The Theoretical Approaches Of Business Ethics Business Essay

Ethical motives: This can be defined as set of moral regulations that outline what is consider or believed to be the right thing to make. This merely means a manner an administration behaves to its stakeholders that are sing morally right. Business moralss: This is a manner an administration operates in its society and makes good determinations that will better the lives of persons. This means how concern regulations and ordinances are lay down to steer staffs on how to transport out activities in order to supply quality merchandises and present acceptable behavior.

Theoretical attack of concern moralss are:

Deontological attack: The word deontological comes from the Greek Deon, which means ‘duty ‘ . Deontological theory is an attack that gives sense of individuality to administration by making what is right and it add to concern value in footings of being just, honest, promise maintaining, passion and regard for human existences and belongings. Deontologist focuses on responsibilities, duties and rules by making what is right based on moral value such as honestness, fairness etc. The deontological theory is the Golden Rule that say ‘do unto others as you want them to make unto you ‘ , this merely means treat people the manner you want to be treated.

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Consequentialism theory: Consequentialists believe the terminals ever justify the agency. This merely means that whether an action is morally right or incorrect depends on the action result. Consequentialism is excessively permissive and does non give single or concerns proper rights, because the theory enable staffs feel baffled and unguided by single or organisation moral due to miss of precedences.

Utilitarianism theory: This is a typical ethical theory that topographic point is actions of right and incorrect wholly on the actions result. Before doing determinations it looks at the sum of people it will impact and the sum of people that will be happy with the actions. This enable single or concerns to travel beyond the range of one ‘s ain involvement and set into history the involvement of others. It consistently compares the costs and benefits of determination, to cognize the entire sum of people that benefit from the determination and choose the right consequence through the highest figure of people that benefit from the determination.

The construct of absolute and comparative moralss

Relativism: This is where by what is morally right or incorrect is determine through single or group based on their believe. Relativism comes from different signifiers, but non all are straight important to ethics theory. This merely means, what is right in one community, may be incorrect in another society based on civilization differences. For illustration, if Mr James civilization believe that killing is morally incorrect and Mr Danny civilization believes that killing is non morally incorrect. This two civilizations are able to be between one another, because of believes of the societies and its pattern.

For a society to work efficaciously, it needs to accept some basic moral criterions to steer and organize single behavior or actions. In footings of concern point of position, a relativist looks at administration scheme or determination and foresees the difference it might do to clients, provider and the larger community in the hereafter and act in progress. Relativism aid administration to put down good scheme that will increase company value or image.

Arguments for and against comparative moralss

One good statement that backs up ethical relativism is the significance the theory topographic points on civilizations i.e. the positions and belief in the society and that of an person is put into consideration and usage as a yardstick for judging moral right and incorrect.

The unfavorable judgment is that members of a society may possess different positions of what is moral and immoral, how do we cognize they are acceptable or non?

Absolutism: The construct of tyranny argues that certain actions are perfectly right and incorrect regardless of their effects or the motivations behind them. For illustration, stating prevarications is viewed as morally incorrect in any state of affairs even if what prompt the individual to lie is justifiable.

In a nutshell, ethical tyranny provinces that there exists one cosmopolitan moral criterion which is considered absolute and applicable to every person at all topographic points and at any given point in clip. It is besides of import to observe that an absolutist does non utilize bing positions in the society, single civilization etc as a yardstick for judging moral right and incorrect.

Arguments for and against ethical tyranny

Since we have different societies each holding basic criterions for moral right and incorrect, ethical tyranny is considered as a theory which will take to confusion in our really many societies i.e. since moral criterion will be based on cosmopolitan rules. Unlike ethical relativism, ethical tyranny is readily apparent in the society today. For illustration, everybody perceive larceny or stating prevarication as immoral and many people to some extent, seek every bit much as possible to make what is by and large considered morally right. This fact shows that to some extent, ethical tyranny is true.

