Strategies Adopted By Exxon Mobile In Developing Countries Essay

The high quality of the managers, officers, and employees of Exxon Mobil Corporation is the Corporation’sgreatest strength. The resourcefulness, professionalism, and dedication of those managers, officers, andemployees make the Corporation competitory in the short term and wellpositioned for ongoing success inthe long term.

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The Corporation ‘s managers, officers, and employees are responsible for developing,, and implementing programs and actions designed to accomplish corporate aims. The methods we employ to attain consequences are every bit of import as the consequences themselves. The Corporation ‘s managers, officers, and employees are expected to detect the highest criterions of unity in the behavior of the Corporation ‘s concern.

The Board of Directors of the Corporation has adopted and oversees the disposal of the Corporation’sStandards of Business Conduct. The policies in the Standards of Business Conduct are the foundation policies of the Corporation. Wholly-owned and majority-owned subordinates of Exxon Mobil Corporationgenerally follow policies similar to the Corporation ‘s foundation policies. Therefore, the Corporation’sfoundation policies jointly express the Corporation ‘s outlooks and specify the footing for theworldwide behavior of the concerns of the Corporation and its majority-owned subordinates.

The managers, officers, and employees of Exxon Mobil Corporation are expected to reexamine these foundation policies sporadically and use them to all of their work. The Corporation publishes from clip to clip guidelines with regard to selected policies. Those guidelines are interpretative and administrative and are non portion of the Standards of Business Conduct. Any employee who has inquiries refering any facet of these policies should non waver to seek replies from direction or the other beginnings indicatedin the subdivision below called “ Procedures and Open Door Communication. ”

No 1 in the ExxonMobil organisation has the authorization to do exclusions or grant releases with respectto the foundation policies. Regardless of how much trouble we encounter or force per unit area we face in executing our occupations, no state of affairs can warrant the wilful misdemeanor of these policies. Our repute as a corporate citizen depends on our apprehension of and conformity with these policies.

Ethical motive Policy: –

The policy of Exxon Mobil Corporation is to follow with all governmental Torahs, regulations, and ordinances applicable to its concern.

The Corporation ‘s Ethical motives policy does non halt at that place. Even where the jurisprudence is permissive, the Corporation chooses the class of highest unity. Local imposts, traditions, and mores differ from topographic point to topographic point, andthis must be recognized. But honestness is non capable to unfavorable judgment in any civilization. Shades of dishonesty merely invite demoralizing and condemnable judgements. A tenable repute for scrupulous dealingis itself a invaluable corporate plus.

The Corporation cares how consequences are obtained, non merely that they are obtained. Directors, officers, and employees should cover reasonably with each other and with the Corporation ‘s providers, clients, rivals, and other 3rd parties.

The Corporation expects conformity with its criterion of unity throughout the organisation and will non digest employees who achieve consequences at the cost of misdemeanor of jurisprudence or who deal unscrupulously. The

Corporation ‘s managers and officers support, and expect the Corporation ‘s employees to back up, any employee who passes up an chance or advantage that would give ethical criterions.

It is the Corporation ‘s policy that all minutess will be accurately reflected in its books and records. This, of class, means that disproof of books and records and the creative activity or care of any off-the record bank histories are purely prohibited. Employees are expected to enter all minutess accurately in the Corporation ‘s books and records, and to be honorable and forthcoming with the Corporation ‘s internal and independent hearers.

The Corporation expects fairness from employees at all degrees and attachment to its policies and internal controls. One injury which consequences when employees conceal information from higher direction or the hearers is that other employees think they are being given a signal that the Corporation ‘s policies and internal controls can be ignored when they are inconvenient. That can ensue in corruptness and demoralisation of an organisation. The Corporation ‘s system of direction will non work without honestness, including honest clerking, honest budget proposals, and honest economic rating of undertakings.

It is the Corporation ‘s policy to do full, just, accurate, seasonably, and apprehensible revelation in studies and paperss that the Corporation files with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other public communications. All employees are responsible for describing material information known to them to higher direction so that the information will be available to senior executives responsible for doing revelation determinations.


