Study Into Corporate Social Responsibility And Tax Liabilities Accounting Essay

3. Tax and CSR

The intent of this thesis is as you know to happen links between CSR and a company ‘ direction of its revenue enhancement liabilities. After holding exhaustively explored both the subjects of CSR and that of revenue enhancement via extended literature research, we understand that it is possible to happen synergisms between them. Based on this reappraisal, we will measure what how CSR can be used by companies to follow a revenue enhancement behavior that is considered being just and responsible.

As we have seen, corporate revenue enhancement has become a hot subject particularly in these times of fiscal convulsion where companies are expected to do a part to authoritiess for the recovery of the economic system. In positions of the issues related to MNEsbehaviour towards revenue enhancement planning, it would be unjust to fault them entirely for taking to lawfully understate their revenue enhancement load, as some authoritiess contribute mostly to th

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Section III – Research

This subdivision is dedicated to the Company ‘[ 1 ]attack to the direction of its revenue enhancement liabilities. The purpose here isnc?s to discourse or measure the legality of the revenue enhancement place of the Company. Rather, based on the literature reappraisal and on the instance surveies made, we tried to set up how the Company can follow an attack towards revenue enhancement that goes beyond revenue enhancement conformity, that is consistent with CSR rules, and how it can be used to measure whether or non to undergo an attack that is likely to impact its revenue enhancement liability.

We foremost started by briefly depicting the Company ‘ activities in order to supply an overview of how the Company is organised and how its construction and concern theoretical account can assist readers understand why it has adopted certain revenue enhancement places. We will besides briefly describe the Company ‘ attack to CSR.

Second, we will map revenue enhancement issues that the Company is confronting or likely to confront in the hereafter, while at the same clip planing a stakeholder function. In this instance, will be considered stakeholders those who affect the Company ‘ revenue enhancement place, every bit good as those who are affected by the Company ‘ direction of its revenue enhancement liability. This is important since a stakeholder attack is a manner of alining corporate societal duty with concern rules. This provides us with understand of which stakeholders require most attending besides based on hazards that the Company is confronting.

Third we will measure how CSR principles use to the direction of the Company ‘s revenue enhancement liability by using them to a concrete revenue enhancement enterprise that we researched during our internship in the Company: Tax Efficient Supply Chain Management.

We will so summarize how CSR rules can use to the direction of the Company ‘s revenue enhancement liability based on the CSR patterns and tools developed in the literature reappraisal and patterns identified in the instance surveies, by developing a grid of actions.

The Company: Presentation and Business Model

The Company, headquarted in the UK, is specialised in the lease of power generators, temperature control solutions and air compressors[ 2 ]to which we shall mention as fleet.

The Company chiefly serves the building, event direction, installations direction, authorities services, fabrication and industrial, telecommunications, and public-service corporation power coevals and distribution markets. The Company besides provides used equipment for sale.

Its operations are based on two concern theoretical accounts:

Local Business: equipment is hired to clients who operate it for themselves, with the Company staying in charge of the service and the care of the equipment.

International Power Undertakings: the Company operates as a power manufacturer as it installs and operates power workss. Customers are charged based on the generating capacity provided by the Company, for the electricity that is produced and for the operating costs.

During our internship, we worked on a undertaking for the Europe and Middle East Finance Director refering merely subordinates within Continental Europe and the Local Business concern theoretical account. This subdivision will therefore focal point on operations and revenue enhancement deductions of the Company ‘ operations in this part. Nevertheless comments will be discussed to a certain extent the International Power Projects.

The Company has grown organically the last decennary through acquisitions and by come ining new markets by set uping subordinates. It has presently 39 subordinates and operates in about a 100 states.

On a direction position, the European construction of the Company is divided in two, each managed by an Area Managing Director:

NoEur ( Northen Europe ) which includes subordinates in the UK, Ireland, Norway and Russia.

CoEur ( Continental Europe ) which includes subordinates in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain and Italy.

The Business Model[ 3 ]

The Company operates harmonizing to a hub-and-spoke theoretical account ( see Figure below ) . Whereas hubs keep a wide scope of equipment and carry out chief service and most swift fixs, radiuss hold smaller equipment for speedy deployment and a minimised handling of conveyance costs.

Hub and spoke concern theoretical account

Within Continental Europe, each state owns its ain fleet, but an estimated 20 % of each state ‘ fleet is exchanged between each other, depending on their demands based on prognosiss and client petitions. Minutess between companies of a same group can take to reassign pricing issues, which are explained in the undermentioned rubric.

The Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement


In order to hold a full apprehension of the Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement, interviews were made with:

Europe and Middle-East ( EME ) Finance Director

EME Tax Manager[ 4 ]

Continental Europe Finance Manager

Continental Europe Asset & A ; Service Manager

Benelux Finance Manager

Group Head of Tax[ 5 ]

The Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement has been based on conformity for the Local Business theoretical account[ 6 ], i.e. paying the right sum of revenue enhancement, at the right topographic point, at the right clip to the local gross governments. The Company ‘ concern being physical, connoting physical services, in add-on to the organic growing of its European construction can supply reasonably satisfactory accounts as to why that is.

