The Periodic Table, Chapter 4 Quiz

Repeating patterns of chemical and physical properties across the periods in the table of elements.
What is the periodic law?
It has the same electron shells.
What do elements in the same period have in common?
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The Periodic Table, Chapter 4 Quiz
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It has the same amount of valence electrons.
What do elements in the same group have in common?
The “s” orbital can only hold a maximum of two electrons.
Why can Period 1 contain a maximum of two electrons?
The Noble Gases are the most unreactive b/c its outermost shell completes the energy level and is stable enough.
Which group of elements is the most unreactive? Why?
Elements in the each group have the same number of valence electrons.
Why do groups among the main-group elements display similar chemical behavior?
Hydrogen does not belong to a single group b/c it can be considered an alkali metal, but it is also a gas.
Why is hydrogen set apart by itself?
All the members of the alkaline earth metals have a valence electron configuration of 1.
How do the valence electron configurations of the alkali metals compare with each other?
The alkali metals only have one electron in the outer shell, compared to the alkaline-earth, and it is easier to give away one electron rather than give away two.
Why are the alkaline-earth metals less reactive than the alkali metals?
Low to no reactivity b/c if it did react, it would’ve bonded with another element.
If you find an elements in nature in its pure elemental state, what can you infer about the element’s chemical reactivity?
You cannot determine the location of the electrons surrounding the nucleus.
Why is it difficult to measure the size of an atom?
It is the energy that is required to remove an electron from an atom. The higher it is, the harder it is to remove. The lower it is, the easer it is to remove electrons.
What is ionization energy? What does a high ionization energy indicate? What does lower ionization energy indicate?
Electron affinity is still unbonded and how likely it is to change, while electronegativity is already bonded w/ a negative pull.
How is electron affinity different from electronegativity?
They are not reactant b/c they have already completed their outermost shell.
Explain why the Noble Gases have high ionization energies.
Physical Properties-Butter like, low boiling point, and could belong to the alkali metals.
Chemical Properties- Highly reactant, especially w/ the Halogens
It would have 8 electron shells and have one valence electron shells.
Predict the physical and chemical properties of new element 119. Tell how many electron shells and how many valence electrons it would have.
Element A is more likely to lose electrons because it has a lower ionization level, therefore making it easier to remove electrons.
Consider two main-group elements, A and B. Element A has an ionization energy of 419 kJ/mol. Element B has an ionization energy of 1000 kJ/mol. Which element is more likely to lose electrons?
It has similar amount of electrons in its shells.
Explain why elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties.
Chlorine has a bigger atomic radius and it decreases to Sodium, which would make it closer to the nucleus. Therefore, it would make the more protons and make the electrons pull closer together.
Atomic size decreases from Na to Cl in the periodic table. Explain.
Radius decreases across a period and increases down a group.
Across the period of atomic radius? Down a group?
Ionization energy increases across a period and decreases down a group.
Across the period of ionization energy? Down a group?
Electronegativity increases across a period (however, Noble Gases are excluded) and decreases down a group.
Across the period of electronegativity? Down a group?
You count how much electrons are left in the last orbital.
How do you find valence electrons?
It is the same group number of valence electrons.
Among the main-group elements, what is the relationship between group number and the number of valence electrons?
Iodine: Halogens, very reactive w/alkali metals
Krypton: Noble Gases, non reactant
Rubidium: Alkali metals, very reactant
Describe the chemical properties of:
7th period, Group 1 (Alkali metals)
4th period, Group 2 (Alkali metals)
3rd period, Group 17 (Halogens)
Without looking at the the periodic table, identify the period and group in which of the following elements is located:
Name the element:
Halogen with 3 energy levels
Has smallest atomic radius in Group 14
Has largest ionization energy in fourth period
P: 5
Br: 7
Kr: 8
How may valence electrons does each of the following elements have?

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