. Swan neck
3. Ulnar deviation
4. Digital contractures
5. Prominent met heads
6. Rheumatoid nodules
Articular manifestations (6)
1. Inflammation of synovium
2. Injury to the synovial microvasculature (earliest)
3. Mild hyperplasia
4. Pannus
5. Marginalerosion
6. Uniform loss of joint space
Clinical presentation (6)

What is the earliest changes

C: Cricoarytenoid joint inflammation
C: Cervical spine instability
H: Hypochromic microcytic anemia
I: Interstitial lung disease
P: Peripheral nerve entrapment
P: Pericardial effusion
S: Sjodren syndrome
Manifestations of RA if left untreated

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