A company ‘ effectual revenue enhancement rate can bespeak the degree of profitableness of operations and the Company admits that it can be the beginning of a competitory advantage. The Company ‘ historically high effectual revenue enhancement rate supports the thought that it hasnc?s been involved in strong revenue enhancement planning or revenue enhancement turning away enterprises, or that it might non utilize expeditiously revenue enhancement pacts. Indeed, in 2006 the Company ‘ effectual revenue enhancement rate ( 36 % ) was significantly higher than the norm of the FTSE 50[ 7 ]( 25,8 % ) and the UK statutory corporate revenue enhancement rate ( 30 % ) . This leads the Company ‘ Management to believe that revenue enhancement might be managed inefficiently.

We besides found out that it is merely since 2009 that the Company ‘ European Structure has hired a Tax Manager. Previously revenue enhancement issues were dealt with entirely by national finance directors whose input in revenue enhancement issued was entirely to register income statements. We must profess that we do non cognize whether the Company has used the services of revenue enhancement consulting companies in the yesteryear.

1.2.2 Tax policy[ 8 ]

The Company has a documented revenue enhancement policy. It is nevertheless confidential and available merely to cardinal people within the Company.

Even though interviewees say that relevant stakeholders have had input to the policy, those are limited to internal stakeholders: Company directors and revenue enhancement staff, and to a certain extent the Board. Members of the Company revenue enhancement squad agreed that it is clear to them when other employees need to confer with with them. There are nevertheless no specific guidelines or rules associating to revenue enhancement that are made available to all employees.

The revenue enhancement scheme of the Company is e??o deliver the lowest sustainable revenue enhancement rate consistent with the Group ‘ commercial aims within an appropriate hazard model ”[ 9 ]. The hazard model consists in a a‰µo surpriseapproach. In that sense the Company ensures that it is revenue enhancement compliant and able to show that all of its revenue enhancements are good controlled, as revenue enhancement issues are likely to hold an impact on the Company ‘ repute.

As we discussed in 1.1 The Business Model, subordinates of the Continental Europe country exchange assets ( e.g. power generators ) between one another by rehiring or selling them to one another. As these companies are portion of a same Group, the transportation monetary value that they charge one another must stay by certain regulations[ 10 ]. The legal powers in which they operate require the arm ‘ length rule to use between minutess of entities of a same group. This rule is applied exhaustively by the Company who has a documented transportation pricing policy, drafted and update with the aid of external revenue enhancement advisers.

The Company ‘ attack to CSR

The Company has no formal CSR scheme. This was reflected in several of the interviewees we carried out, some with senior employees. Some were unfamiliar with the construct of CSR. This doesnc?s connote nevertheless that the Company doesnc?s trade with the societal, environmental and economic impact of its activities on society.

Due to the nature of its concern, the Company ‘ activities have a direct impact on the environment: the power generators are diesel powered, and hence contribute to greenhouse consequence. Furthermore workers, in the Company ‘ warehouse and at topographic points where services are delivered, run heavy machinery and manage risky substances, and their security can be put at hazard.

Aware of these hazards, the Company has a thorough and consistent Health, Quality and Safety policy ( HQS ) , implemented by onsite HQS directors. Hazards associating to operations are carefully listed and rated, and temperaments as to how to cover with these hazards are carefully detailed and updated on regular footing. Furthermore trimestrial studies are submitted to and discussed by the Board sing HQS issues.

All European sites and a big bulk of worldwide sites are ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 and assured. The ISO 14001 enfranchisement enables the Company to cover with its environmental impact and provided demands that led it to follow its Global Environmental Health and Safety system. Furthermore the ISO 9001 enfranchisement ensures that the Company reviews the quality of its procedures, particularly when covering with the care of its fleet. For the Company, these two enfranchisements go manus in manus: by guaranting a high quality of care of its fleet, the Company ensures that machines pollute less.

The lone reference of CSR that we came across when analyzing corporate publications was in their one-year study: a chapter of 6 pages is dedicated to summarize how the Company deals with environmental and safety issues, supplying a series of indexs ( e.g. development of emanations of C dioxide, frequence accident evaluation ) , in add-on to saying its philanthropic actions and advertising its Code of Business Ethics.


We have shown that the Company doesnc?s have a formal CSR scheme, nor does it describe on its part to sustainable development via sustainability guidelines. It deals however efficaciously with wellness, security and environmental issues as ISO enfranchisements, onsite visits and personal reappraisal of procedures suggest. The lone clear committedness to economic part other than the revenue enhancement charge nowadays in its fiscal histories, was a reference its philanthropic actions.