It is the policy of Exxon Mobil Corporation to establish commercial determinations on commercial standards. That policy serves the Corporation ‘s concern involvements and Fosters constructive relationships with organisations and persons making concern, or seeking to make concern, with the Corporation. In many civilizations, those constructive relationships may include incidental concern gifts and amusement. Directors, officers, and employees supplying or having third-party gifts and amusement in their corporate capacities are expected to exert good judgement in each instance, taking into history pertinent fortunes, including the character of the gift or amusement ; its intent ; its visual aspect ; the places of the individuals supplying and having the gift or amusement ; the concern context ; reciprocality ; and applicable Torahs and societal norms.

All outgos for gifts and amusement provided by the Corporation must be accurately recorded in the books and records of the Corporation.


It is the policy of Exxon Mobil Corporation to follow with all governmental Torahs, regulations, and ordinances applicable to its operations outside the United States and to carry on those operations to the highest ethical criterions.

Laws that apply to operations outside the United States include those of the states where the operations occur, and may besides include certain United States Torahs which govern international operations of United States companies and United States individuals, loosely defined. Consequently, managers, officers, and employees of the Corporation who are involved with the Corporation ‘s operations outside the United States should confer with with the Law Department for advice on applicable United States Torahs, particularly Torahs sing boycotts, trade countenances, export controls, and foreign corrupt patterns, and are expected to follow with those Torahs.

Political Activity POLICY: –

It is the policy of Exxon Mobil Corporation to forbear from doing parts to political campaigners and political parties, except as permitted by applicable Torahs and authorized by the Board of Directors.

It is the Corporation ‘s policy to pass on information and positions on issues of public concern that have an of import impact on the Corporation.

The Corporation considers that registering and vote, lending financially to the party or campaigner of one ‘s pick, maintaining informed on political affairs, functioning in civic organic structures, and candidacy and officeholding at local, province, and national degrees are of import rights and duties of the citizens of a democracy.

Directors, officers, and employees prosecuting in political activities are expected to make so every bit private citizens and non as representatives of the Corporation. Personal, lawful, political parts and determinations non to do parts will non act upon compensation, occupation security, or chances for promotion.

Antimonopoly Policy: –

It is the policy of Exxon Mobil Corporation that managers, officers, and employees are expected to follow with the antimonopoly and competition Torahs of the United States and with those of any other state or group of states which are applicable to the Corporation ‘s concern.

No manager, officer, or employee should presume that the Corporation ‘s involvement of all time requires otherwise.

It is recognized that, on juncture, there may be legitimate uncertainty as to the proper reading of the jurisprudence.

In such a circumstance, it is required that the managers, officers, and employees refer the instance through appropriate channels to the Law Department for advice.

Health Policy: –

It is Exxon Mobil Corporation ‘s policy to:

identify and measure wellness hazards related to its operations that potentially impact its employees, contractors or the populace ;

implement plans and appropriate protective steps to command such hazards, including appropriate monitoring of its potentially affected employees ;

communicate in a sensible mode to potentially affected persons or organisations and the scientific community knowledge about wellness hazards gained from its wellness plans and related surveies ;

determine at the clip of employment and thenceforth, as appropriate, the medical fittingness of employees to make their work without undue hazard to themselves or others ;

provide or arrange for medical services necessary for the intervention of employee occupational unwellnesss or hurts and for the handling of medical exigencies ;

comply with all applicable Torahs and ordinances, and apply responsible criterions where Torahs and ordinances do non be ;

work with authorities bureaus and others to develop responsible Torahs, ordinances, and criterions based on sound scientific discipline and consideration of hazard ;

behavior and support research to widen cognition about the wellness effects of its operations ;

undertake appropriate reappraisals and ratings of its operations to mensurate advancement and to further conformity with this policy ;

provide voluntary wellness publicity plans designed to heighten employees ‘ good being, productiveness, and personal safety. These plans should supplement, but non interfere with, the duty of employees for their ain wellness attention and their relationships with personal doctors. Information about employees obtained through the execution of these plans should be considered confidential and should non be revealed to non-medical forces except: at the petition of the employee concerned, when required by jurisprudence, when dictated by overruling public wellness considerations, or when necessary to implement the Alcohol and Drug Use policy.


