Social Enterprises In Canadian And Polish Essay

In recent old ages, the thought of societal endeavor has been promoted in many international contexts. The beginnings are good entrenched in the planetary motion to progress civil society and Third Sector across the Earth as an option to old constellations of power. The growing of this sector has been influenced by alterations in the political environment, for illustration alterations in the Welfare State and divergency from New Public Management, and the demand for increased economic and societal cooperation in turn toing poorness and societal exclusion ( OECD, 1999 ). One component of societal economic system is the usage of societal endeavor as a bridging phenomenon between capitalist and societal enterprises. The construct of societal endeavor is really frequently discussed at the same time with the construct of societal entrepreneurship ; the exact definitions of the footings are really seldom agreed on in the academic literature, nevertheless.

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This paper is an effort to discourse societal endeavors in two different contexts: Canadian and Polish, and to specify the construct in those distinguishable legislative and societal models. The former is a long-developed state where the current economic and political system has reigned for over 150 old ages. The latter has been relearning democracy and capitalist economy in the last 20 old ages after going from the Communist apparatus. This paper will try at characterize different legislative and fiscal environments in both states and discuss current issues and future development.

Social endeavor is one of the implicit in constructs of a societal economic system. It evolved from a amalgamation of two mostly separate theoretical accounts of concern direction and traditional non-profit administration. The phenomenon springs chiefly from the demand for invention in the societal sector, and can be characterized by the effort to accomplish “ dual underside line ” ( Emerson and Twersky, 1996 cited in Dart, 2004 ), which includes gross coevals and accent on societal value creative activity[ 1 ]. Therefore, societal endeavors are mission goaded organisations, both: non-profit which usage concern theoretical accounts and profit-driven companies that chief focal point is functioning a societal intent.


On February 4, 2004, in the Address from the Throne, Prime Minister Paul Martin announced the debut of new attacks to community development, and the desire to back up entrepreneurial societal motion ( Martin, Speech from the Throne to Open the Third Session Thirty-Seventh Parliament of Canada, 2004 ). The Government of Canada started a societal economic system inaugural to popularise the construct of societal economic system and its possible impact on socio-economic development. The societal economic system pilot that was commenced in 2005 involved $ 132M in financess to develop societal economic system and emphasized societal endeavor. It included duologue and cooperation of many organisations including research support of Social Science and Humanities Research Council ( LeBlanc & A ; Halliwell, 2006 ). When in 2006, Paul Martin was superseded by Stephen Harper the societal economic system enterprise lost the involvement of the regulating party. Many plans and undertakings were dropped when the Conservative authorities rejected the duologue around societal economic system ( Tremblay, 2009 ).

Since 2006, societal economic system treatments appear largely within context of Community Economic Development which has been defined by Canadian Centre for Community Renewal as “ the procedure by which local people build organisations and partnerships that interconnect profitable concern with other involvements and values – for illustration, accomplishments and instruction, wellness, lodging, and the environment ” ( Canadian Centre for Community Renewal ). This term has attracted most involvement in English Canada while the Quebec opposite number tends to utilize endeavor de l’economie sociale ( endeavor of the societal economic system ). Due to miss of institutionalised societal economic system in Canada, it is particularly difficult to quantify the sum of societal endeavors. Estimates of the figure are besides non readily available ( Painter, 2006 ). It is besides rather of import to advert that the development of societal economic system has been much more facile in Quebec than in any other Canadian which will be examined in following paragraphs.

Due to the political clime and altering discourses, to this twenty-four hours, “ societal endeavor ” is non a legal look in Canada while there is no separate act that defines the construct and gives it a regulative model ( Bridge & A ; Corriveau, 2009 ). In comparing, many states designed particular intervention for societal endeavor enterprise. As HRSDC ( 2006 ) explains, those states:

have put legal models in topographic point for these endeavors, instituted fiscal supports, provided revenue enhancement inducements for investing, established departmental units dedicated to societal endeavor or community-based organisations, and specified that consideration be given to societal endeavors in authorities procurance schemes, etc ” ( HRSDC, 2006 ; p.5 cited in Tremblay, 2009, p.12 )

For illustration, the British authorities incorporated a specific definition for societal endeavors and it created several organisational models for these organisations[ 2 ]. Specifically, Community Interest Company ( CIC ) was created for the intents of societal endeavors ( Davies, 2004 ).

