The Human Body- Unit 6

Question Answer
What is the Endocrine System? -a collection of glands that work together to control body fluid, balance, and growth
What does the Endocrine System control? -it controls body functions with the use of chemicals for your body
What is a gland? -a group of cells that make special chemicals for your body
What are hormones? -the chemicals that are produced by the endocrine glands
Where do hormones go? -they are released into the bloodstream and carried to other places in the body
Describe/Explain Pituitary Glands. -they stimulate pituitary growth
-they help thyroids function properly
-they regulate the amount of water in the blood
Describe/Explain Thyroid Glands. -they increase the rate at which you use energy
-they secrete thyroxine
Where is the Parathyroid? -located behind the thyroid
What does the Parathyroid do? -it regulates calcium levels in the blood
What does the Thymus Gland do? -it regulates the immune system which helps your body fight disease
What do the Adrenal Glands do? -they prepare your organs to deal with stress
-they produce epinephrine also known as adrenaline
-they speed up your heart rate to prepare your body to run or fight
-it is the fight or flight response
What does the Pancreas do? -it regulates blood sugar levels
-it secretes insulin
What do ovaries do? -they produce hormones involved in female reproduction
What is estrogen? -a female hormone
What do testes do? -they produce hormones involved in male reproduction
What is testosterone? -a male hormone
Name disorders of the Endocrine System. 1)Diabetes Mellitus
What is Diabetes Mellitus? -when the pancreas cannot make enough insulin to bring blood sugar levels down to normal
-daily injections of insulin may be needed
What is Goiter? -when there is not enough iodine in the diet the thyroid is not able to produce thyroxine
-it causes fatigue and weight gain
List the glands and hormones. (8) 1)Pituitary glands
2)Thyroid glands
3)Parathyroid gland
4)Thymus gland
5)Adrenal gland
6)Ovaries (secretes estrogen)
7)Testes (secrete testosterone)
8)pancreas (secretes insulin)

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