The nature of the Company ‘ concern, in respects to its Local Business, implies that revenue enhancement planning is secondary to the commercial intents of the Company ‘ activities. Indeed, revenue enhancement doesnc?s specify the Local Business concern theoretical account of the Company, whose transportation pricing guidelines are in conformity with the arm ‘ length ‘ rule. Nevertheless, revenue enhancement isnc?s acknowledged as being an component of the Company ‘ economic impact on society. The fact that the Tax staff doesnc?s see revenue enhancement planning as peculiarly relevant to CSR supports this thought.

In respects to its International Power Projects based on a different concern theoretical account, the Company undertakes undertakings, some in developing states that do non needfully connote that the Company is obliged to pay corporate revenue enhancement on its grosss made in them ( e.g. one hebdomad power undertaking in a underdeveloped state ) . An interviewee told us nevertheless that it was his/her belief that a responsible attack would connote that the Company ought to pay revenue enhancements in every state in which it operates, which highlights the fact that the claim of local communities are to be taken into consideration by some cardinal people within the Company.


The fiscal histories provided in the Company ‘ one-year studies are the lone formal beginning of transparence to external stakeholders. The one-year study contains both the revenue enhancement charge as it is in the Income Statement and the hard currency flow statement which encompasses the revenue enhancement payments made by the Company. However this are non reconciled clearly in the one-year study. The Company doesnc?s follow GRI guidelines and doesnc?s publicise its hard currency revenue enhancement payments to authoritiess divide per part. Furthermore the Company ‘ revenue enhancement scheme isnc?s publicised and merely available to cardinal people within the Company.


The Group ‘ confidential Tax Policy states that it is consistent with the Group ‘ Ethical motives Policy[ 11 ]. The policy refers to its committedness to legal conformity, and explains that what consists in an appropriate behavior for Company representatives. No references are made of the Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement and how they apply to the Company ‘ concern rules. Furthermore, although the Company acknowledges that revenue enhancement is high on the public docket and has a a‰µo-surpriseapproach to revenue enhancement, there is a clear deficiency of stakeholder battle and describing beyond the Company ‘ legal responsibilities, both internally and externally, on the Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement.

Stakeholder function and hazard direction: a focal point on revenue enhancement

We have discussed in our literature reexamine how risk direction is relevant to CSR. The Company does non hold a formal CSR scheme or a stakeholder attack to issues, it does nevertheless hold a through operational hazard direction scheme and trades expeditiously with Health, Quality and Safety Issues. Is the context of this thesis, we study how the Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement direction affects and is affected by stakeholders via a stakeholder analysis, and its built-in hazards haven a impact on the Company. We will transport out a stakeholder function based on the theoretical account of Mitchell, Agle and Wood.

2.1 Issue

2.1.1 Cash flow uncertainness

Certainty on hard currency flows will be affected by the Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement planning. The uncertainness about ongoing revenue enhancement issues ensuing in revenue enhancement liabilities can cut down their stableness. This hazard is closely linked to reputational hazard. The Company is listed therefore it will desire to guarantee stableness of hard currency flows to its stockholders.

The impact of Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement on hard currency flow is high, as a liability happening and impacting net income and this will impact greatly stockholders and value of stock. The likeliness of it go oning is nevertheless low, due to the Company ‘ conformity to revenue enhancement.

2.1.2 Reputational issues[ 12 ]

As we have seen in the literature reappraisal, that there is a strong interrelatedness between the success of a concern and its repute which significantly depends on the general perceptual experience of the company. Even though the fiscal impact of a weakening of the Company ‘ repute is hard to be quantified with exactness, it is undeniable that such hazard will desire to be avoided, as mentioned in its revenue enhancement policy. As the Company ‘ Chief executive officer was quoted by the European and Middle East Tax Manager, ???y biggest fright would be to wake up one forenoon and see the Company confronting a liability that would impact its repute.

Reputational issues can include:

Media/Press knocking the Group ‘ revenue enhancement place, labelling it as aggressive revenue enhancement turning away

Tax Justice Network knocking the Group ‘ attack to revenue enhancement, non doing a c? aircontribution in footings of hard currency revenue enhancement paid in states where it has commercial operations

Increase of revenue enhancement liabilities or commissariats for future revenue enhancement liabilities due to violations with gross governments

Although the impact on the Business is likely to be high, the chance of them presently happening is low. The Company has a really low profile and the fact that it merely late entered the FTSE 100 means that its revenue enhancement patterns havenc?s come yet under the limelight or probe by the Media/Press and Tax Justice Network.

2.1.3 Challenge of revenue enhancement place

This issue is associated with the likeliness of the Company holding its revenue enhancement place challenged by HMRC and other gross governments. Although the Company has historically had a conformity attack to revenue enhancement and has its transportation pricing policy exhaustively documented by KPMG revenue enhancement advisers, gross governments are more likely than of all time to look into on its revenue enhancement patterns as the Company ‘ supports turning.

Inclusion in the Large Business Services of HMRC

Although the Company fulfils all the factors of a Large Business[ 13 ], it is non included in HMRC ‘ LBS. This explains why the Company has ever received really small attending from the gross governments. The fact that it has grown rapidly and organically and merely joined the FTSE 100 in 2010 can besides explicate why is hasnc?s received more attending. The likeliness of its inclusion in LBS is however highly high, as the Company is undergoing strong growing, both geographically and economically.

