
chapter 3 physics

Magnitude: 41 Direction: -y Vector A has a magnitude of 26 units and points in the positive y-direction. When vector B is added to A, the resultant vector A+B points in the negative y-direction with a magnitude of 15 units. Find the magnitude and direction of B? (a) 469.51 (b) 17.4 north of west An …

Physics Exam 1 (2,3,4,5)

v=Δx/Δt or Δx=vΔt If you are driving 95 km/h along a straight road and you look to the side for 2.0s, how far do you travel during this inattentive period? v=Δx/Δt; the average speed cannot be calculated because the total distance travelled is needed to be known. we are only given displacement. A particle at …

Physics (Scalar and Vector Quantity Facts)

Quantity Described by a unit and a number Definition of Scalar Quantity Scalar Quantities only have magnitude Scalar Quantity (1) Vector Quantities have a number, unit, and direction Vector Quantity (1) Acceleration, Velocity, Force, and displacement Examples of Vector Quantities: Speed, Time, and Distance Examples of Scalar Quantities:

First Physics Quiz, Scalar vs. Vector Quantity

1) distance 2) speed 3) work (energy) 4) power 5) time 6) mass What are the characteristics of a scalar quantity? 1) displacement (how far from where it started) (also has direction) 2) velocity 3) acceleration (a change in ones velocity) 4) force 5) momentum 6) impulse What are the characteristics of a vector quantity? …

Physics 135 Exam 1

Vol = 8 Area = 4 radius^1 α size^1 (2r^1)^2 α 2r^2 = 4A (2r^1)^3 α 2r^3 = 8V Doubling the size of the radius increases the volume by a factor of (1) and area by a factor of (2) The volume increases by factor of 27 volume α size^3 α (diameter^1)^3 V2 α (3d^1)^3 …

Physics - Vectors and Projectile Motion

– A vector quantity always has a direction associated with it. – Vectors can be represented by an arrow on a scaled diagram; the length of the arrow represents the vector’s magnitude and the direction it points represents the vector’s direction. Which of the following statements are true of scalars and vectors? – displacement – …

Mastering Physics Homework 28

absorbtion The blackness of the type on a page is due to _________. Incident light makes the electrons oscillate. The electrons then emit light or absorb the light and convert it to heat. How does incident light that falls on an object affect the motion of electrons in the atoms of the object? They reemit …

AP Physics 1 Vector Addition and Subtraction

the sum of two or more vectors resultant vector vector addition when vectors are collinear R=A+B used to find the sum of perpendicular vectors R^2=A^2+B^2 used to find theta when dealing with perpendicular vectors SOH-CAH-TOA and Inverse Trigonometric functions 1. length of resultant vector is measured w/ruler 2.length converted to magnitude of R by using …

Physics - Scalar or Vector?

Scalar Mass Vector Weight Scalar Speed Vector Acceleration Vector Force Scalar Spring constant Scalar Coefficient of friction Vector Velocity Scalar Time Scalar Length Scalar Area Scalar Volume Scalar Density Scalar Temperature Scalar Energy Scalar Work Vector Momentum Vector Impulse Scalar Power Scalar Wavelength Scalar Frequency Scalar Period Scalar Phase Scalar Voltage, Potential Difference Scalar Current …

Physics CP Chapter 3 Questions

Its vertical acceleration is g because the force of gravity is downward. Its horizontal acceleration is zero because no horizontal force acts on it. A projectile is launched at an angle into the air. Neglecting air resistance, what is its vertical acceleration? Its horizontal acceleration? The minimum speed of a projectile occurs at the top …

Physics Exam II

False. A force gives an acceleration and, in fact, an object in motion will stay in motion in a straight line without any other forces. This is N1. A force is required to keep an object moving in a straight line. False. The object is not necessarily at rest due to the vertical forces. It …