The construct of tyranny has received a batch of unfavorable judgment. Many people argue that an absolute theory will make less importance being attached to a peculiar society positions or bing civilizations which may hold been used as a yardstick for judging moral right and incorrect for many old ages. This is merely knocking other people ‘s civilization. Another statement against tyranny is that the theory deficiency human concern. Using cosmopolitan moral criterions is viewed as endangering an single moral opinion

The account on how ethical issues can impact the operational activities of today ‘s concern

In today ‘s concern, ethical issues provide moral guidelines for behavior of concern personal businesss. This enable administration to cognize what is morally right and incorrect within the concern environment. Besides, ethical operation as aid in organizing house ‘s behavior towards it clients, employees, environment etc. by guaranting concerns comply with Employment Law, Equal Opportunities Act, Consumer Protection Act, Health and Safety Law etc. in order to be just to persons that are loyal to them. Furthermore, it besides help administration to understand the deductions of non adhering to the regulations and ordinances of operating ethically.

Ethical Employment Issues

Employment Issues are to protect the involvement of employees in their assorted topographic point of work. The employment issues outline the right of workers and the duties of employers to protect its workers in term of being just, honest, attention and back up them. In today ‘s concern for administration to take on board ethical issues its demand to implement all these rights, such as:

Equal Pay Act of ( 1970 ) : This require employers to guarantee employees employed for the same occupation, should be offers equal wage and conditions for equal work. For illustration, if Mr James and Ms Kate are employed for the same work, they should be given the same equal wage and status. By non segregating that the adult female should be wage less.

Sex Discrimination Act ( 1975 ) : The intent of this Act is to deprive discriminatory issues that are associating to publicity, enlisting, dismissal, and conditions of service. To enable concerns operate ethically and handle it ‘s staffs every bit without looking at their gender differences.

Ethical Environmental Issues

Environmental issues are describes as pollution, sustainable development and planetary warning. In today ‘s concern operations, more attempt is being put to mensurate administration public presentation through environmental audits. However, for concern to be successful its demand to see being environmental friendly, by looking into the effects of its operation on the environment and strive to understate any harm it may do to the environment. Any administrations that have environmental policies in topographic point and pattern it, add to its selling techniques. In the UK merely few administrations such as big concerns take on board environmental issues really earnestly.

Pollution: A fabrication company that involve in air pollution without sing the consequence on its employees, local people and environment can do injury to them. Because air pollution reduces air quality and cause job such as planetary warning in term of C02. In today ‘s concern any administration that did non take on board environmental factors or run ethically is damaging its concern repute, which can impact its gross revenues and cut down net incomes.

Recycling: By and large, pull outing of natural stuffs is rather expensive and harm environment every bit good. So for administration to set in topographic point environmental policies as enable concern to cut down the extraction of natural stuffs, through recycling it waste stuffs and contribute to the cleanliness of the environment.

Ethical Consumer Issues

Consumer protection issues is an attack that put the involvement of consumers at the bosom of operations, based on how organisation operate and do determinations that will non do injury to its consumers. To salvage consumers from unethical or unjust issues pattern by most concerns and to cover with consumer ‘s safety.

The followers are the major consumer Acts:

Gross saless of Goods Act ( 1979 ) : This Act states that administrations merchandises must be of standard quality. And tantrum for the intent for which consumers need it for, and must non be falsely described to misdirect consumers through the content written on the label of the merchandise. This merely means the content written on merchandises label should be what the consumer gets when purchased.

Fair Trading Act ( 1973 ) : This Act make Office of Fair Trading, which its duties is to supervise unjust trading of concern patterns and take action against any company that breach consumer protection factors.

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hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=mHYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.l1=1073858799HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.l3=1080460523HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.l2=1073877897HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” topicId=1080460523HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.i=1080460972HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=m & A ; r.l1=1073858799 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1080460523 & A ; r.l2=1073877897 & A ; topicId=1080460523 & A ; r.i=1080460972 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.t=RESOURCES ( Assessed on 23/11/2010 )

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How concern aims are affected by ethical considerations

By and large, any administration that does non run ethically, that want to see ethical operation will be affected, because of company aims lay down. Some of its concern aims will be alteration to accommodate ethical ways of operating. For illustration, a concern that does non supply quality merchandises and services for consumers, now have to look into supplying quality merchandises and services that will fulfill clients demands and wants, through ensuring is being honest and carnival on the sort of merchandises produce and service render.