The inclusion of the Company in the LBS would connote that it will be assigned a hazard evaluation based on which the Company will be likely to be confronting revenue enhancement audits and see its revenue enhancement place meticulously studied. If gets a e?‡igh-riskranking the impact on the Company could be great due to heavier conformity costs, frequent revenue enhancement audits and challenge of concern procedures. On the other this can besides supply an chance for an unfastened duologue with HMRC, as a forum of treatment to understand one another ‘ places.

Changes in statute law

The reluctance of the UK to any signifier of revenue enhancement harmonization such as the CCCTB means that the Company ‘ transportation pricing policy is still a long manner from being challenged, although it is capable to command. Furthermore experts do non see the UK giving up their financial independency any clip shortly.

Impact and likeliness of happening of revenue enhancement hazards revenue enhancement and issues[ 14 ]

IssueImpact on CompanyLikelihood of occurrence1. Uncertainty of hard currency flowHighLow2.Reputational issuesHighLow3. Challenge of revenue enhancement positionMediumLow4. Inclusion in HMRC ‘s LBSLow or HighHigh5. Changes in revenue enhancement lawLowMedium

Stakeholder function

2.2.1 Model of Mitchell, Agle and Wood Choice[ 15 ]

Mitchel, Agle and Wood provide us with a theoretical account which enables us to mensurate and measure which stakeholders or group of stakeholders have the greatest possible to impact the Company as a whole, and its attack to revenue enhancement, by sorting them in classs.

Stakeholders are mapped following the three standards of the Mitchell, Agle and Wood theoretical account: power, legitimacy and urgency[ 16 ]. Consequently, stakeholder power exists when a stakeholder can acquire another, or the administration to make something that would non he would non hold otherwise done. Can the stakeholder enforce its will on the Company? Legitimacy represents the belief that the actions of a stakeholder are desirable or appropriate within a company ‘ recognized norms and values and by the jurisprudence. Urgency includes both criticalness and clip urgency, with a stakeholder claim considered to be pressing both when it is critical, and when a hold in response is deemed unacceptable. By including urgency as an property, a dynamic constituent is added to the procedure whereby stakeholders attain saliency in the heads of directors.

Stakeholder analysis


A PowerLegitimacyUrgencyType of stakeholderInternal stakeholdersA A A A BoardXXXDefinitiveTax teamXXXDefinitiveEmployeesXDiscretionaryExternal stakeholdersInvestorsXXDominantHMRCXXXDefinitiveGovernementsXXXDefinitiveTax Justice NetworkXXDominantMedia/PressXXDominantLocal communitiesXDiscretionary

Discretionary stakeholders merely possess legitimacy as property. Their claims are deemed appropriate by the Company since they are consistent with its concerns rules and values.

Employees: A thorough probe of the employeesview on the Company ‘ revenue enhancement place wasnc?s carried out. But revenue enhancement, due to its esoteric nature, is understood is believed to be understood by a minority of cardinal people within the Company. We strongly believe nevertheless that employees expect the Company to move as a good corporate citizen, therefore by non confronting revenue enhancement liabilities that might impact the security of their occupation.

Local communities: Local communities have the legitimacy to anticipate from the Company that it pays its revenue enhancements in a responsible manner, since revenue enhancement is used to finance authorities intercession such as societal security. The Company ‘ revenue enhancement policy states that it is in conformity with the Group ‘ Ethical Policy, which states its committedness to legal conformity. However the policy doesnc?s reference how this applies to the Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement direction.

Furthermore the International Power Project concern theoretical accounts of the Company lead it to set about undertakings, some in developing states that do non needfully connote that the Company is obliged to pay corporate income revenue enhancement in them. An interviewee told us that it was his/her belief that the Company ‘ duty ought to be to pay revenue enhancements in every state in which it operates, which highlights the fact that the claim of local communities of taken into consideration by some cardinal people within the Company.

Dominant stakeholders are those who possess the properties of power and legitimacy. They can acquire either another stakeholder or the Company to follow a behavior that it wouldnc?s have adopted otherwise, but their claims are non perceived as being pressing by the Company.

Investors: the Company ‘ stockholders are its legitimate proprietors, which is why its claims are taken into consideration by the Company. Furthermore since the Company is listed, it is inclined to cover with issues that may take to future claimsby investors in order to avoid a bead of the value of its portion. The investors are affected by the Company ‘ revenue enhancement place as it can impact certainty on future net incomes.

Media/press: In the UK more than in any other European state, the media have started taken involvement in corporate revenue enhancement, which led The Guardian to get down look intoing on how the components of the FTSE 100 manage their revenue enhancement liabilities. As the information publicised in the media can impact the Company ‘ repute, hence its concern, and the behavior of other stakeholders, its claims are legitimate and powerful. It is nevertheless non pressing, the Company has a really low profile and the fact that it merely late entered the FTSE 100 means that its revenue enhancement patterns havenc?s come yet under the limelight.

