Sales Employees Or Sales Force Of Retail Sector Commerce Essay

Critical reappraisal of the literature helps the research worker in understanding the old research and besides to associate it with the current research inquiries and aims ( Saunders, 2007 ) . Referencing old literature ever assist the research worker in showing his/her point of position in a logically argued manner.

This treatment is sing the gross revenues employees or gross revenues force of retail sector that are considered to be the back bone of any high street concern. Quality work now has top precedence in retail industry all over the universe. The employee will merely supply a quality work if s/he is motivated. So motivation plays a really of import function in successful organisations.

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2.2 Motivation

The term motive is derived from a Latin word movere, intending “ to travel ” ( Kreitner & A ; Kinicki, 1998 ) . Motivation is a power or energy to accomplish a end. Robbins ( 1993 ) has defined motive as it is the “ willingness to exercise high degrees of attempt toward organisational ends, conditioned by the attempts ability to fulfill some single demand. ” In this context, demand is described as an internal province that makes outcomes attractive. A tenseness is created whenever there is an unsated demand which stimulates thrusts within an person. These thrusts so produce a hunt behaviour to look for coveted ends. If those peculiar ends are attained so it will fulfill the demand which consequences in the release of tenseness ( Robbins, 1993 ) .

Motivation is present whenever an person has a clear vision and cognition of what he/she wants to make and a religion in his/her ain abilities. Naylor, Pritchard and Ilgen ( 1980 ) have described motive as a procedure of delegating personal resources in the signifier of clip and energy to different Acts of the Apostless in a manner that the foretaste affect ensuing from these Acts of the Apostless is maximized.

Podmoroff ( 2005 ) has argued that “ Motivation is Universal ; incentives are single. ” Human existences are pre-wired to be motivated. Some thing gets us up every forenoon. Even if the lone ground we get up is because we are hungry, we are still motivated to fulfill our demand to eat. In work topographic point, motive is more complex, and what motivates some does non actuate others because every one is different. Lazenby ( 2008 ) found that a one-size-fits-all attack to employee motive does n’t work. Different people are motivated by different things. Some people have a high demand for acknowledgment and grasp, even when their work is non up to the criterions, others merely do n’t care about these things. Huczynski and Buchanan ( 2001 ) argued that if we understand person ‘s motivations, we can potentially act upon their behaviour. Every person has his ain sets of precedences for which s/he is working. Motivation is really of import because “ people ‘s behaviour is determined by what motivates them ” ( Mullins, 2002 ) . Even though we have different sentiments on how to specify motive, we know motive is of import because we know that if we match two people of indistinguishable ability and give them the indistinguishable chance and conditions to accomplish ; the motivated individual will excel the unmotivated individual in public presentation and result ( Wlodkowski, 1999 ) .

Unfortunately, motive is non rather every bit simple as that! It involves the individual doing picks from the available options, about how best to apportion his/her energy and clip. Harmonizing to Dixon ( 2003 ) Motivation can non be achieved in a vacuity independent of the person ‘s demands, wants and frights. Therefore the cardinal job of motive, every bit far as the director is concerned, is how to take a group of people together to work with all of them holding different demands, wants, frights and personalities in order to carry through the company ‘s ends.

Armstrong ( 2006 ) has copied the three constituents of motive originally described by Arnold ( 1991 ) which are:

Direction – what an person is seeking to accomplish ;

Effort – how hard an person is seeking ;

Persistence – how long an single supports on seeking.

High degree of motive can be achieved by an organisation if they offer inducements, acknowledgment and grasp at work, and the chances to larn and turn with-in an organisation. Armstrong ( 2006 ) has described a demands related theoretical account of the procedure of motive in figure 1.

Establish end


Take action

Attain end

Figure 2.1: The procedure of Motivation adapted from Michael Armstrong, 2006

Armstrong ( 2006 ) says that motive is originated by some unsated demands. These unsated demands are responsible for making wants, which lead to carry through the desires. To fulfill the demands and wants, ends are generated or established and a behavior tract is chosen which will carry through that end. The achievement of end will take to the satisfaction of demand. This behaviour will reiterate once more if the same demand comes in to existence, whereas the same action will non be repeated if the end is non accomplished. Hull ( 1951 ) has called this procedure of repeat of winning behaviour or actions as “ support of jurisprudence of consequence ” .

