Science Review- Unit 4

Question Answer
What are the 6 Kingdoms? 1)Animal
What are a few examples of animals? eagles, dolphins, beetles
Describe fertilization. (animals) (sexual) It is when the sperm fertilizes the egg internally (inside the body) or externally (outside the body)
Describe budding. (animals) (asexual) Part of the organism "buds" off (hydra)
Describe regeneration (animals) (asexual) It is when a new part/organism grows off an old one (starfish)
How do animals obtain food? They are consumers.
What type of cells are animals made up of? Eukaryotic cells
What are a few examples of plants? Sequoias (trees), flowering plants
Describe fertilization. (plants) (sexual) The sperm in the pollen fertilizes the egg.
Describe runners. (plants) (asexual) It is when vines grow along and into the ground to create a new plant.
Describe budding. (plants) (asexual) It is when small "buds" fall off and grow into new plants (ex: potato plants)
What is an example of a runner? (plants) A strawberry plant
What is an example budding? (plants) Potato plants
Describe plantlets. (plants) (asexual) They are tiny plants that grow along the edge of leaves, fall off, and grow into new plants.
What is an example of a plantlet? (plant) Kalanchoe plant
How do plants obtain food? They are producers.
What are all plants made up of? Eukaryotic cells
What are plant-like examples of a protist? Euglena and Algae
What do protists use for food? They use chloroplasts for food.
What does sessile mean? (Protist) They generally do not move.
Why are Euglena also animal-like? They move and consume.
What are examples of animal-like protozoa? (Protist) Paramecium, Euglena, and Amoeba
What do Paramecium use for movement? (protist) They use hair-like cilia for movement.
What do Amoeba use for movement? They use pseudopod for movement to capture food.
What are examples of fungus-like protist? slime mold and water mold
How do fungus-like protists obtain food? They decompose for food.
How do fungus-like protists reproduce? They reproduce by spores (sac of sex cells that are sexual or asexual).
In reproduction of Protists, what is conjugation? (sexual)It is the exchange of DNA and it is split (only in paramecium).
In reproduction of Protists, what is binary fission? (asexual)It is a copy of DNA and it is split only in Euglena, Amoeba, algae.
What are all protists? They are Eukaryotic.
What are examples of fungi? Most molds, mushrooms
In reproduction of fungi, what are spores?
They are structures that create sex cells that join to form spores.
In reproduction of fungi, what are spores?
They are structures that create spores that land in a suitable area to grow more fungus.
How do fungi obtain their food? They are decomposers.
What are all the cells of a fungi? All their cells are Eukaryotic.
What are examples of Eubacteria? Examples are Eschericha, coli (E. coli), Streptococcus.
Where do Eubacteria live? They live in mild climates (most common type)
What are the 3 shapes of Eubacteria and what are they called? 1)Cocci is circular.
2)Bacillus is oval
3)Spirilla is spiral.
In the reproduction of Eubacteria, what is binary fission? (asexual) It is when one cell splits to create 2 identical cells.
What are all of the cells of Eubacteria? All of the cells are Prokaryotic.
Where do Archaebacteria live? They live in extreme conditions such as; hot springs, volcanos, sea floor vents.
In the reproduction of Archaebacteria, what is binary fission? (asexual)It is when one cell splits into 2 identical cells.
What are all of the cells of Archaebacteria? All of the cells are Prokaryotic.

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