Tax Justice Network is UK ‘ most active NGO lobbying for a just revenue enhancement part from companies. It lobbies strongly at the UK parliament by subjecting thoughts, models and guidelines that would let HMRC to take on more efficaciously revenue enhancement turning away. And urges companies to follow a responsible stance on revenue enhancement planning. Its claims can impact other stakeholders as we can see, and are hence legitimate to the Company.

Definitive stakeholders possess all three properties. In the instance of revenue enhancement, this means that a unequivocal stakeholder is by jurisprudence able to act upon the Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement planning, the power to implement such an attack and claims are deemed pressing.

The Board the Company is the concluding determination shaper. The Board of the Company doesnc?s have strong input as such in the design of the revenue enhancement policy. The wide of revenue enhancement issues are managed by the Tax Team. As it works on behalf of the Company ‘ stockholders, the Board is expected to pull off all the hazards that might impact the Company, while accomplishing first-class fiscal consequences, the preoccupation on the top of their docket[ 17 ].

The revenue enhancement squad of the Company manages the Company ‘ revenue enhancement place on a day-to-day footing. Their responsibility is to pull off revenue enhancement hazard harmonizing to the revenue enhancement policy ( i.e. no surprise attack to revenue enhancement, lowest sustainable revenue enhancement rate for stockholders within revenue enhancement conformity ) . Their claims are pressing in the eyes of the Board.

HMRC has a direct impact on the Company ‘ revenue enhancement scheme which it can lawfully dispute, taking to eventual revenue enhancement liabilities and alterations in the Company ‘ revenue enhancement policy. The claims made by the gross governments are high on the revenue enhancement hazard docket of the Company. The Company has received really small attending of HMRC as of today. HMRC ‘ claims are to maximize corporate revenue enhancement grosss while at the same clip

Governments ‘ input in revenue enhancement policies has an impact on the Company ‘ activities. Although authoritiess engage is a??ax competitionby take downing revenue enhancement rates to pull concerns, it wishes to maximize at the same clip corporate income revenue enhancement grosss and this is shown by HMRC ‘ and other OECD gross governments to undertake revenue enhancement turning away, as revenue enhancements are a agencies of financing public services.

The following tabular array amounts up and links revenue enhancement hazards and revenue enhancement issues that the Company is confronted to with how they affect its unequivocal ( bluish ) and dominant ( ruddy ) stakeholders:

Importance to which stakeholdersInvestorsInvestors, , HMRCInvestors, HMRCHMRCGovernmentsInternal stakeholder involvedTax squad, BoardTax squad, Board, Tax teamTax squad, ( Board ) Tax Team, BoardLikelihood of occurrenceLowLowLowHighMediumImpact on CompanyHighHighMediumLow or HighLowRiskaˆ¦1. Uncertainty of hard currency flow2.Reputationa issues3. Challenge of revenue enhancement position4. Inclusion in HMRC ‘s LBS5. Changes in revenue enhancement jurisprudence

Case survey: How can associate between revenue enhancement and CSR apply to the determination of transporting out Tax Efficient Supply Chain Management enterprise?[ 18 ]

During three and a half months[ 19 ], we were given the chance to transport out a undertaking for the Company, under the supervising of Europe and Middle East Finance Director and the European Tax Manager. The purpose of the undertaking was foremost to look into and reexamine concern complexnesss within its Continental Europe construction ( CoEur ) , which involved going to CoEur subordinates. Second, suggestions were to be made on the possibilities of rationalizing and streamlining those complexnesss and in making so following a revenue enhancement position. The probes carried out helped us understand the function of finance and revenue enhancement within CoEur ‘s activities and whether their deductions are understood and managed by the relevant people. A study was submitted and a presentation was made on findings to the Europe and Middle East Finance Director in May 2010.

The consequences of our undertakings assessed operational inefficiencies encountered in the subsidiariesmanagement of the fleet. These findings, in add-on to the fact that it is believed Company appears to pull off its revenue enhancements in a suboptimal rate, due to a high effectual revenue enhancement rate, led to the survey of a conjectural possibility of undergoing an enterprise that would assist rationalize implicit in concern inefficiencies discussed.

The theoretical account that we studied in our exercising is one that is advertised by many revenue enhancement confer withing houses such as the Big Four. It is called Tax Efficient Supply Chain Management and referred more normally as TESCM. TESCM is a concern theoretical account that integrates the planning between supply concatenation and finance which can make chances in realining both concern and revenue enhancement constructions.

We wonc?s reexamine in this thesis the operational and managerial deductions of a TESCM enterprise, but how it will be perceived by stakeholders and the impact that it will hold on revenue enhancement issues. Although our undertaking foremost concerned merely the six CoEur subordinates of the Company, we argued that such an enterprise would do sense merely if value adding maps of all the European subordinates were centralised, hence including Northern Europe.

