
Question Answer
Cell wall: A rigid layer that surrounds the cell of plants and some other organisms. (Animals don't have cell walls)
Cell membrane: Controls which substances pass into and out of a cell.
Nucleus: Acts as a cells control center, directs all of the cells activities.
Nuclear envelope: The membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
Chromatin: Thin strands of material that fill the nucleus, contains information for directing a cells function.
Ribosome: Small grained shape organelles that produce proteins.
Cytoplasm: Fills the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus.
Mitochondria: Converts energy stored in food to energy the cell can use to live and function.
Endoplasmic reticulum: An organelle with a network of membranes that produce many substances.
Golgi apparatus: Receives proteins and other newly formed materials from the endoplasmic reticulum. Packages them, and distributes them to other parts of the cell or outside of the cell.
Vacuole: Type of sac that stores water, food and other materials needed by the cell. (Bigger in plants/ it's needed for the plant to grow)
Chloroplast: Captures energy from sunlight and changes it to a form of energy cells can use in making food. (Only in plants)
Lysosomes: Sac like organelles, which contain substances that break down large food particles into smaller ones. (Only in animals)

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