In Canada, due to miss of institutionalised definitions, “ societal endeavor ” is seen as an evolving term. For illustration, Ontario Trillium Foundation defines it really by and large, as using “ an entrepreneurial attack to turn toing societal issues and making positive community alteration ” ( Trillium Foundation, 2008 ). Many organisations employ a similar general definition that includes many different types of activities, for illustration: co-operatives, community economic development motions, or preferred in Quebec endeavor de l’economie sociale ( endeavor of the societal economic system ) ( OECD, 1999 ). Theoretically, this deficiency of regulative model can potentially be exciting for invention, but in pattern, it causes a overplus of hazard and issues while the limited legal signifiers and concern theoretical accounts that are soon available, do non accommodate the demands of certain societal endeavors.

Sid Gould ( 2006 ) examines bing concern theoretical accounts in footings of their pertinence for societal endeavor operations. For case, the co-op is by and large seen as a suited signifier of concern enrollment for certain sorts of societal endeavors. However, this regulative model lacks ability of raising capital and restricts debt funding. Other, traditional signifiers of incorporation and/or enrollment can be excluded on the footing of unequal liability steps. For illustration, partnerships involve a grade of liability and duty relative to the portion that each spouse is taking on. Finally, a corporation is likely the most applicable, nevertheless ; the biggest concern with using such a legal signifier is the deficiency of revenue enhancement alleviation or tax write-offs available that will run into the demands of societal endeavors. Gould ( 2006 ) examines the thought of “ intercrossed societal endeavor ” which incorporates ownership of different types of organisations under one umbrella organisation, for illustration, a charity under “ related concern ”[ 3 ].

This includes: volunteer-run and linked to a charity ‘s intent and subsidiary to that intent ( Canada Revenue Agency, 2003 )[ 4 ]. However, the major hazard of such a concept is the jeopardy of sabotaging the character of parent organisation by runing an endeavor that adheres to market rules of profit-making. Additionally, the company risks losing public support as people might non swear a private company to hold chiefly selfless ends. Another job that needs to be addressed through applicable legislative model is that societal endeavors under the protections of a charity have limited chances to turn and spread out their fiscal portfolio. The net incomes of a societal endeavor might be a cross-subsidy for a different portion of the organisation, but a different usage of these financess might be constricted by the current regulative model.

The legal construction regulating not-for-profits and charities is embedded in Canadian Corporations Act which harmonizing to Bridge and Corriveau ( 2009 ), has been little changed since 1917. There were efforts at updating the Act, nevertheless ; most of the prepared measures died on the tabular array through election or prorogation, while the others were merely non passed ( Bridge & A ; Corriveau, 2009 ). Traditionally, division of powers left charities and non-profits within provincial legal power. Even though provincial statute law offers some assortment in footings of different legal signifiers, they by and large oscillate around charities and non-profit organisations because these specific organizational signifiers are under protections of provincial powers.

Prime Minister Paul Martin in the talk entitled “ Unleashing the Power of Social Enterprise ” ( 2007 ) addressed the job of unsuitable regulative model in Canada. Specifically, he blamed the division between charities and private sector institutionalized in the Income Tax Act that in a big grade offprints corporations and persons, non-profits, and charities. Martin ( 2007 ) claims: “ there is now a job with the historic boundaries they set out, in that they have non kept gait with the development of the societal sphere they seek to function ” ( 4 ). There is merely no topographic point in Canadian legislative model for the specific type of operations that societal endeavors engage in[ 5 ]. This point of view has been shared by many organisations and research Centres that focus their research on societal economic system and community economic development in Canada. Therefore, the most of import issue is the demand for equal ordinance and legislative model to ease the development of societal endeavors in Canada.

Canadian societal endeavors are characterized by a figure of common characteristics: 1 ) The expressed precedence of societal ends ; 2 ) Common support, solidarity, and commonalty in constructing societal endeavor ; 3 ) Collective ownership as a agency to turn toing community development ; and 4 ) The reinvested of wealth, net incomes, and assets back into the community ( Canadian Centre for Community Renewal, 2008 ).

