Sample Store Manual Essay

GLOP Store Manual Legal Environment and Equal Opportunity This portion of the policy was set in place to help you do the right thing, document the limitations of our company’s HR and legal department, and overall, to minimize the company’s liability. This element of our policy manual will be specific to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which applies to employment decisions and further mandates that employment decisions not be based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The following issues can arise under any of the bases: Discrimination by a member of the same protected class: the EEO statutes prohibit a member of a protected class from discriminating against another member of the same protected class. * Discrimination against a subclass: The EEO statutes prohibit discrimination against a subclass of a particular protected group. * Stereotype: Discrimination on a protected basis includes discrimination because of stereotypical assumptions about members of the protected class. Title VII Title VII prohibits employment discrimination against any individual on the basis of his/her race, color, national origin, religion, or sex.

Race and Color: Title VII prohibits both race and color discrimination. * Physical characteristics: Race discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of physical characteristics associated with a particular race, even where the charging party and the alleged discriminator are members of the same race. * Skin color: Race/color discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of shade of skin color. National Origin: National origin discrimination includes discrimination based on place of origin or on the physical, cultural, or linguistic characteristics of a national origin group. Accent/Language: National origin discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of accent, manner of speaking, or language fluency. * Citizenship: The EEO statutes protect all employees who work in the United States for covered employers, regardless of citizenship status or work authorization. Religion: Defined to include moral or ethical beliefs as to right and wrong that are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views. This ensures that individuals are protected against religious discrimination regardless of how widespread their particular religious beliefs or practices are.

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Title VII requires our company to provide reasonable accommodations for an individual’s religious practices, such as leave to observe religious holidays, unless doing so would cause an undue hardship. More information is available on the EEOC website. Sexual Harassment Policy We believe that all employees are entitled to a safe work environment that allows them to perform their daily tasks without feeling threatened by unwanted advances or remarks. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits any such activity within an organization. Sexual harassment can be in the form of physical touch or verbal gestures.

In 1980, a definition by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) states that sexual harassment consists of “unwelcome sexual advances, requests, for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct in a sexual nature. ” This definition states “unlawful harassment is verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her race, color, religion, gender, national, origin, age or disability, or that of his/her relatives friends, or associates, and that: * Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance * Adversely affects and individual’s employment opportunities Examples of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment can be in the form of a third party complaint. If an employee makes an inappropriate comment, which seems harmless to the two parties involved, but another employee hears it and is offended, this classifies as sexual harassment as well. Examples of possible sexual harassment in this instance can be obscene jokes or pictures.

Employees must be careful not to offend their coworkers and to respect their coworkers’ wishes and refrain from certain comments, actions, or posting of obscene photographs. These occurrences produce a hostile work environment that disrupts the flow of work throughout the day and makes teammates feel uncomfortable. Neither male nor female employees are exempt from sexual harassment claims. Employee Rights It is important that employees are aware of their rights regarding harassment and the steps taken to file a complaint.

At no time should employees feel they are at risk of losing their jobs by not accepting sexual advances or comments. If an employee feels they have been subject to any form of harassment, they must inform the manager immediately. In instances where the alleged is the manager, a policy is in place to follow the chain of command. Once a complaint is filed, all information reported is confidential and for investigative purposes only. Electronic Communications Policy Electronic communication systems are the property of the company.

The use of e-mail and voicemail is primarily allowed for business purposes that support the company’s mission and assist in the performance of employee’s jobs. In general, occasional personal use of the electronic communication systems are permitted. Although e-mail and voicemail may require the use of passwords for security, expectation of privacy cannot be guaranteed since the company’s equipment is used to retrieve and/or receive messages. The company reserves the right to monitor, and retrieve and review any messages sent and/or received anytime; without employee’s notice and permission.

General Use When utilizing e-mail, proper etiquette is important. The following are standards for effective communication for both email and voicemail. Email| Voicemail| Keep e-mail message as brief as possible but detailed to answer anticipated questions, and to avoid playing “phone tag. ”| Limit message capacity to discourage long-winded voice mail messages| Check message for accuracy and apply good business writing practices, using correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. | Delete messages when no longer needed in order to maintain maximum voicemail capacity. Respond to all e-mails in a timely manner within 24 business hours or sooner. | Return calls in a timely manner, within 24 hours or sooner if possible| If an employee is away from the office on business or vacation and not checking messages, leave an “out of the office” reply telling them how to reach an alternative contact who can respond to messages. | If an employee is away from the office on business or vacation and not checking messages, leave a message for the callers telling them how to reach an alternative contact who is taking calls. | Prohibited Activities/Violations

The content of e-mail and voice mail messages may not contain anything that would be reasonably considered offensive or disruptive to any employee. Offensive content would include but not be limited to: sexually explicit content or images, racial and gender specific comments, or any specific comments that would offend someone based on their age, sex, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin, or disability. Violations of this policy will be addressed and disciplinary action, up to or including termination and will be determined on a case-by-case basis by Company management or a designee.

Performance Appraisals Our company recognizes that you need to know and understand how your job performance is rates. It is our policy to periodically evaluate your job performance. This performance appraisal program is designed to assist you in reaching your full job potential. After your introductory period, a written or verbal performance appraisal will be given. Performance appraisals will also be given annually. The results of your job performance will determine your merit increases. The appropriate supervisor will administer performance appraisals.

Non-exempt employees (hourly) New employees: Evaluations are completed one year form the date of hire (within the same month of date of hire) and every anniversary date on years thereafter. If you receive a satisfactory appraisal you will be eligible to receive a wage increase equal to the amount approved through the budgetary process. Promoted or transferred employees: Once you have been promoted or transferred into a new position, your manager will conduct evaluations one year from the date of your promotion or transfer and each year thereafter.

Leave of absence: A leave of absence will delay the date of the annual wage increase. A leave of absence will also set back the date of your review by the length of the leave. All subsequent appraisal and merit increases will occur on the new date as a result of the leave of absence. Exempt employees If you are a salaried employee, you will be evaluated at the beginning of the calendar year and will be eligible to receive a merit increase at the time contingent upon a satisfactory performance appraisal. Performance appraisal content

Employees will be evaluated on the factors of quality; productivity; job knowledge; reliability; availability; independence; creativity; initiative; adherence to policy; interpersonal relationships; and judgment. The ratings for the factors will be on a grading scale of outstanding; very good; good; improvement needed, and unsatisfactory. Throughout the performance appraisal your supervisor will also suggest specific goals desired to be achieved, as well as suggested areas of improvement. The intention of your performance appraisal is to give you proper feedback in order to reach your fullest job potential.


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