
Brave New World - Vocabulary Test

1) n. – a type of classical conditioning (applicable only to Brave New World) Hypnopaedia 1) adj. – arousing sexual feelings or desires Erotic 1) adj. – bearing of bringing forth living young Viviparous 1) n. – being married to one person at a time Monogamy 1) adj. – without plan or purpose, casual (referring …


6CO2+6H2O+sunlight –> C6H12O6+6O2 The summary equation for photosynthesis is Burning wood contributes more to acid rain than burning fossil fuels Which of the following statements regarding photosynthesis and carbon dioxide is false? producers What is the name given to organisms that can make their own food and the food for the biosphere? photoautotrophs Autotrophs that …

Land Animals test chapters 5 & 6

QuestionAnswer a large mass of land that was broken apart (possibly) by the flood Pangaea The Tasmanian devil acts like a hyena Name 2 characteristics of an opossum that's "playing dead" 1.Lips draw back 2. teeth are bared 3. smells dead 4. is stiff kangaroos are the size of _________ when born a grain of …

Measurement and Graphing Test

TermDefinition Steps of the Scientific Method Title Problem Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data and observations Conclusion Dependent Variable What you measure in the experiment. (Y-axis) Independent Variable What you have control over in the experiment. (X-axis) Data Information that has been collected through observation and measurement Constant Things that remain the same within an experiement

test monday 11/23

QuestionAnswer What units are used to measure area ? squared units What is the metric unit for measuring liquids ? liters Volume the amount of space an object takes up Mass the amount of matter inside an object Area the amount of surface on an object How do u find volume of regular shapes ? …

Unit 1 Test

TermDefinition Organism -a living thing Habitat -an environment that provides everything a organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce Biotic Factors -the living parts of a habitat Abiotic Factors -the nonliving parts of a habitat Photosynthesis -when plants and algae need water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide to make their food Species -a group of organisms …

Science Chapter 5 Test

QuestionAnswer What is the most signifaicant reason that species are becoming endangered? Loss of habitat. A habitat provides all the needs for the organism, and if the habitat is destroyed, the animal could die, and become endangered. One of the most important functions of nitrogen in an ecosystem is its ability to make _______, which …

Gr.7 heat and environment test 2015-2016

QuestionAnswer Name the 5 main points in the particle theory. 1.All matter is made up of tiny particles. 2.Particles have space between them. 3.Particles are moving all the time. 4.Particles move faster when heated. 5.Particles attract each other. What is heat? It is the transfer of energy from the particles of a warmer object to …

S2 body systems test

QuestionAnswer What name is given to cells of similar size and shape that are grouped together to do a common job? A tissue What is the smallest unit of every living organism? A cell What do tissues make up? An organ What are organs performing related functions organized into? An organ system What is the …

Review for Energy Test

QuestionAnswer The energy transformation that is taking place when a battery-operated radio is in use is _____ to electrical to sound Chemical TRUE or FALSE The correct order of the energy transformation that occurs when green plants produce their food from the sun's energy is light to chemical. True A circuit with a battery and …

Mid-Term Q & A Environmental Science Test Prep

QuestionAnswer What are the goals of environmental science? -to learn how life on earth has survived and thrive -to understand how humans interact with their environment -to find ways to deal with environmental problems so we can live more sustainably ALL OF THESE ANSWERS ARE CORECT. What are the three principles of sustainability ? chemical …

A stack that I'm using to study for my semester science test.