Brouard, Hebb, and Madil ( 2008 ) present a different position on the chief features of societal endeavor in Canadian context. While societal endeavors are most frequently characterized in literature on the footing of legal signifier, administration construction, gross bring forthing activities, invention, societal alteration and transmutation, the writers conclude that most of them are irrelevant in Canadian context. Particularly in Canada, where there is no specific legislative model that is deemed equal for societal endeavors, utilizing legal signifier in analysis is rather arbitrary and non peculiarly enlightening. Due to the fact that legal signifiers and administration type are related, the writers claim that “ the administration dimension is non an indispensable feature of societal endeavor ” ( Brouard, Hebb, & A ; Madil, 2008, p. 5 ). The writers propose that the chief features in which Canadian societal endeavors differ in are the grade of fiscal autonomy, the grade of invention, and the grade of societal transmutation.

Interestingly, Quebec and the English Canada see societal endeavors relationship with authorities in a different visible radiation. The history of societal endeavors is really much defined by Quebec history. After the Quiet Revolution, the state saw an outgrowth of a really active and occupied citizenship. In that scene, new pride of being a Quebecer influenced a figure of policy developments, increased feelings of segregation, and contributed to the development of civil economic system which became rather present in the discourse of 1990s and 2000s. As Elson, Gouldsborough, and Jones ( 2009 ) claim:

“ The societal economic system has been institutionalized in the state of Quebec ; an institutionalization procedure which is every bit much a consequence of its capacity to make employment and bring forth societal goods, as it is the merchandise of a rich history of societal and economic emancipation which was led by adult females and subsequently supported in a sense of solidarity by authoritiess, brotherhoods, and corporations ” ( p. 8 ).

The chief impact of this historically influenced Quebecois environment on the definition of societal endeavor is that they are seen as independent from the province. In comparing, English Canada allows for some mutuality and partnership ( Favreau, 2006 ).

Social endeavors in Canada are most frequently erected in order to carry through a specific end. The most common signifiers of societal endeavor in Canada include employment development endeavors, mission-based endeavors, and ancillary/asset-based endeavors ( Trillium Foundation, 2008 ). Employment development endeavors are set to make preparation sites that are non offered in the market topographic point to make employment for people who have trouble happening a occupation in the traditional occupation market. Mission-based endeavors are designed to bring forth income from activities or sale of merchandises and/or services that are straight related to the nucleus end of organisation ( a good illustration is a paid labor coach services provided by Mothercraft ). Ancillary/asset based endeavors focus on back uping non-profits fiscal stableness ( Canadian Centre for Community Renewal, 2008 ; Trillium Foundation, 2008 ). In many instances, societal endeavors are initiated by bing non-profits, who attempt at make fulling the spread of the bing construction whether it is gross aggregation due to funding volatility, offering merchandises or services that the market does non offer, or to progress the mission to bigger group in the community. In many instances, societal endeavors are unable to finance to the full their ain enterprises, and turn into external support from the authorities or other bureaus. However, antecedently mentioned trouble in footings of legislative model, in many instances, constricts the handiness of support to societal endeavors.

As the typology of societal endeavors have presented, some of the enterprises might be rather self reliant, and some of them continually need funding from outside beginnings depending on the character and the end of the societal endeavor. Appendix 2 nowadayss the sum-up of different sorts of societal endeavors, their long-run viability and the funding needed. Due to the sum of different funding available, a elaborate analysis of types of support is non possible for the extent of this paper. However, different illustrations will be presented in three states: British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec.

Not all societal endeavors need long-funding. Some of them are really self-sufficing companies runing on normal market agreements. For illustration, Mountain Equipment Coop is an illustration of such an endeavor ( Handford, 2005 ). Another group of societal endeavors provide fiscal resources to the not-for-profits and became one of their beginnings of support. Regardless whether societal endeavors are unfastened by non-profits or any other types of organisations, equal funding will be necessary to cover at least start-up costs. There are different sorts of support plans available. For illustration, in Ontario, support is available from:

Micro-finance and Enterprise Funds ( for illustration Access Community Capital Fund, Ottawa Community Loan Fund, Social Capital Partners )

Social Enterprise Funds ( Enterprising Non-profits Toronto, Canadian Alternative Investment Cooperative, Social Venture Partners Toronto )

State Finance ( Ontario Trillium Foundation, Easter Ontario Development Fund, etc. ) ( Elson, Gouldsborough, & A ; Jones, 2009 )

The system in Ontario is rather unorganised and, in a big grade, overlaps with not-for-profits funding which is really different in its character. Similar to Ontario, support in British Columbia is non designed to specifically turn to societal endeavor demands ( Handford, 2005 ). It includes State Financing ( Western Economic Diversification ), societal endeavor financess ( BC Technology Social Venture Partners ), community debt funding ( Community Futures Development Corporations, Vancity Community Foundation ), etc.