In the exercising, Switzerland has been chosen as legal power to implement centralized map deducing from TESCM enterprise. We justify this pick because Switzerland is a plausible and realistic location.

4.1 How does a TESCM enterprise work?

Concretely, it implies the centralization of value adding maps present in its European subordinates in a legal power that revenue enhancements more lightly than other, therefore taking to an addition in profitableness. For the interest of the exercising we chose to follow during our undertaking for the Company, we will discourse a centralization taking topographic point in Switzerland.

Without taking into consideration other advantages of centralizing maps in Switzerland, the chief revenue enhancement advantage is its low corporate revenue enhancement rate for foreign companie, thats is of about 7-8 % compared with 28 % in the UK %[ 20 ], and in some parts of the state ( called Guangzhous ) , a 10-year revenue enhancement vacation is granted, i.e. the freedom of corporate income revenue enhancement.

For the Company, the undermentioned cardinal value-adding maps were identified as follow:

Fleet direction

Health, Quality and Safety



Gross saless & A ; Selling


The figure here below helps the apprehension of its operation. A new chief company would hold material ownership of some or portion of the fleet, every bit good as include the aforesaid corporate sections. The new company would supply these services to its European subordinates, which would in exchange of these services wage fees. Bing entities of a same group, these minutess represent transportation monetary values that are to follow the arm ‘ length rule of the OECD ( i.e. at a monetary value that would be fixed between two unrelated parties in a competitory market ) .

Beginning: KPMG, TESCM Hotspot Switzerland, What are the benefits of traveling a concern to Switzerland, KPMG, 2008, p.5 hypertext transfer protocol: //

4.2 Associating revenue enhancement to CSR

4.2.1 Issues and stakeholder analysis

We have seen in.2. Stakeholder analysisthat a wide scope of stakeholders are affected and impact the Company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement. But how would this alteration if the Company were to transport out a TESCM enterprise?

Important to which stakeholdersInvestorsInvestors, Media/Press, TJN, HMRCInvestors, HMRCHMRCGovernmentsInternal stakeholder involvedTax squad, BoardTax squad, Board, Tax teamTax squad, ( Board ) Tax Team, BoardLikelihood of occurrenceIncreaseMedium to highIncreaseIncreaseMediumImpact on CompanyHighHighMediumMedium to highLowRiskaˆ¦1. Uncertainty of hard currency flow2.Reputationa issues3. Challenge of revenue enhancement position4. Inclusion in HMRC ‘s LBS5. Changes in revenue enhancement jurisprudence

Cash flow uncertainness will increase. The enterprise will take to a autumn in effectual revenue enhancement rate, and an betterment of operational public presentation and a growing in net incomes. In the short term stockholder value will increase. In the long tally nevertheless, uncertainness of hard currency flow will increase as the Company will hold attracted attending by its move of value adding map to Switzerland ensuing in a decrease of nonexempt net incomes for the other European legal powers in which the Company operates.

Corporate repute will besides increase and will potentially damage the Company ‘ repute which will hold an impact on its concern public presentation, and hence stockholder value. The British media and Tax Justice Network systematically attack British Company ‘ go forthing to revenue enhancement set up themselves in low revenue enhancement legal powers,[ 21 ], and it is really likely that the Company will be labelled as c-Zggressive revenue enhancement avoidantby both the media and Tax Justice Network. The Company ‘ repute will besides be affected by the British gross authoritiesdecision to scrutinize in deep the consequence of a move to Switzerland on their revenue enhancement grosss. This is why both the Media/Press and Tax Justice Network will be considered by the Company as unequivocal stakeholder. Indeed, they will hold the urgency property since the likeliness of their actions holding an impact on the Company ‘ repute will hold increased.

Challenge hazard will increase so will the chance of its happening. The Company ‘ Local Business theoretical account, that was based on revenue enhancement conformity, wonc?s lucifer with the Company ‘ new attack to revenue enhancement. Whereas antecedently revenue enhancement didnc?s specify the Company ‘ concern theoretical account, it would alter the Company ‘ attack, as it does non hold a commercial presence in Switzerland.

Transportation pricing was used antecedently about entirely during intra-group dealing of physical assets ( 20 % of CoEur ‘ fleet is swapped between subordinates ) . TESCM will take to minutess happening between the new Swiss subordinates and the European entities. The Swiss entity will bear down fees to all the other subordinates for services it provides ( swift direction, QHSE, Marketing, … )

Although the exercising here isnc?s to discourse the legality of the move, it will be qualified as turning away by HMRC and other stakeholders, as it is inconsistent since the Company ‘ will declare net incomes in a state where it has no operations. This will necessarily hold an impact on the Company ‘ repute, its concern public presentation, and hence stockholder value.

