Theories of Fayol and Maslow Essay


This essay illustrates the thoughts of Henri Fayol and Abraham Maslow and their application to Suzie’s occupation as a director. Harmonizing to Robbins. Bergman. Stagg and Coulter ( 2003. p. 6 ) . a director is defined as person who works with and through other people by organizing their work activities in order to carry through organisational ends. In this instance. Suzie’s occupation as a director required her to work with and through the supervisor and employees to run the shop more efficaciously. In add-on. Suzie besides had to actuate her employees to work more expeditiously.

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Fayol’s position of the overall success of an organisation was to include the preparation of ends. schemes and programs and to work through others to guarantee that these activities were implement. These rules besides had to be supplemented and supported by subject and expectancy ( Wren. 1995 ; 2001 ) . Fayol besides believed that direction could be taught and was concerned about bettering the quality of direction ( Schermerhorn. Campling. Poole and Wiesner. 2004. p. 98 ) .

Maslow’s theory of motive. on the other manus. took a more psychological attack. which focused on employee motive. This theory proposed that within every individual lied a hierarchy of five demands – get downing with physiological demands and go uping to safety. societal. regard and eventually. self-actualization demands. Hence. in order to actuate a individual. Maslow stated that lowest degree demands must be well satisfied before the following degree can be activated and so on ( Robbins et Al. . 2003. pp. 445-446 ) .

Application of Fayol’s Concepts

In order for Suzie to use Fayol’s administrative theory of direction. she must understand that the duty of general direction is to take the endeavor toward its nonsubjective by doing effectual and efficient usage of available resources ( Wren. 2001 ) . Fayol identified five maps that are regulations of his administrative philosophy. They are viz. be aftering. forming. co-coordinating. commanding and controlling ( Fells. 2000 ) . Harmonizing to Reid ( 1995 ) . Fayol had shown sustained attempt that his administrative rules could be applied to all societal organisations from the household to the province. In the instance of the food market shop. Suzie and her employees are like a little household with Suzie being the caput and her employees are her kids.

The first of the five maps is be aftering. It is the examining of the hereafter and puting out stairss and actions to be taken ( Fells. 2000 ) . Suzie’s program of action was to happen out what was being done at the food market shop mundane and from at that place. she had to be after the sort of ends she wanted to accomplish. The program of action is arguably the most of import phase of direction as it gives a clear and concise thought about the organization’s ends.

Second in line is forming. This aspect layers the lines of authorization and duty ( Fells. 2000 ) . Suzie organized meetings with the staff to discourse ways to pull off the shop more expeditiously and besides to depute assorted undertakings to specific employees. Following. co-coordinating lays out the timing and sequence of activities ( Fells. 2000 ) . Suzie coordinated the undertakings by garnering information and suggestions from her employees and than coordinated the work activities to maximize efficiency. After which. commanding puts the program into action ( Fells. 2000 ) and Suzie teaching the supervisor to fix a list of the shops activities is an illustration on turning be aftering into action.

Last. commanding is to supervise the action of programs ( Fells. 2000 ) . Suzie would hold to detect the workings of the shop to see if everything was done harmonizing to program and working in order. This map was exemplified when Suzie called the metropolis inspector to look into if the electric refrigerator temperatures were within the acceptable scope.

In add-on to the above five maps. Fayol besides included another 14 rules. He stressed that the rules must be flexible and adaptable to the state of affairs at manus ( Fells. 2000 ) . The rules of direction were aimed at assisting directors manage more efficaciously through division of work. authorization and duty. subject. integrity of bid. integrity of way. subordination of single involvements to the common good. wage of forces. centralisation. scalar concatenation. order. equity. stableness of term of office of forces. enterprise and in conclusion. esprit de corps ( Rodriques. 2001 ) .

A figure of them can be applied to Suzie’s direction of the food market shop. First. the division of work rule proposes that work can be performed more expeditiously and fruitfully if it is divided into smaller elements and assigned to specific workers ( Rodriques. 2001 ) . If Suzie can find which employee does what he or she knows best during the staff meeting. the consequence would be a most efficient end product. Besides. there must be a just distribution of work among employees to avoid dissatisfaction and unfairness.

Second. the authorization and duty rule province that directors require formal and/or informal authorization and duty to transport out their managerial responsibilities responsibly ( Rodriques. 2001 ) . Suzie asked the supervisor to compose a list of hebdomadal and day-to-day concern activities. Her place gave her the authorization to hold orders carried out. She besides felt that it was her duty to take an enterprise in acquiring the shop back in order.