However, this may impact the concern net incomes in the short term but in the long term the administration will increase its net incomes, the minute the bing clients and possible clients are cognizant of its ethical operation, and it contributions to the development of environment, it will enable the concern trade name name to be known and hike up gross revenues.

An administration whose concern aims did non back up ethical operation, and want to see runing ethically, this may increase house cost in term of bettering working status, in order to do work topographic point a safety environment to work for employees. Besides looking into donating for charity will cut down concern net incomes because the contribution is being taking out from company net incomes, which cut down stockholders dividends or concern proprietor net incomes. But in the long tally it is profitable for the administration.

In add-on, concern aims will be affected by ethical consideration based on positive alteration it does convey to administration. When company run ethically, it enables the direction to do good determinations, take actions that will increase concern repute and values by measuring determinations and actions. For administration to cognize what is right, value what is right and make what is right aid in maximizing it net incomes.

The deduction for a concern and its stakeholders to run ethically

Ethical concern is all about looking beyond economic aims and considers the deductions of your concern determinations. It is really critical for local and international concerns today to run ethically and take into board the wellness and safety of clients, employees, environments etc in order to be a successful concern. However, when an administration carries out societal duty policies, this is non merely good for the environment and the wider society but besides good for the concern every bit good.

The statements for concern operating ethically

Arouse investings, when a concern operates ethically, this encourages Numberss of investors to put into the concern, due to its hereafter brightness.

Treating employees reasonably and giving them the chance to develop with the administration, enable them to maintain loyal and motivated when executing their work.

Boost gross revenues through addition in client ‘s backing, due to concern transparence, equity in monetary values and quality merchandises provided.

When concern operates ethically, these add value and develop growing for the administration, due to good relationship with the community, environment, employees, clients etc.

By runing ethically give new thought to concern, on how to cut its cost and salvage money for concern by being environmental friendly ( e.g. Tesco introduce paper free wage faux pas for employees, which is one of its scheme to run ethically by being environmental friendly, which save the administration money ) .

In add-on, any administration that operates ethically, it gives them a competitory advantage over its rivals. The support of corporate societal duty provides higher fiscal returns, better the administration repute and enhance overall concern public presentation.

Business Link ( 2010 ) Ethical Trading, Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=scHYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.l1=1073861169HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.l3=1074297694HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.l2=1073858854HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.i=1074299810HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” type=RESOURCESHYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” itemId=1074299866HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId=1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.t=RESOURCES ( Assessed on 20/11/2010 )

The Time ( 2010 ) edition 13, page 5, Ethical Business, Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // — the-role-stakeholders — 11-329-5.php ( Assessed on 20/11/2010 )

The statements against concern runing ethically

Reduce profitableness: For a concern that adopt to run ethically it face higher costs. Organisation needs to turn down unethical operation that offer high returns ( e.g. utilizing inexpensive labor is morally incorrect but it can be really profitable and for a fabrication company who purchased natural stuffs without respect to the environment is unethical. Sing purchasing it natural stuffs from a sustainable beginnings will incurs higher costs and sell in the same monetary value will cut down concern net incomes.

Conflict with bing policies: When administration adopts to run ethically, this may make internal divisions within the concern based on the old policies used earlier. An administration with a tradition manner of deputing and authorization may see jobs during presenting ethical policies. Staffs may see this as an bossy. Even if employees view an ethical policy favourable, it may be hard to implement it into mundane activities. This may necessitate preparation, which will be concern more money.