QuestionAnswer What is a descriptive investigation? It is an investigation where you describe what is observed. What is a comparative investigation? It is an investigation where you collect data about 2 or more items and compare them. What is an experimental investigation? It is an investigation where you use variables to test a hypothesis and …

Motion Science Test

QuestionAnswer What is motion? the action of being moved What is a reference point? a view of reference What is relative motion? The calculation of an object with regard to another moving object What is speed? the rate at which someone or something is moving at What is average speed? distance per time What is …

test 12/15

QuestionAnswer organism cell in biology, the smallest unit that can perform all life processes; cells are covered by a membrane and contain DNA and cytoplasm stimulus anything that causes a reaction or change in an organism or any part of an organism homeostasis the maintenance of a constant internal state in a changing environment sexual …

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TEST 1/15 - Weather Unit Test

TermDefinition Anemometer An instrument for measuring wind speed Rain Gauge An instrument used to gather and measure the amount of liquid precipitation Barometer An instrument for measuring air pressure Thermometer An instrument for measuring air temperature Hygrometer An instrument for measuring humidity Weather vane/Wind vane A device that tells the direction of the wind Condensation …

Chapter 4 Practice Test (Sec 4.1 & 4.2)

a. uses the energy in sunlight to make food. 1. Photosynthesis a. uses the energy in sunlight to make food. b. uses the glucose in sunlight to make food. c. uses the energy in sunlight to make ATP. d. breaks down glucose to form ATP. d. All of the above are producers. 2. Which of …

flashcards to study for 1/21 test Kobren

DefinitiionTerm The allele that is expressed even when it is paired with a recessive allele dominant allele Segment of DNA genes To receive from parents inherit The measure of the likelihood that an event will occur probability The allele that is hidden when a dominant allele is present recessive allele The genetic material found in …

Chapter 7 Test 7th and 8th

TermDefinition Atmosphere A blanket of gases that surrounds our planet to protect and support life in many ways. Water Vapor The gaseous form of water. Ozone A relatively scare type of oxygen molecule in which 3 oxygen atoms or bonded. (O3) Stratosphere The layer I immediately above the tropopause, stretches from the tropopause to an …

Practice questions for the Solar System final test

QuestionAnswer Which planet is the largest in our Solar System? Jupiter Which is the closest planet to the Sun? Mercury Which planet is the second planet closest to the Sun? Venus Which planet is the third planet from the Sun? Earth Which planet is the fourth planet from the Sun? Mars Which is the fifth …


TermDefinition Chemical Stored in bonds of atoms and molecules. Radiant Energy that comes to us in waves. Electromatic waves. Thermal The vibration and movement of molecules. Mechanical An objects movement creates energy. Sound Vibrations that are transmitted through air,water or another medium and produce a sensation in the air. Nuclear Stored in the nucleus of …


QuestionAnswer Which molecule supplies the energy for cellular functions? ATP Which of the following gases do plants use in photosynthesis? Carbon Dioxide Which of the following is broken down into the body to release energy? Sugar Which of the following is produced when sugar is digested in an animal cell? Carbon Dioxide During photosynthesis in …

For the matter test

QuestionAnswer Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space. Freezing point and melting point in F and C Freezing and melting= 32 F, and 0 C. Mass The measure of the amount of matter in an object. Volume A measure of how much space an example of matter takes up. Weight A measure of …

genetics test (edited to become midterm)

QuestionAnswer genetics the scientific study of heredity dominant gene the strong gene, if it is present whatever it is representing will show hybrid two different genes for a given trait genotype gene combination for a given trait phenotype outward appearance of the genotype girls can only hold… x chromosomes boys can hold both… y and …

Science 1101 test 2 mastering questions

negative, outside surrounding the structure electron positive, inside proton neutral, inside neutron electrically charged atoms, such as the form of the element calcium that is written as Ca2+ ions combinations of two or more atoms such as two chemically bonded oxygen atoms(O2) molecules when two or more atoms of different elements bond compounds atoms of …

Biology MIcrobes & Fungi Practice Test

C.) refrigeration Which of the following will NOT kill bacteria? A.) chemical disinfectant B.) frying C.) refrigeration D.) boiling D.) treated with antibiotics and prevented with vaccines. Viral diseases can be… A.) prevented with antibiotics but not treated with vaccines. B.) prevented with vaccines but not treated with antibiotics. C.) treated with vaccines and prevented …


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