Motivation is more than the overall attempt that goes into a occupation ; it is besides work scheme. The things that decrease work motive are objectives that maintain changing, arbitrary public presentation criterions, excessively few resources to acquire the work done, feedback that consists merely of unfavorable judgment, and disrespectful behaviour ( Pritchard and Ashwood, 2008 ) . Whenever there is some demand, the individual uses some clip frame, fixed or variable, and motive procedure is allocated in this clip frame. Naylor, Pritchard and Ilgen ( 1980 ) argued that the major deduction of this clip frame is that we can non easy predict what a individual will make at any given clip. In most state of affairss, the individual likely can non foretell it himself.

2.3 Types of Motivation

Motivation is farther categorized in to intrinsic and extrinsic motive. Harmonizing to Clegg ( 2005 ) intrinsic motive refers to those internal provinces that take us towards behaviours that straight meet self-actualization and belongingness demands. Whereas extrinsic motive refers to those internal provinces that take us toward behaviours that straight meet esteem demands. Following tabular array shows few illustrations of intrinsic and extrinsic motive described by Deci and Ryan ( 1987 ) .



Behavior motivated by intrinsic factors such as self look, involvement, and enjoyment.

Behavior motivated by extrinsic factors such as the promise of wages or menace of penalty.

Motivated to complete reading because you are interested.

Motivated to complete reading to run into a deadline

Working because you find the occupation stimulating and gratifying.

Working because you need the money.

Challenging occupations because you want the challenge.

Challenging occupations because you are certain you will be fired.

Survey to better yourself.

Survey to acquire a high paying occupation.

Motivated to work in hard occupations that challenge you.

Motivated to work in hard occupations to acquire the wage rise.

Table 2.1: Examples of intrinsic and extrinsic motive adapted from Deci and Ryan ( 1987 )

Vallerand ( 1997 ) argued that when the undertaking is interesting, intrinsic motive should take to the most positive results. However, when the last is less interesting or we can state dull, intrinsic motive becomes less relevant and the most self-determined signifiers of extrinsic motive should so be more pertinent and lead to the most positive results. In the instance of retail sector, employees who are working as a gross revenues force will decidedly be motivated by extrinsic factors ( Vallerand, Pelletier, and Koestner, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Michael Armstrong ( 2006 ) extrinsic incentives can hold a direct and dominating consequence, but it will non last long. The ground for this is their incentives which could be wagess, such as salary increase, publicity, or encouragement, and penalties, such as demotion, keep backing wage, or belittling. Success in a market topographic point is extremely related to larning and how to actuate employees to larn ( Argyres, 1991 ) . Smith ( 1994 ) defined that motivated employees are needed if an organisation wants to last in a competitory market environment. Motivated employees will be able to lend greatly to an organisation ‘s endurance and success compared to less motivated employees. Employees with high degrees of motive green goods service quality that can assist an organisation to accomplish important competitory advantage ( Di Xie, 2005 ) .

2.4 Motivation Theories

Motivation theory inspects the procedure of motive by explicating persons ‘ behaviour at work and besides exams the manner an single put his/her attempts and the way he/she takes. It portrays what organisations do to back up an person to use his/her attempts and accomplishments in a manner that will allow an organisation to accomplish its ends along with satisfying his/her demands.

Motivation theory for the workplace came in to existence in the center of the 20th century. The basic idea of motive theory was to happen the ways of doing the workers happy. This could be possible if directors can detect some thoughts to take workers “ Black Marias and heads ” with them in order to accomplish company ‘s ends. It was the first clip when companies were turning in size and the fresh groups of directors were commanding the work force and besides acquiring maximal productiveness from it.

Motivation theory is farther categorized in to content theory and procedure theory.