A wholly dissimilar scenario is present in Quebec where the development of societal economic system in Quebec was much more dynamic and the term was much more frequently present in the discourse of provincial authorities.[ 6 ]Quebec was much more proactive in footings of societal endeavor funding that any of the states of the state. For illustration, every bit early as in 1997, Fonds de development diethylstilbestrols enterprises d’economie societal, was created to assist puting up societal endeavors. Subsequently on, in 2006, The Chantier de l’economie societal Trust was created for proviso of long term capital as a quasi-equity fund ( Elson, Gouldsborough, & A ; Jones, 2009 ). In general, Quebec fiscal and policy substructure has been described as much more supportive for societal endeavors. As good, Quebec has an organized fiscal support model that addresses different organisation at different phases of development ( get down up, growing, ripening, and long-run ) which is seldom present in other states.

Social endeavors can besides tap in more traditional beginnings of support from normal fiscal market agreements. This might be a more feasible option for concerns that are self-sufficing in their operations. The acquisition of such a type of funding might be hard in instance of societal endeavor due to its ternary bottom line. First of all, societal endeavors must be non merely self-sufficing, but besides profitable plenty or posses assets to obtain a loan. Besides traditional banking, debt funding might be secured by Socially Responsibly Investments as in instance of offered by Vancity Savings Credit Union, Shared Growth Deposit ( Handford, 2005 ). Second, societal endeavors need to carry through certain legal demands that might be rather constricting as antecedently discussed.

Finally, funding might be obtained through grants from authoritiess, private organisations, and non-profit organisations ( regardless of whether it is a parent organisation or an external agent ). There are besides possibilities of understandings between organisations or authorities sections that societal endeavors might develop similar to public-private partnerships. These understandings include services or resources that those histrions portion. For illustration, HRSDC might offer occupation preparation of the employees in a given endeavor for free. Other organisations might offer physical infinite or any other resources a societal endeavor might necessitate.

In decision, due to the deficiency of institutionalised societal economic system and community economic development, Canadian societal endeavors need to cover with a complicated web of resources available to them. Equally good, the deficiency of legislative model causes much confusion and inability for long term planning. The myriad of possible legal signifiers constricts the ability of organisations and persons who would wish to open societal endeavors in footings of the available support and operational constructions. Therefore, the biggest issue in the hereafter will be the demand of a Social Enterprise Act that will turn to these jobs.


Social endeavors are virtually nonexistent in Poland. Available surveies on societal economic system and societal endeavors claim that the prevalence of this type of organisation in the economic system is negligent and, hence, the analysis of them is disputing. The historical context of societal economic system is really interesting piece, at one point, it was booming, and influenced the Polish individuality. From 1795-1918, when Poland was under business of Prussia, Russia, and Austro-Hungarian Empire, societal economic system was the instrument of the care of loyal emancipation and national motive. When in Western states industrialisation was taking topographic point, in occupied Poland, the procedure was conjoined with outgrowth of loyal societal economic system organisations. After the First World War, Poland regained its topographic point on the map. Unsurprisingly, the biggest portion of interwar economic system was the go oning booming societal economic system organisations. However, the post-WWII developments of communist government terminated the development of a historically outstanding civil society ( Dudzik, Hausner, Izdebski, Kucharski, & A ; Laurisz, 2008 ).

Unfortunately, history did non repetition. After 1989, Polish civil society was merely apathetic and societal economic system about nonexistent. Magner ( 2005 ) observes that the popular position that civil society was peculiarly strong in station Communist states is challenged by this world. Free market and democracy that was instilled post-1989 changed Polish society in a big grade. Its impact on development of civil society was less seeable, nevertheless. Leszek KoA‚akowski coined the look “ kac porewolucyjny ” ( post-revolutionary katzenjammer ) in depicting the demobilisation of societal motions after 1989 ( Magner, 2005 ). Even those bing in communist conditions, mass organisations lost their prominence and support, which was to be expected in a passage state, constructing its economic system from abrasion.

