Science Chapter 3

Term Definition
MATTER Everything that has mass and takes up space.
ELEMENT Substance made of only one kind of atom.
METALS Good conductors of electricity and heat. Can bend without breaking. Most have a gray color.
NONMETALS Do not conduct heat / electricity very well. May be a gas or a solid.
SEMI-METALS sometimes like metals and sometimes like nonmetals
ATOM The basic building block of matter. Can't be any smaller.
ATOMICTHEORY states that everything is made of atom.
COMPOUND a type of matter made of two or more elements
MOLECULE smallest particle of a compound that still acts like a compound
PROTON Positive charge. Found in the nucleus
NUETRON No charge. Found in the nucleus
ELECTRON Negative charge. Orbits the nucleus.
SOLID Has a definite volume or shape. Particles are very close together,
and don’t move past each other.  Keeps its shape.
LIQUID Has a definite volume but not shape. Particles can move past each
other. Takes shape of container
GAS No definite volume or shape. Particles spread out evenly and take
shape of container. Can be squeezed into a smaller volume
PLASMA Like a gas, but conducts electricity like a metal.  Occurs with high
temps or electric charge.
MELTING POINT Solid to liquid or liquid to solid.  Same temperature as freezing point.
EVAPORATION When liquids become a gas
CONDENSATION When gas becomes a liquid.  Gas particles touch a cold surface and
the temperature drops.
BOILING POINT The temperature at which evaporation occurs
MIXTURE Two or substances that mix together but each keeps its own identity
SOLUTION A mixture where substance spreads out evenly and will not settle
SOLUTE The substance being dissolved
SOLVENT What the substance is dissolved in
SOLUBILITY A way to measure how much a material dissolves into another

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