Skeleton, LE Bones, Joints and Motion

Term Definition
Function of bones Support, Protection, Movement, Storage (of fats, minerals like calcium and phosphorous), Blood Cell Formation
Long Bones
Shaft with heads at both sides
Femur, Tibula, Fibula
Short Bones
Generally cube-shaped and contain mostly spongy bone
Flat bones
Thin, flattened, and usually curved
Irregular Bones
Epiphysis the heads of LONG BONES at the ends. Strengthens the joint and provides added surface area for attachment of tendons and ligaments
Diaphysis the shaft of LONG BONES. Composed mainly of compact bone and contains the medullary canal which contains bone marrow
Metaphysis the region of transition from cartilage to bone at the end of the bone
Articular Cartilage smooth, white tissue that covers the ends of bones where they come together to form joints (helps ease movement together when lubricating fluid secreted between bones)
Hyaline Cartilage (Functions) Eases joint movement
Hold airway open
Moves vocal cords in speech
Precursor of bone in fetal skeleton
Hyaline Cartilage (Location) Ends of bones at joints
Costal cartilage of ribs
Rings and plates around trachea and bronchi
Endosteum connective tissue lining the medullary cavity. Serves as one of the functional surfaces for bone remodeling
Periosteum completely covers a bone, except in the region of the articular cartilage. Provides strong attachment and continuity from muscle to tendon to bone
Compact Bone (a type of BONE TISSUE) the shell of many bones and surrounds the bone in the center; Dense in texture without cavities (holes)
Spongy (a type of BONE TISSUE) located within the medullary cavity; Named because of its sponge-like structure with numerous cavities

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