2.4.1 Content Theory

Besides known as demand theory, which focuses on the content of motive. It focuses on the geographic expedition of factors that motivate people. These factors whatever physiological or psychological impel, sustain people ‘s behaviour ( Derakhshan, 1996 ) . It describes that motive is basically about taking action to fulfill demands and besides to place the of import demands that influences the behaviour of an person. It chiefly spotlights those internal factors that energize persons ‘ behaviour. Some of the major content theories like Maslow ‘s hierarchy of demands, Herzberg ‘s theory, and Alderfer ‘s ERG theory are discussed in this subdivision.


Figure 2.2: Maslow hierarchy of demands adapted from

Maslow ( 1954 ) developed demands theory, who defined the construct of a hierarchy of demands which he believed were indispensable to the personality. He argued that an single advancement through five-level demand system in a hierarchal manner and that he/she do so one degree at a clip ( Armstrong, 2006 ) . Figure 2.2 shows the demands hierarchy.

Denhardt & A ; Aristigueta ( 2008 ) have adapted the definitions of the above five demands defined by Maslow ( 1943 ) as follows:

Physiological Needs: Called the most “ Prepotent ” of demands, these address basic biological thrusts for nutrient, air, H2O, and shelter.

Safety Needs: Once basic physical demands are met, human seek to satisfy their demands for safety, security, and freedom from danger.

Social Needs: If both physiological and safety demands are well satisfied, so love, belongingness, and societal demands will emerge.

Esteem Needs: these demands speak to our desire to hold the acknowledgment and attending from others that support positive self-pride and a positive self-image. Armstrong ( 2006 ) has defined esteem needs as the demand to hold a changeless, solidly based, high rating of oneself and to hold the esteem of others.

Self-actualization: The highest degree demands are those that cause us to seek self-realization and “ to go everything that one is capable of going. ”

A basic premise of this theoretical account, harmonizing to Maslow, is that “ adult male is a perpetually desiring animate being ” ( Maslow, 1943 ) . Denhardt & A ; Aristigueta ( 2008 ) have explained it in another manner that as we satisfy one type of demand, other demands so occupy our attending. Harmonizing to Maslow, as we reach progressively higher degrees of satisfaction for a peculiar demand, that need lessenings in authority as a incentive or we can state that we no longer will seek nutrient when our hungriness is adequately satisfied.

Maslow ‘s demands hierarchy has an natural entreaty and has been really influential, even though there has been comparatively small research straight proving his propositions, and the research that has been carried out is non peculiarly supportive. Hall and Nougaim ( 1968 ) found that the more a demand was met or satisfied, the more of import it became. This is a direct contradiction of Maslow ‘s thought about how the hierarchy maps. Lawler and Suttle ( 1972 ) besides failed to happen support for the theoretical account. Same consequences were found by Wahba and Bridwell ( 1976 ) . Harmonizing to Landy & A ; Conte ( 2006 ) the ground of non happening the support for this theoretical account is because the theory was slightly simplistic, non straight admiting that most of us have many different demands that operate at the same time instead than one at a clip. Armstrong ( 2006 ) argued that every person have different precedences and it is non deserving accepting that an single demands move bit by bit up the hierarchy.

Maslow ‘s theory of demands considers the fact that people invariably have some demands from the outside universe in order to experience satisfied. Hollyforde & A ; Whiddett ( 2002 ) commented on Maslow ‘s theory that this theory is frequently described as inflexible, in a manner that switching from one degree of the hierarchy to another is merely likely to go on if a lower demand has been fulfilled. Maslow did non in world say that. What he did state ( Maslow, 1954 ) is:

“ So far, our theoretical treatment may hold given the feeling that these five sets of demands are someway in such footings as the followers: if one demand is satisfied, so another emerges. ”

It seems like this statement gives the false feeling that a demand must be fulfilled wholly before the following demand appears. Truly most of us who are normal are slightly satisfied in all our basic demands and at the same clip slightly unsated in all our basic demands ( Hollyforde & A ; Whiddett, 2002 ) .

