The American Diabetes Association and Career Development Essay

I think it is smart of me to want to further and develop my professional knowledge and abilities to expand my career success. How I would develop this knowledge are by building important study skills that will promote my success in life. I will strengthen my will to learn and understand my values of education. I will develop and manage my learning, monitor my progress, resulting in greater personal responsibility and the flexibility to adapt to change. “The willingness and eagerness to learn throughout life is the master key that unlocks the doors to my journey.

If I keep this key firmly in my hand, I will discover worlds of knowledge and places for myself within them. ” Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits, (2007), page 427. By using these strategies I will apply my knowledge to my career success. The American Diabetes Association attracted my attention because I can relate to diabetes, so the field I want to pursue a career in is health care management. I have a greater understanding of the seriousness and risk of diabetes and a greater appreciation of the impact and value of proper nutrition and weight management because being a diabetic myself I had to learn to take care of myself.

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The American Diabetes Association was founded in October 1994 to create substantially accelerate to raise major gifts to fund diabetes research. What make the American Diabetes Association unique is its ability to match a donor’s interests and dollars with extensive diabetes research projects. The American Diabetes Association is at the forefront of the fight to prevent, treat, and cure diabetes. They provide education, promote awareness, advocate on behalf of diabetes patients, and are the authoritative source in the United States. The American Diabetes Association hosts the world’s largest diabetes meeting.

The association funded researcher Allison Goldfine, MD has uncovered a surprising discovery about the production of insulin, which awards her the Career Development Award. American Diabetes Association (1995-2010). “News & Research. ” The American Diabetes Association is contributing toward my professional knowledge and abilities are quite simple. I had to do a brief research of this association and because of my brief research strategies I gained understanding of how I learn progress and achieve information. I applied many learning styles and strategies to improve my academic goals in doing so

I gain professional knowledge and abilities. Today, I know how this knowledge and abilities can affect my career success. Keeping me motivated to lifelong learning that will allow me to adopt to change, remaining able to manage and achieve my evolving career and personal goals. Setting goals, managing time, knowing and using my creative thinking are some of the skills I will acquire. Establishing a personal mission to develop an idea of what I want to accomplish in my career and life, and choices that will guide me toward my goals. I think this will lead to my success in life.


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