The deduction of stakeholders to run ethically

A stakeholder can be defined as an person or group which affects and is affected by the administration. For concern to do ethical determinations, it must see the involvement of assorted stakeholders, by make up one’s minding which of the stakeholders it should put foremost among the others. Most administrations focuses on the demands of stakeholders groups while others believe a house ‘s exclusive responsibility is to fulfill the demands of its stockholders. Why burying that stockholders will non be satisfy if the employees, clients, community and providers demands are non meant. In today ‘s concern the deductions of stakeholders to run ethically are:

Stockholder: These are people who invested their money into a concern, for the intent of holding good return in the money invested. The grounds of puting their money, is based on corporate image that will give net incomes. When concern operate ethically by taking on board societal duties, this reduces stockholders dividend because the financess used for back uping societal duties, such as bettering the local environment comes from concern net incomes. Which affect stockholders dividend and besides, when excessively much money is put into societal duties, it could take to stockholders retreating their investing from the administration.

Customers: For any administration to be successful depends on its clients, so run intoing their demands is really of import, and to run into clients ‘ demands concern need to set in topographic point the followers: just pricing, provide quality merchandises, good publicity, wellness and safety and proper labelling and packaging by being ethical.

Fair pricing: This is where by the value of merchandise must fit with the sum of money client paid for the merchandise. If the sum paid did non fit the value of the merchandise this could take the client to look elsewhere.

Supplying quality merchandises: In this state of affairs, administration should guarantee it beginnings of acquiring natural stuffs or readymade merchandise is ethical and safe for client ‘s ingestion. For illustration, if merchandise bought cause injury to any client this can take to legal action being taken against the company. The house could be all right in the tribunal and still lose some of its bing clients.

Proper labelling and packaging: This is where by merchandises labelling and packaging should non misdirect clients in term of operating ethically. In this state of affairs, the contents written on merchandises should be what the merchandise is made of, to fulfill consumers. For illustration, if the content of a merchandise says sugar free and is non sugar free this can do clients non to swear the administration.

Health and safety: Customers and employees should experience safe when in the work environment. Administration should guarantee proper cautiousness marks are good topographic point when needed ( e.g. cautiousness! ! ! please be careful the floor is wet ) .

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Suppliers: An administration that truly value it clients should guarantee good providers are ethically taking attention of, by being honest, just and pay them every bit at when due. Because fail of payment could do misgiving which may take to supplier non to react to the company demand on clip.


Business moralss is portion of today ‘s society, which gives concerns a codification of moral regulations that outline what is consider or believed to be the right thing to make. This merely means a manner an administration behaves to its stakeholders that are sing morally right. The theoretical attacks of concern moralss give assorted manner of how concerns make determinations that affect stakeholders positively or negatively, it does include deontology, utilitarianism, consequentialism and egoism. Furthermore, ethical issues enable administration to take safeguard on how it operates, through puting guideline on how concern should run, in footings of environment factors, employment factors and consumer protection factors.


It is extremely recommended for concerns to run ethically by sing the effects of their determinations and operational activities to the general society. Administrations purpose should non merely focuses on net income maximization without looking at the effects of its operation to the employees, environments and consumers by guaranting quality merchandises or services render and rewards paid are up to standard. Moreso, it is recommended for administrations to focal points on the demands of stakeholders groups such as clients, employees and providers, instead than concentrating chiefly to fulfill the demands of its stockholders which may do a catastrophe to concern.


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Business Link ( 2010 ) Ethical Trading, Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=scHYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.l1=1073861169HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & A ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.l3=1074297694HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.l2=1073858854HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.i=1074299810HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” type=RESOURCESHYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” itemId =1074299866HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: // r.s=sc & A ; r.l1=1073861169 & A ; & A ; r.l3=1074297694 & A ; r.l2=1073858854 & A ; r.i=1074299810 & A ; type=RESOURCES & A ; itemId =1074299866 & A ; r.t=RESOURCES ” r.t=RESOURCES ( Assessed on 20/11/2010 )

The Time ( 2010 ) edition 13, page 5, Ethical Business, Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // — the-role-stakeholders — 11-329-5.php ( Assessed on 20/11/2010 )

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