Maslow ‘s theory is really popular, despite small proof of it in later research by Hall and Nougaim, ( 1968 ) , and Lawler and Suttle, ( 1972 ) . The theory has attracted unfavorable judgment sing its premiss that people work on fulfilling demands at a higher degree merely one time all lower degree demands have been met. Another major job with the Maslow ‘s demands theory is how to find or cipher demands – both in footings of how strongly they are felt and of how person knows they have been fulfilled ( Wahba & A ; Bridwell, 1976 ) . Harmonizing to Hollyforde & A ; Whiddett ( 2002 ) , the major issue with Maslow ‘s demand theory is how an perceiver can understand whether the individual ‘s demands have been met or non, peculiarly at top degrees, as merely the individual itself can experience if it is met.

Since Maslow ‘s demand theory was introduced, psychologists have suggested a figure of alterations. The first, proposed by Herzberg ( 1966 ) was called the two factor theory. He suggested that there were truly two basic demands, non five, and that they were non so much hierarchically arranged as independent of one another. These two demands were called “ hygiene demands ” and “ incentive demands ” . Hygiene demands are equal to Maslow ‘s physical and security demands. Whereas incentive needs cover Maslow ‘s societal, esteem, and realization demands. Harmonizing to Gallos and Schein ( 2006 ) Herzberg ‘s attack has more to make with occupation satisfaction than with human motive. Herzberg believes that run intoing hygiene demands eliminate dissatisfaction, but would non ensue in motivated behaviour. In contrast, run intoing incentive demands would ensue in the outgo of attempt every bit good as positive satisfaction ( Landy & A ; Conte, 2006 ) .

Harmonizing to Furnham ( 2005 ) , the factors described by Herzberg two factor theory which leads to occupation satisfaction are those that gratify an person ‘s demand for self realization in their employment, and it is merely from the public presentation of the undertaking that persons can profit from the wagess that will beef up their aspirations. Research workers since the seventiess who have tried to retroflex Herzberg ‘s findings have shown that both factors can take to either satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Furnham ( 2005 ) besides argued that the theory says nil about single differences, so that some people may be strongly in favor of occupation enrichment and others strongly against it. The “ one shoe fits all ” attack of sing everyone same may non hold the desired consequence because of the singularity of employees ‘ demands, personalities and behaviour. Judge, Bono and Locke ( 2000 ) believe that the theory should be laid to rest as the fact is assorted methodological mistakes were initiated into the early theory proving work. Harmonizing to King ( 1970 ) , same as with Maslow ‘s theory, it was besides hard to find precisely what Herzberg ‘s theory might foretell. Armstrong ( 2006 ) has besides criticized Herzberg theory because no attempt was made to cipher the connexion between satisfaction and public presentation.

The 2nd celebrated alteration done on Maslow ‘s demand theory was by Clayton Alderfer called his ERG theory ( 1972 ) . Alderfer ‘s ERG theory is much simpler than Maslow ‘s theory, in that Alderfer specifies that there are merely three types of demands, but that they are non needfully activated in any specific order. Furthermore, harmonizing to the theory any demand may be activated at any clip. The theory relates to three identified classs of demands that are existence, relatedness, and growing. The following tabular array shows the relation of ERG theory with Maslow ‘s hierarchy of demands.

Alderfer ‘s Needs

Concerned With

Maslow ‘s Needs


Basic stuff demands for being

( Physical + Safety ) Needs


Desire to keep interpersonal dealingss

Social Needs


Intrinsic desire for personal development and to be originative and to accomplish full potency

( Esteem + Self-actualization ) Needs

Table 2.2: Alderfer ‘s ERG Thoery adapted from Biswajeet Pattanayak, ( 2005 )

Pathanayak ( 2005 ) has explained three differences between ERG theory and Maslow ‘s hierarchy of demands. First, the ERG theory allows for an person to seek satisfaction of higher degree demands before lower degree demands are satisfied. Second, the ERG theory explains the differences in demand penchants between civilizations ; hence, the agreement of demands can be different for different persons. Third, which may be the most of import facet of the ERG theory, is the frustration-regression rule. The frustration-regression rule explains that when a barrier prevents an person from obtaining a higher degree demand, a individual may travel back to a lower degree demand or frailty versa to accomplish satisfaction. Harmonizing to Furnham ( 2005 ) the theory has non catch the attending as Maslow ‘s theory, but appears as a sound change of it. He besides argued that every bit compared to Maslow ‘s theory, ERG is hard to prove.