The cuts impacted besides church, young person, and societal groups that were booming during communist epoch as hubs of dissidence. Nonetheless, Magner ( 2005 ) references that a little figure of organisations were able to accommodate to the new market environment. The chief ground for their saving was the widely present societal trust and a big figure of voluntaries. Some of them found a niche in the development states where their services and merchandises remained competitory to come ining Western corporations. Notwithstanding, Magner ( 2005 ) underscores: “ It must be remembered that in 1989 people in post-communist states won non merely the right to take part in associational life but besides the right non to take part ” ( Magner, 2005, p. 51 ).

In the new democratic scene, three specific Acts of the Apostless that were enacted in the 2000s incited the development of voluntary organisations, societal co-ops, and a little figure of societal endeavors: Act on Social Employment ( 2003 ), Act on Employment Promotion and Institution ( 2004 ), and the jurisprudence on societal co-ops ( 2006 ). These Torahs recognized societal endeavors from political and legal point of position. The specific legal signifiers tailored to societal endeavors were non enacted, nevertheless. It is besides rather of import to underscore that Polish co-ops are somewhat different from Canadian opposite numbers and concentrate on reintroduction of socially excluded groups into the occupation market ( Gumkowska, Herbst, & A ; Wygnanski, 2008 ). Socially excluded groups consist of ex-homeless, -addicts, -prisoners, and, among others, the mentally challenged and handicapped. In the eyes of the jurisprudence, merely these groups can be employed in societal co-ops.

Regardless of these developments, Ewa LeA› ( 2008 ) paints quite a subdued image of Polish societal economic system and policy

“ Poland, though someway awkwardly, is seeking to happen such new theoretical account of societal economic system aˆ¦ What is missing most acutely is an honorable argument on societal policy. The instruments used in public policy are frequently political ‘gifts ‘ to possible or existent electors. There is no sound rational and analytical background for societal policy as a whole ” ( LeA›, 2008, p. 53 ).

As antecedently mentioned, apart from co-ops and association, societal entrepreneurship is virtually nonexistant in Poland. However, their popularity bit by bit grows. One of the issues that societal economic system organisations have to face is the fact that sale of services by societal organisation is viewed as unsuitable by most of the organisations themselves ( Herbst, 2008 ).

Additionally, many research workers of Polish societal economic system underline that the chief job in developing societal endeavors is deficiency of strength of civil society ( Dudzik, Hausner, Izdebski, Kucharski, & A ; Laurisz, 2008 ; Gumkowska, Herbst, & A ; Wygnanski, 2008 ; Herbst, 2008 ; LeA›, 2008 ). However, on the degree of academe, the involvement in societal endeavor is rather significant. A figure of research Centres and organisation actively research societal economic system and endeavor. Jerzy Hausner, the former Minister of Labour and Social Policy and a Deputy Minister, is one of the chief propagator of a measure on Social Enterprises that has non been accepted to this day of the month. The measure is based on the UK theoretical account of Community Interest Companies ( Hausner & A ; Izdebski, 2008 ) and the EMES ( the Emergence of Social Enterprises in Europe Research Network ) standard of societal endeavor. These standards are the most by and large accepted by Polish research workers in footings of definition of societal endeavor[ 7 ].

The Comparison

In both Canada and Poland, a deficiency of equal legislative environment constricts the development of societal endeavors in Poland. Gumkowska, Herbst and Wygnanski ( 2008 ) present an first-class analysis of the Polish market in signifier of SWOT analysis[ 8 ]. From this analysis, a figure of recommendations are developed which seem to be applicable to Canada every bit good. First, terminological pandemonium should be solved. In both English Canada and Poland, definitions of societal endeavor are neither in understanding or short supply. A clear communicating with determination shapers and research workers will assist develop an agreed on definition. Second, a specific individuality of societal economic system should be defined as both of the states lagged behind precursors in developing an equal environment for its development. Finally and most significantly, regulative issues should be settled in both states. Lack of legal signifier and revenue enhancement ordinances for specifically societal endeavors constricts their development and ability for long-run planning.

The chief differences between Canadian and Polish societal endeavor environment is popularity of societal economic system as a motion among Canadians. Poles are rather sceptic and unfavorable towards societal economic system, and see societal endeavors ‘ bear downing for services and merchandises as non applicable to their societal character ( Baczko & A ; Ogrocka, 2008 ). Therefore, in Poland, the societal economic system should be recognized as a possible driver of growing by the whole society. Lack of indorsement by general population will lend to a job with long-run sustainability and general credence. This unfavorable attitude towards societal endeavors might hold been potentially caused by the former societal services apparatus in communist environment where societal services and benefits were ubiquitous and available society-wide. As good, the most common type of societal endeavor in Poland is societal co-ops. Other sorts, rather common in Canada, mission-based and ancillary/asset based endeavors are nonexistent in Poland.