Exxon Mobil Corporation recognizes client satisfaction is of primary importance to its success.

Mindful of its duty to the consumers it serves straight and the clients who resell its merchandises,

the Corporation strives to understand their demands and concerns and to deserve their concern by

reacting efficaciously to their demands.

Specifically, the Corporation ‘s policy is to:

supply high-quality merchandises that meet or exceed equipment specifications and consumer demands under all sensible fortunes ;

furnish services that faithfully meet responsible criterions of public presentation, efficiency, and courtesy ;

furnish accurate and sufficient information about its merchandises and services, including inside informations of warrants and guarantees, so that clients can do informed buying determinations ;

require truth in advertisement and other communications.

In add-on, where the Corporation ‘s merchandises reach the ultimate consumer through independent parties, such as service station traders and distributers, the Corporation ‘s policy is to actively promote such parties to accomplish criterions comparable to those which have been established for the Corporation ‘s ain public presentation.


It is the policy of Exxon Mobil Corporation to supply equal employment chance in conformity with all applicable Torahs and ordinances to persons who are qualified to execute occupation demands. The

Corporation administers its forces policies, plans, and patterns in a nondiscriminatory mode in all facets of the employment relationship, including enlisting, hiring, work assignment, publicity, transportation, expiration, pay and salary disposal, and choice for preparation.

Directors and supervisors are responsible for implementing and administrating this policy, for keeping a work environment free from improper favoritism, and for quickly placing and deciding any job country sing equal employment chance.

In add-on to supplying equal employment chance, it is besides the Corporation ‘s policy to set about particular attempts to: develop and support educational plans and enrolling beginnings and patterns that facilitate employment of minorities and adult females; develop and offer work agreements that help to run into the demands of the diverse work force in equilibrating work and household duties; set up company preparation and developmental attempts, patterns, and plans that support diverseness in the work force and heighten the representation of minorities and adult females throughout the Corporation ;

Foster a work environment free from sexual, racial, or other torment ;

make sensible adjustments that enable qualified handicapped persons to execute the indispensable maps of their occupations ;

stress direction duty in these affairs at every degree of the organisation.

Persons who believe they have observed or been subjected to prohibited favoritism should instantly describe the incident to their supervisors, higher direction, or their designated Human

Resources Department contacts.

Persons will non be subjected to harassment, bullying, favoritism, or revenge for exerting any of the rights protected by this policy and the assorted EEO legislative acts.

Environment Policy: –

It is Exxon Mobil Corporation ‘s policy to carry on its concern in a mode that is compatible with the balanced environmental and economic demands of the communities in which it operates. The Corporation is committed to uninterrupted attempts to better environmental public presentation throughout its operations.

Consequently, the Corporation ‘s policy is to:

comply with all applicable environmental Torahs and ordinances and use responsible criterions where

Torahs and ordinances do non be ;

encourage concern and regard for the environment, stress every employee ‘s duty in environmental public presentation, and foster appropriate operating patterns and preparation ;

work with authorities and industry groups to further timely development of effectual environmental Torahs and ordinances based on sound scientific discipline and sing hazards, costs, and benefits, including effects on energy and merchandise supply ;

manage its concern with the end of forestalling incidents and of commanding emanations and wastes to below harmful degrees ; design, operate, and maintain installations to this terminal ;

respond rapidly and efficaciously to incidents ensuing from its operations, in cooperation with industry organisations and authorised authorities bureaus ;

behavior and support research to better apprehension of the impact of its concern on the environment, to better methods of environmental protection, and to heighten its capableness to do operations and merchandises compatible with the environment ;

communicate with the populace on environmental affairs and portion its experience with others to ease betterments in industry public presentation ;

undertake appropriate reappraisals and ratings of its operations to mensurate advancement and to further conformity with this policy.