There is a group of writers who are against the content theories of motive. Newell and Grashina ( 2004 ) have argued that content theories of motive are really similar to each other, but they fail to develop any algorithm that will work under any circumstance. They farther criticized the content theories by stating that, the content theories merely pay attending to analyse the factors used for motive and do non analyse the procedure itself, which is done by procedure theories of motive.

2.4.2 Process Theory

Process theory of motive focal points on witting human determination procedure as an account of motive. The procedure theories are responsible for finding how single behaviour is keyed up, aimed at, and preserved in the exactly willed and autonomous human cognitive procedures ( Guest, 1992 ) . Ivancevich and Matteson ( 1993 ) define that the procedure theory seeks to analyse how single behaviour is energized.

Process theory is besides known as cognitive theory because it is concerned with people ‘s perceptual experiences of their working environment and the ways in which they interpret and understand it. Process theory provides a much more important attack to motive than the theories of Maslow and Herzberg ( Guest, 1992 ) . Harmonizing to Armstrong ( 2006 ) , the suggestions made by Guest in 1992 were proved to be incorrect after extended research. Some of the major procedure theories of motive are anticipation theory, goal-setting theory, are equity theory.

Victor Vroom ( 1964 ) has formulated the Expectancy theory which presumes that persons can make up one’s mind which outcomes they fancy and can do realistic conjectures of the opportunities of get clasp of them. In other words, people look frontward to a certain result, such as a certain inducement, if they behave in a certain manner. Condrey & A ; Perry ( 2005 ) explained that motive is a merchandise of the person ‘s anticipation that a certain attempt will take to the intended public presentation, the instrumentality of this public presentation to accomplishing a certain consequence, and the desirableness of this consequence for the single, Known as valency.


Figure 2.3: Block diagram of Vroom Expectancy Theory Adapted from hypertext transfer protocol: //

Vroom does non concentrate on demands, but instead focuses on results. Harmonizing to Armstrong ( 2006 ) , the power of outlooks may be based on past experiences, but persons are on a regular basis presented with new fortunes like occupation alteration, salary system, or working conditions enforced by direction, where past experience is non a satisfactory usher to the allegations of the alteration. In such state of affairss, there is a decrease in motive. He farther argued that motive is merely likely when a clearly recognized and practical connexion exists between public presentation and result, and the result is considered as a manner of satisfying demands.

Vroom proposed that an person ‘s religion about Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence act together emotionally to make a motivational strength or energy such that the single Acts of the Apostless in ways that conveying joy and avoid hurting. Research has shown that high-performing employees believe that their behaviour, or public presentation, leads to wagess that they desire, so there is an grounds for the cogency of the theory ( Gallos and Schein, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to Eugene F.McKenna ( 2000 ) this motivational strength or energy can be analyzed by utilizing the undermentioned expression:

Motivation = Valance x Expectancy ( Instrumentality )

The above equation can be used to stipulate and cipher occupation satisfaction, one ‘s employment penchant, the chance of go oning a work, and the attempt an single might hike in his/her occupation. Vroom ‘s anticipation theory can be considered priceless in footings of functioning as a footing for farther analysis and assisting to “ understand the complexness of motive. ” ( Callahan et al. 1986 ) Furthermore, it aids directors to reflect on the different results of behaviour, it clarifies the relationship between organisational and single ends and even suggests some managerial action, such as the design of preparation strategies and occupation design.

If few people find grounds in support of Vroom ‘s anticipation theory ( Van Eerde and Thierry, 1996 ) , there are others who believe that the theory is reasonably unrealistic as of the trouble people are sing while seeking to detect a correlativity between public presentation and wagess. Eugene F.McKenna ( 2000 ) has argued that research workers have experienced some trouble in retroflexing the original methodological analysis.