Physics 1200 Quiz 1

V is the magnitude of the vector V ; it is not necessarily larger than the magnitudes V1 and V2. For instance, if V1 and V2 have the same magnitude as each other and are in opposite directions, then V 12 is zero. If V = V1 + V2, is V necessarily greater than V1 …

Physics (Scalar and Vector Quantity Facts)

Quantity Described by a unit and a number Definition of Scalar Quantity Scalar Quantities only have magnitude Scalar Quantity (1) Vector Quantities have a number, unit, and direction Vector Quantity (1) Acceleration, Velocity, Force, and displacement Examples of Vector Quantities: Speed, Time, and Distance Examples of Scalar Quantities:

Physics True False

False The position time graph of an object moving with a constant velocity is never a straight line False Force is a scalar quantity True The average velocity is defined as the ratio of the change of position to the time interval during which the change occurred False Acceleration can never be negative False The …

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Physics Chapter 3 Test

quantity with magnitude and direction vectors quantity with only magnitude scalar two vectors are drawn from a common origin, and a parallelogram is construced using the vectors as adjacent sides parallelogram method -a minus sign of a vector tells direction; the magnitude is always positive -changes direction by 180° subtraction of vectors -product has same …


a A projectile fired from a gun has initial horizontal and vertical components of velocity equal to 30 m/s and 40 m/s, respectively. 1. What is the acceleration of the projectile when it reaches its maximum height? A) 9.8 m/s2, downward B) less than 9.8 m/s2 and non-zero. C) zero m/s2 D) Its magnitude is …

First Physics Quiz, Scalar vs. Vector Quantity

1) distance 2) speed 3) work (energy) 4) power 5) time 6) mass What are the characteristics of a scalar quantity? 1) displacement (how far from where it started) (also has direction) 2) velocity 3) acceleration (a change in ones velocity) 4) force 5) momentum 6) impulse What are the characteristics of a vector quantity? …

Physics - Vector And Angles

90 degree angle Acute angle

Physics Exam set 1

the speed of light Today the standard meter is defined in terms of a standard platnium-iridium cylinder the standard unit of mass is defined in terms of the electromagnetic waves emitted by cesium atoms the standard unit of time is defined in terms of 10^4 millimeters Which of the following is the longest length? 10^0 …

Physics vectors and equilibrium

A vector is an arrow that represents the magnitude and direction of a quantity. • Force is an example of a vector because it has an amount and a direction in which the force is applied. What is a vector? a force is a push or a pull. A force can cause an object to …


centimeter The length of line AB shown is closes to one A—————-B 0.523 g The mass of 100 paper clips is measured at 52.3 grams. The mass of a single paper clip from this group would be closest to 100 centimeters A reasonable height for a chalk tray above the floor is closest to 0.85 …

Physics Chapter 2

natural 1. What class of motion, natural or violent, did Aristotle attribute to motion of the moon? natural 2. What state of motion did Aristotle attribute to earth? Earth circles the sun, and not the other way around. 3. What relationship between the sun and earth did Copernicus formulate? That objects in fall pick up …

Physics II Unit 1

4.16×10^42 (1.1) It is known that the electric force of repulsion between two electrons is much stronger than the gravitational attraction. For two electrons at a distance d apart, calculate the ratio of the size of the electrostatic repulsion to that of the gravitational attraction. Use the following data: k = 8.99×109 Nm2/C2, e = …

Kinesiology: Physics, torque, vectors, etc.

– Law of Interia – Law of Acceleration – Law of Action-Reaction What are the three laws of physics (motion)? – Body at rest remains at rest, body in motion remains in motion- unless acted upon by an external force Ex: Cat sleeping on dashboard will stay sleeping on the it – unless person slams …

MCAT - Physics - Electric charge, fields, and potentials

protons (positive charge) and electrons (negative charge) carry an electric charge allowing them to have attractive forces between them electric charge charge of a proton/electron 1e e=1.6*10^-19C for coulombs elementary charge removed or added electrons forms cations and anions ionized atom q or Q is charge in discrete amounts of n q=n(±e) n is the …


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