Science Quiz: Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids


-malleable (ability to be pressed and/or shaped)

-ductile (able to be drawn out into a tin wire)

-thermal conductivity

-electrical conductivity

-low specific heat

-some are magnetic

-most solid at room temperature (except for Mercury)

What are the physical properties of a metal?
-usually lose electrons to other atoms

-reactivity varies (ex. corrosion)

What are the chemical properties of a metal?
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-most reactive

-never found as uncombined elements in nature

Talk about Alkali Metals (Group 1).


-melt at a higher temperature

-very reactive

-never found as an uncombined element in nature

Talk about Alkaline Earth Metals (Group 2).
-most are hard and shiny (except mercury)

-high melting point

-high density

-good conductors of heat and electricity

-less reactive than Groups 1 and 2

Talk about Transition Metals (Groups 3-12).
-solid at room temperature



-somewhat reactive

-electrical conductivity

What are the physical properties of a metalloid?


-many are gases at room temperature

-poor conductors of heat and electricity

-generally lower density

What are the physical properties of a nonmetal?
-usually gain or share electrons when reacting with other atoms

-form compounds with other nonmetals

What are the chemical properties of a nonmetal?
They begin on the left and extend across the table
Where can metals be found on the periodic table?
All are found on the right of the periodic table, except for Hydrogen.
Where can nonmetals be found on the periodic table?
Between the metals and the nonmetals
Where can metalloids be found on the periodic table?
A class of elements characterized by physical properties that include shininess, malleability, and conductivity
An element that lacks most of the properties of a metal.
A term used to describe a material that can be pulled into a long wire
The way a mineral reflects light from its surface
An element that has some of the characteristics of both metals and nonmetals
A term used to describe material that can be hammered or rolled into flat sheets
A material’s ability to allow heat or electricity to flow.
The ease and speed with which an element combines, or reacts, with the other elements and compounds
The gradual way in which acids react with some metals so as to wear away the metal
A substance that can conduct electricity under some conditions.

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