2.5 Gender and Motivation

As there are equal figure of male and female staff working in the retail sector, so we can non disregard the physiological and psychological differences in them. There is an being of gender differences act uponing the motive to work. Women ‘s attack and penchants about work attempt are dissimilar from their opposite gender. Harmonizing to ( Meece, 2006 ) , adult females degree of educational engagement and occupational position have been well increased, where as the gender disparities still remain at that place. Bernstein and Tavris, ( 1999 ) has given a really different expression of motive in genders. They believe that adult females talk much about people and relationships and about visual aspect at work, while work forces talk much more about work and money. Maccoby and Jacklin ( 1974 ) province that there is grounds supported the difference in footings of “ visuo-spatial ability, mathematical ability and aggressiveness ( male tonss high ) , and verbal ability ( female higher ) ” .Their decision shows that the similarities are more than differences between genders related to motive ( Mullins, 2002 ) .

Hearn ( 1994 ) refers to Maccoby and Jacklin ‘s ( 1974 ) scrutiny of 1400 100 surveies of sex function differences which suggested that premises of difference in motive, accomplishment and intelligence were rare. Harmonizing to Wilson ( 2001 ) , Organizational committedness is a term that has received a important amount of consideration in direction literature in recent old ages. The chief focal point is on the ways in which committedness can be used in relation to theories of motive and occupation satisfaction. Barling et Al. ( 1990 ) argue that occupation satisfaction, organisational clime and occupation engagement are important forecasters of company committedness ( Wilson 2001 ) .

A batch of research has been done related to distinguish between adult females and work forces motive to work but no important consequences has been found as they do non hold same occupations or wagess and are complicated as human being ( Bernstein and Tavris, 1999 ) . It is a complex subject but can non be ignored as the gender differences do be and it plays a really of import function in organisational success where they both work in an equal measure.

2.6 Job Satisfaction

Harmonizing to Thomson ( 1999 ) , Herzberg has spent many old ages researching motive in the work state of affairs and its effects on occupation satisfaction. After a major survey of applied scientists and histories, he was able to demo what kinds of events or activities led to occupation satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Following are the factors defined by Herzberg ( 1966 ) that contribute to both provinces.



the nature of the work itself



company policy and disposal



interpersonal relationships

working conditions

Herzberg research found that the first five factors in the above list are the major determiners of occupation satisfaction where as the remainder five are considered to be dissatisfaction factors.

Pugh and Hickson ( 1997 ) argued that Herzberg, when speaking about occupation satisfaction was sing self-actualization demands, while those associated with occupation dissatisfaction were related to the demand to avoid physical and societal want. Gallos and Schein ( 2006 ) has pointed out that Herzberg has explained that occupation satisfaction and occupation dissatisfaction is non merely different because of psychological factors, but it is besides associated with an escalation phenomenon, or the rule of lifting outlooks: the more people receive, the more they want. They further argued that this rule is merely true with occupation dissatisfaction. Herzberg has supported this escalation rule with an illustration that if a individual receives a salary addition of ?100 one twelvemonth and so receives merely ?50 increase the undermentioned twelvemonth. The 2nd addition is a cut in wage so that individual will non be happy with company ‘s behaviour and the opportunity of dissatisfaction in there ( Gallos and Schein, 2006 ) . It is the duty of directors to go on supplying benefits, ascent and inducements to their workers that will take to greater occupation satisfaction.

Motivation of employees helps in developing their involvement in work and so achieves the high degree of public presentation. There is an old expression you can take a Equus caballus to the H2O but you can non coerce it to imbibe ; it will imbibe merely if it ‘s thirsty – same the instance with people. They will work merely when they want to work or else motivated to work. Why do we necessitate motivated employees? The reply is survival ( Smith, 1994 ) . Motivation is a solution to the enigma of public presentation betterment. Performance is measured to be the map of ability and motive. Therefore,

Job public presentation = degree Fahrenheit ( ability ) ( motive ) .

Ability in bend depends on instruction, cognition and preparation and its development is sulky and drawn-out procedure, where as motive can be improved quickly ( adapted from hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Competitive and high public presentation organisations, such as high street retail shops, expect their work force to execute above and beyond their formal responsibilities in return for more touchable and symbolic wagess and support, including grasp and regard ( Beyth-Maron, EL thallium. 2006 ) .

