TEST 1/15 - Weather Unit Test

Term Definition
Anemometer An instrument for measuring wind speed
Rain Gauge An instrument used to gather and measure the amount of liquid precipitation
Barometer An instrument for measuring air pressure
Thermometer An instrument for measuring air temperature
Hygrometer An instrument for measuring humidity
Weather vane/Wind vane A device that tells the direction of the wind
Condensation The process by which a gas changes to a liquid
Precipitation Water that falls from clouds to Earth
Evaporation The process by which liquid changes to a gas
Water Cycle The constant movement of water throughout the atmosphere
Meteorologist A person who studies weather
Weather The condition of the atmosphere at a certain place and time
Air Mass Large body of air with the same temperature and humidity
Polar Climate Climate that is very dry and cold
Climate The pattern of weather an area experiences over time
Temperate Climate A climate that changes with the seasons – like Georgia
Current A stream of water that flows through the ocean like a river
Tropical Climate Climate that is hot and rainy
Cold Front A cold air mass moves under a warm air mass, causing storms
Cold Front Symbol It is a blue line with blue triangles
Meteorology The study of weather
Front A place where two air masses meet
Stationary Front A front that is not moving either way
Humidity The amount of water vapor in the air
Warm Front When warm air moves over cold air and produces long-lasting rain
Warm Front Symbol It is a red line with red half circles
What is a low air pressure system? An air mass with low air pressure
What kind of weather does a low pressure system bring? It brings warm and rainy weather (low air pressure = less dense = warmer)
What is a high pressure system? An air mass with high air pressure
What kind of weather does a high pressure system bring? It brings cool and fair weather (high air pressure = more dense = cooler)
In what direction does weather usually move across the United States? West to East

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