The Company, if set abouting this conjectural TESCM enterprise, is even more likely to be included in HMRC ‘ LBS. The determination to prosecute in TESCM will impact the Company ‘ hazard ranking which could take to more frequent revenue enhancement audits from the gross governments, every bit good to the likeliness that it will reexamine concern procedures. Potential addition in revenue enhancement liabilities has besides an impact on hard currency flow certainty, which is of great concern to stockholder. Bing included in HMRC can be seen nevertheless as an chance to prosecute in an unfastened relation of cooperation with the gross governments, making a platform for treatment to do involvements run into.

Actions and model

We developed a series of action or c¤Zehavioursthat that Company can set about to follow an attack to the direction of its revenue enhancement liabilities that is deemed a-?esponsible based on the acquisitions been made from:

the analysis made on transporting out a literature reappraisal to happen links revenue enhancement and CSR ( answerability, transparence consistence )

patterns studied in the two instance surveies

the Company ‘ current attack to revenue enhancement was and how transporting out a TESCM enterprise can consequence it every bit good as its stakeholders

Reading the action program is simple:

Based on the three implicit in rules of a responsible attack to revenue enhancement ( answerability, transparence and consistence ) we summarised the Company ‘ current attack to revenue enhancement. Each action will hold an result that will impact contribute to a responsible attack to the direction of revenue enhancement issues.


By outlining a series of actions, our purpose was by no agencies to breathe a opinion on the Company ‘ revenue enhancement place. Our purpose was to demo that by taking into history stakeholders involved in the Company ‘ place, this could ensue in a win-win state of affairs for the Companies and its stakeholders. Indeed, enhanced relationships with gross governments will take to greater trust between parties and more unfastened duologue.

Even though lower revenue enhancement liabilities influence positively stockholder value, associating revenue enhancement to rules of a corporate societal behavior is likely to bring forth sustainable stockholder value in the long tally, as stakeholder ‘ involvements will hold been taken into history, which in bend leads to the integrating of reputational, challenge, hard currency flow uncertainness issues.

Section IV Conclusions

This concluding subdivision nowadayss and sums up the acquisitions gathered from our work on researching links between revenue enhancement and Corporate Social Responsibility that would enable companies in general, and our internship Company to follow an attack to revenue enhancement that goes beyond simple revenue enhancement conformity. Consequently, this subdivision is made of:

General decisions that:

Remind the purposes of the thesis and measure their accomplishment

Remind the rules of a a-?esponsibleapproach to revenue enhancement and explicate how they can use to the Company where we carried out our internship.

Further decisions that provide:

Explanations on the bounds of our analysis thoughts for future research on the topic

Our positions on the links between revenue enhancement and CSR

General Conclusions

The purposes of our thesis were:

to understand and depict the links between CSR and revenue enhancement by set uping a series of rules based on literature reappraisal

to research and assess tax-related CSR patterns based on a series of relevant instance surveies.

to see how CSR principles use to the direction of the Company ‘s revenue enhancement liability by using them to a concrete revenue enhancement enterprise that we researched during our internship in the Company.

to plan a series of attacks or behaviors that consist is in a a-?esponsibleapproach towards the direction of its revenue enhancement liabilities for the Company.

Due to the recent and late public involvement in the subject, it was hard to happen synergisms between Corporate Social Responsibility and a company ‘ direction of its revenue enhancement liabilities. Very small literature exists on the subject, which is why we started by analyzing both subjects individually.

Economic indexs provided us with information that helped us hold on the function of revenue enhancement in the planetary economic system. On the one manus gross governments engage in revenue enhancement competition by take downing their corporate income revenue enhancement rate which enables Multinational Enterprises ( MNEs ) to shop across legal power for the lowest revenue enhancement rate, all other things being equal. On the other manus they take on revenue enhancement turning away in order to shut the revenue enhancement aggregation spread, i.e. the spread bing between what grosss expect to roll up and what they truly collect.

Tax minimization techniques, runing from revenue enhancement planning to revenue enhancement equivocation enable MNEs to take down their revenue enhancement load. Although revenue enhancement equivocation is illegal, revenue enhancement jurisprudence has been so far incapable of supplying a clear boundary between c-Zcceptabletax turning away and c??nacceptabletax turning away. We asked ourselves whether such a boundary could be provided by Corporate Social Responsibility.

CSR consists in the parts of companies to sustainable development by agencies that exceed simple conformity to the jurisprudence. Therefore we argue that a company ‘ attack to revenue enhancement shouldnc?s be a inquiry of legality, but whether its economic part to society is a-?esponsible For case, it can be deemed legal for a company to apportion parts of its net income to a revenue enhancement oasis and hence non pay any corporation revenue enhancements. However is this attack responsible? How does that impact companiesstakeholders?

Furthermore, companies have traditionally sought to understate their revenue enhancement load in order to maximize stockholder value. In making so, a cost/benefit based on a hazard attack is normally made. This attack is inconsistent with CSR, as it doesnc?s take into history the wide scope of underlying stakeholders who affect or are affected by the companiestax place. CSR depicts a more across-the-board and holistic attack by taking into consideration how stakeholders are affected and impact the Company ‘ place. By making so, companies can broaden their field of duty. But how does a company step its field of duty? Mitchell, Agle, and Wood ‘ theoretical account allows the prioritisation of stakeholders based on how likely they are to impact the Company. This theoretical account can be complemented by naming the hazards and issues that affect the Company ‘ revenue enhancement place.