Arthur Brayfield and Harold Rothe ( 1951 ) proposed that occupation satisfaction is the “ person ‘s attitude toward his work. ” An person is merely satisfied, if he/she is motivated to work. Lawler ( 1973 ) spotlighted the outlooks instead than demands: ‘Overall occupation satisfaction is determined by the difference between all those things a individual feels he should have from his occupation and all those things he really does have ‘ . Locke ( 1969 ) , nevertheless, dismisses both demands and outlooks in favor of values. He defined occupation satisfaction as the gratifying exciting province ensuing from the appraisal of an person ‘s occupation as achieving the achievement of his/her occupation values.

Motivation is concerned with the grade of disposition towards an activity, but that grade of disposition is determined by the chase of ends which will fulfill demands. What motivates, hence, in a work context is the desire for occupation satisfaction ; persons are motivated to take part in activities that appear to them to be oriented towards occupation satisfaction. Harmonizing to Linda Evans ( 1998 ) Job satisfaction is the province of encephalon covering all the emotions resolute by the grade to which single recognizes his/her occupation associated demands to be met.

Harmonizing to Beyth-Maron, EL thallium. ( 2006 ) , Job features and the nature of relationships between the employee ( gross revenues force ) and the organisation ( Primark ) are two sets of variables which are frequently studied in connexion with satisfaction, designation with the organisation, and motive. Research surveies on occupation features rely on Hackman and Oldham ( 1975 ; 1976 ) theory and their theoretical account of the relationships between nucleus occupation features, critical psychological provinces, and their impact on several affectional, motivational, and public presentation results ( Renn and Vandenberg 1995 ) . It says that occupations which enable workers to exert different accomplishments and abilities, to finish identifiable pieces of work, to grok the importance of the occupation, to be after the work and its infinite, and which have a constitutional feedback mechanism, lead to favourable consequences in footings of satisfaction, work motive, and work public presentation.

Schneider ( 1980 ) found that occupation satisfaction was one of the major grounds for differences in employee ‘s service bringing degrees. Satisfied employees delivered high quality service compared to dissatisfied employees during the service brush ( Di Xie, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to Zeithaml & A ; Bitner ( 2000 ) , there is concrete grounds that satisfied employees make for satisfied clients. Employee is motivated to work merely if he is satisfied with the occupation. It is really of import for the organisations to mensurate the occupation satisfaction in the employees. It can be measured straight or indirectly. Locke ( 1976 ) has considered sensible to mensurate the assorted occupation aspects of occupation satisfaction since a occupation may dwell of complicated undertakings, functions, duties, and results.

2.7 Decision

There are many issues related to occupation satisfaction and motive at work, including whether employees are truly devoted to their work. Appling the above theories in different context have testified that they work flexibly depending on assorted state of affairss and besides it reminds that there is no specific one theory that can be applied to manage comprehensive patterns in existent universe. Following table briefly describes the relevant theories related to the research inquiry and out of those theories which one is more helpful in replying the research inquiry.

Research Question


Conceptual model

How much occupation satisfaction is of import for the gross revenues force & A ; what factors lead to unsated employees in Primark?

The first theory that was being discussed above is Maslow ‘s hierarchy of demands which explains different factors that motivate world.

Second theory which was explained was Herzberg ‘s two factor theory in which hygiene demands and incentive demands were critically discussed.

Third was Alderfer ‘s ERG theory which explains that there are merely three demands being, relatedness and growing.

The last theory that was critically discussed was Victor Vroom Expectancy theory which assumes that people expect a certain result, such as a certain wages, if they behave in a certain manner.

Maslow ‘s theory defines human demands. Out of those demands in the hierarchy, physiological demands, safety demands and societal demands are really of import and straight related to the inquiry.

Herzberg theory explains that run intoing hygiene demands eliminate dissatisfaction, but would non ensue in motivated behaviour, where as meeting incentive demands would ensue in outgo of attempt every bit good as positive satisfaction. Two factor theories is a alteration of Maslow ‘s theory and is besides really of import in relation to this research.

ERG theory is really similar to Maslow hierarchy of demands, the lone difference is that any demand may trip at any clip.

As Vroom does non concentrate on demands ( which are relevant in our instance ) , but instead focuses on results, so it ‘s non helpful in replying the inquiry.

Table 2.3: Associating research inquiry with theories and conceptual model


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