Exxon Mobil Corporation is committed to a safe, healthy, and productive workplace for all employees.

The Corporation recognizes that intoxicant, drug, or other substance maltreatment by employees will impair their ability to execute decently and will hold serious inauspicious effects on the safety, efficiency and productiveness of other employees and the Corporation as a whole. The abuse of legitimate drugs, or the usage, ownership, distribution or sale of illicit or unprescribed controlled drugs on company concern or premises, is purely prohibited and is evidences for expiration. Possession, usage, distribution, or sale of alcoholic drinks on company premises is non allowed without anterior blessing of appropriate senior direction. Being unfit for work because of usage of drugs or intoxicant is purely prohibited and is evidences for expiration of employment. While this policy refers specifically to alcohol and drugs, it is intended to use to inhalants and all other signifiers of substance maltreatment.

The Corporation recognizes intoxicant or drug dependence as a treatable status. Employees who suspect they have an intoxicant or drug dependence are encouraged to seek advice and to follow appropriate intervention quickly before it consequences in occupation public presentation jobs. Employee Health Advisory Program or medical professional staff will rede and help in procuring intervention. Those employees who follow approved intervention will have disablement benefits in conformity with the commissariats of established benefit programs and medical insurance coverage consistent with bing programs.

No employee with intoxicant or drug dependence will be terminated due to the petition for aid in get the better ofing that dependence or because of engagement in a rehabilitation attempt. However, an employee who has had or is found to hold a substance maltreatment job will non be permitted to work in designated places identified by direction as being critical to the safety and wellbeing of employees, the populace, or the Corporation. Any employee returning from rehabilitation will be required to take part in a companyapproved after-care plan. If an employee violates commissariats of the employee Alcohol and Drug Use policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Such action can non be avoided by a petition at that clip for intervention or rehabilitation. If an employee enduring from intoxicant or drug dependence refuses rehabilitation or fails to react to intervention or fails to run into satisfactory criterions of effectual work public presentation, appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including expiration, will be taken. This policy does non necessitate and should non ensue in any particular ordinances, privileges, or freedoms from normal occupation public presentation demands.


It is the policy of Exxon Mobil Corporation to forbid any signifier of torment in any company workplace.The aim of this policy is to supply a work environment that Fosters common employee regard and working relationships free of torment. The Corporation specifically prohibits any signifier of torment by or toward employees, contractors, providers, or clients.

Under the Corporation ‘s policy, torment is any inappropriate behavior which has the intent or consequence of:

making an intimidating, hostile, or violative work environment ;

unreasonably interfering with an person ‘s work public presentation ; or

impacting an person ‘s employment chance.

Harassment will non be tolerated. Forms of torment include, but are non limited to, unwelcome verbal or physical progresss and sexually, racially, or otherwise derogative or prejudiced stuffs, statements, or comments. All employees, including supervisors and directors, will be capable to disciplinary action up to and including expiration for any act of torment.

Persons who believe they have been subjected to harassment should instantly describe the incident to their supervisors, higher direction, or their designated Human Resources Department contacts. All ailments will be quickly and exhaustively investigated.

Employees or supervisors who observe or become cognizant of torment should instantly rede their supervisors, higher direction, or their designated Human Resources Department contacts. No employee should presume that the Corporation is cognizant of a job. All ailments and concerns should be brought to direction ‘s or the Human Resources Department ‘s attending so that appropriate disciplinary stairss can be taken.

No revenge will be taken against any employee because he or she reports a job refering possible Acts of the Apostless of torment. Employees can raise concerns and do studies without fright of reprisal. Questions about what constitutes hassling behaviour should be directed to the employee ‘s supervisor or Human Resources Department contact.

Decision: –

Its what all the EXXON done in all the developing states to pull the clients so that there concern in developing states set up on really high rate. Some pulling policies of the EXXON is at that place chief frame which attract the market clients towards there concerns.


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