On the other manus, many Canadian societal endeavors have different characters and reference assorted societal issues. A figure of them have been besides rather financially sustainable.

The population by and large supports this type of societal economic system. The biggest identified job is deficiency of a regulative model. The Government of Canada has been rather irresponsive to the development sector, and it might make a batch of hazards and possible negative impact on the societal economic system. This regulative lagging might be unsafe and have unaccounted effects. The political environment and the current economic state of affairs does non let for the attending of the authorities on the issue.

In decision, societal endeavor ordinance is needed to reflect the societal economic system motion in many contexts. Many European states have created the necessary model of promotion of this development. There are a batch of beneficiary impacts that societal endeavors might hold on socio-economic development of communities and organisations in both states, and the authoritiess should be perceptive of the motion through equal educational, legal, and fiscal support. Social endeavors are non modern developments while they have existed in the yesteryear. Nonetheless, in modern age, authoritiess should be proactive in ordinance that could positively act upon societal endeavors. They should implement necessary tools and ordinance, while a batch is at interest. Particularly in hard economic times, new advanced signifiers of socio-economic development should be examined and supported.

Appendix 1


Beginning: Gannitsos, I., Pearce, K., & A ; Sawyer, S. The Legal Context. In E. non-profits, The Canadian Social Enterprise Guide ( pp. 129-148 ). Vancouver

Appendix 2

A Social Enterprise Continuum – Winnipeg Case


Beginning: Manitoba CED Network. ( 2009 ). Making a Robust Social Enterprise Sector. Retrieved February 5, 2010, from Canadian CED Network: hypertext transfer protocol: // 3

Typology of Social Economy Families in Quebec

Quebec typology.png

Beginning: Favreau, L. ( 2006 ). Social Economy and Public Policy: The Quebec Experience. Horizons, Policy Research Initiative, 8 ( 2 ), 7-15.

Appendix 4

EMES Criteria of Social Enterprise

Economic Criteria

Social Criteria

Activity bring forthing goods and/or merchandising services

Social endeavors are non engaged in protagonism activity or in the redistribution of fiscal flows as a major end. They are involved in the production of goods or the proviso of services on a uninterrupted footing.

An expressed purpose to profit the community or specific group of people

One of the chief ends of societal endeavors is to function the community or a specific group of people, non individual persons.

A grade of liberty

Social endeavors are usually voluntarily created by a group of people and are governed bu them in the model of an independent undertaking. Consequently, they may depend on public subsidies but are usually non managed – straight or indirectly – by public governments or other organisations and they have both the right of ‘voice and issue ‘.

A decision-making power non based on capital ownership

Voting power is non distributed harmonizing to capital portions on the regulating organic structure, which has ultimate decision-making rights. Decisions are shared and a high grade of stakeholder engagement is favoured. Representation and engagement of clients, stakeholder orientation and a democratic direction manner are of import features of societal endeavor.

A tendency toward paid work

The activity carried out does non needfully necessitate the engagement of paid workers, provided that there is an organisational committedness to occupation creative activity. Organizations sharing most of the features specified, albeit trusting on voluntary work, are considered as societal endeavors in their initial phase of development.

Exclusion of profit-maximising organisations

Social endeavors include non merely organisations that are characterized by a entire non-distribution restraint, but besides organisations that may administer net incomes to a certain extent. Organizations which can administer without restraints all or a high per centum of net incomes ( at least 50 to 60 per centum ) can be included ; the key-criterion is the exclusion of organisations with a profit-maximising end.

Beginning: Adapted from: Borzaga, C., Galera, G., & A ; Nogales, R. ( 2008 ). Social Enterprise: A New Model For Poverty Reduction and Employment Generation: An Examination of the Concept and Practice in Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. UNDP.

Appendix 5

Poland – SWOT Analysis of societal endeavor development Poland Swot.png

Beginning: Gumkowska, M., Herbst, J., & A ; Wygnanski, K. ( 2008 ). Poland. In J. Borzaga, & A ; B. Slay, Social Enterprise: A new theoretical account for poorness decrease and employment coevals: An scrutiny of the construct and practive in Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States ( pp. 72-103 ). UNDP Regional Bureau.


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