Three words sum up the rules that can associate revenue enhancement to CSR:

Accountability: how a company is antiphonal to claims of a-?esponsibletax paying

Transparency: the communicating and coverage of revenue enhancement affairs to stakeholders

Consistency: the absence of contradiction between company ‘ revenue enhancement place and its committednesss

The rules were applied when analyzing two companies who late were rewarded for their outstanding transparence in revenue enhancement coverage: Vodafone and Anglo American. Due to the little size of our sample of, tendencies couldnc?s be described. But both companies had first-class attacks, which we took into consideration when planing actions and behavior that our internship Company could follow:

Public revelation of revenue enhancement policies and revenue enhancement codification of behavior

Recognition of revenue enhancement as being an component of part to society and local communities where the company operate

Declare grosss and pay revenue enhancements in states in which company has commercial minutess

Disclosure of qualitative and quantitative informations sing revenue enhancement payments its revenue enhancement issues such as differences with gross governments.

Disclosure of hard currency revenue enhancement payments made to authoritiess divide geographically and by type of revenue enhancement paid

Reconciliation of accounting revenue enhancement charge of income statement and the hard currency revenue enhancement really paid.

By outlining a series of actions, our purpose was by no agencies to breathe a opinion on the Company ‘ revenue enhancement place. Our purpose was to demo that by taking into history stakeholders involved in the Company ‘ place, this can ensue in a win-win state of affairs for the Companies and its stakeholders. Indeed, enhanced relationships with gross governments will take to greater trust between parties and more unfastened duologue.

Even though lower revenue enhancement liabilities influence positively stockholder value, associating revenue enhancement to rules of a corporate societal behavior is likely to bring forth sustainable stockholder value in the long tally, as stakeholder ‘ involvements will hold been taken into history, which in bend leads to the integrating of reputational, challenge, hard currency flow uncertainness issues.

The Company has shown involvement in our thesis on several occasions during meetings with senior staff. We hope hence that our work will be welcomed, as it provides a practical attack on a turning issue that all companies are confronting.

Further decisions

Since revenue enhancement is merely easy get downing to be debated as being a CSR issue, small surveies have been made on the topic. The instance surveies we provide merely represent a little sample, and hence an in-depth research could supply empirical consequences as to what could actuate companies to add revenue enhancement to their CSR docket and what consists in c¤Zest patterns

Furthermore, we were told that as of following academic twelvemonth, ICHEC pupils following the Mineure Gestion Durable given by Mrs Brigitte Hudlot will work on practical CSR issues in partnership with Belgian companies. This could stand for the chance for pupils investigate farther on the links between revenue enhancement and CSR. However with revenue enhancement being a sensitive subject for companies, it might be hard to acquire entire openness and cooperation. This is why it is necessary to near the companies by discoursing the benefits of a responsible attack to the direction of their revenue enhancement liabilities.

Further research could be carried out in the undermentioned Fieldss:

Study the function the function of revenue enhancement advisers in companiestax affairsthat we failed to analyze reference in our thesis.

Tax advisers play a function in revenue enhancement turning away that we did non reference in this thesis. Many confer withing companies provide revenue enhancement advises to company, some of which are known to be considered as unacceptable revenue enhancement turning away strategies. It would be interesting to what extent the strategies they design take into consideration CSR rules, if any, and to what extent they are involved in CSR forums and discourse this issue with stakeholders.

Is it responsible for companies to compensate their revenue enhancement turning away enterprises by other parts they make to society?

Can it be deemed responsible for a company to understate its revenue enhancement load when it leads it to opening a subordinate in a underdeveloped state, making occupation chances and gross to local communities? How can the revenue enhancement benefit for the company ( or the sum avoided for authoritiess ) be measured against the economic part that represents employment for people and personal income revenue enhancement grosss for authoritiess? How can the cost of turning away be measured compared to other parts to society, and how can these parts be quantitatively computed?

We would wish to sum up the basic quandary that underlies a responsible attack to revenue enhancement by comparing it to another CSR issue. Unlike other CSR issues like planetary heating, where companies can tout proudly about their decrease of CO2 emanations, it is uneasy for them to pass on with plume their revenue enhancement scheme and payments in a manner that goes beyond legal demands ; the same manner it canc?s be expected from them to pay more revenue enhancement than what is required by the jurisprudence.

It is our belief that jurisprudence is so far unable of supplying a clear boundary between acceptable revenue enhancement turning away and aggressive revenue enhancement turning away ; in add-on to the fact that revenue enhancement harmonization is still far from being achieved. Until so CSR represents the chance for companies to follow a responsible attack to the direction of their revenue enhancement liabilities that will be welcomed by a wide scope of stakeholders.


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