Third. the subject rule suggests organisations require regulations and processs that are aimed at achieving good employee subject and obeisance ( Rodriques. 2001 ) . Suzie must guarantee that rigorous regulations and processs were in topographic point and that the staff abided by regulations to continue good subject. This would guarantee that incidents like money losing from the hard currency registry would non go on once more.

Fourthly. the integrity of bid rule provinces that for any action taken. an employee should have orders from one superior merely ( Rodriques. 2001 ) . In the instance of the food market shop. the supervisor would have orders from Suzie and the other employees would have orders from the supervisor. This would guarantee that different people do non give employees different orders. as that would do confusion.

Fifthly. the order rule provinces that everyone and everything should be in their right topographic point and right clip ( Rodriques. 2001 ) . Suzie must guarantee that stocks were replenished on the shelves at all times and non left lying useless in the storage room. like in the instance of the bangers.

Last. the equity rule references the equity that consequences from directors being sort and merely toward their subsidiaries will take to devoted and loyal service ( Rodriques. 2001 ) . Suzie disregarded her managerial place by doing the staff feel comfy to portion their thoughts in pull offing the shop more expeditiously. The inaugural rule can besides be applied in this instance as ’employees who are allowed to arise and transport out programs will exercise high degrees of effort’ ( Robbins and Barnwell. 1998. p. 30 ) .

Application of Maslow’s Concepts

Traveling on to Maslow’s theory. it is assumed that when an person has the cognition and accomplishments to execute his or her occupation. a director can act upon their motive to accomplish degrees of excellence ( Seath. 1993 ) . Hence. Suzie can use Maslow’s theory to actuate her employees.

Maslow’s five demands are arranged in a hierarchy of importance that can be described as predominance. The higher-level demands are non of import and will non attest till lower-needs are met and satisfied ( Cherrington. Nyal and Mcmullin. 1989. p. 170 ) . This hierarchy can besides be divided into two orders of demands. The lower-order demands are physiological. safety and societal concerns. and the higher-order demands are esteem and self-actualization concerns ( Schermerhorn et al. . 2004. p. 380 ) .

Physiological demands include nutrient. H2O. air and shelter. Suzie gave her employees a occupation so that they can gain money and supply shelter and nutrient for themselves. That would fulfill their physiological demands. Following. security and safety demands mean feeling secure and un-threatened. The teller likely felt threatened when the supervisor yelled at her. Hence Suzie should state the supervisor to be more polite and gracious to the employees. Suzie should besides put in security dismay systems to assist the employees and clients feel safer. Last. societal demands are the demands to experience love and belonging ( Kelly. 2002 ) . Suzie arranged the staff meeting to present herself to the employees and vice-versa. This would assist staff experience like they belonged to the organisation and feel at easiness with each other. This would beef up their working relationship and make a more harmonious work environment. In add-on. Suzie could besides form staff excursions to promote more bonding Sessionss.

With the higher-level demands. esteem demands like regard. self-worthiness and acknowledgment must foremost be fulfilled before self-actualization. Promoting the staff to give thoughts and solutions to possible jobs would do them experience like they have an of import function to play in the shop. ‘Employee of the month’ awards could besides be handed out to promote the staff to be more participative and take enterprise. Last. self-actualization is the highest order of Maslow’s demands. It is the feeling of accepting oneself and others and making self-fulfillment ( Kelly. 2002 ) . When Suzie has succeeded in accomplishing all ends like a more expeditiously run shop and a more motivated work force. she would hold reached self-actualization.


In decision. Fayol’s thoughts of the five maps and 14 rules are good models for directors to follow if they want to pull off more expeditiously and efficaciously. Maslow’s thoughts on how an single behaves in a working environment has helped us understand the importance of motive complementing disposal from a managerial point of position.

These two constructs complemented each other as they helped directors better manage administratively and psychologically. It depicted how efficaciously and expeditiously a workplace should work and how employees should be motivated to perpetrate and execute at their best. Hence. Fayol and Maslow’s thoughts and constructs have so helped us understand Suzie’s occupation of acquiring things done through people.

List of Mentions

Cherrington. D. J. . Nyal. D. & A ; Mcmullin. B. ( 1989 ) . Organizational Behavior: The Management of Individual and Organizational Performance. Allyn and Bacon. United States of America.

Hides. M. J. ( 2000 ) . “Fayol stands the trial of time” . Journal of Management History. Vol. 6. Iss. 8. p. 345.

Kelly. P. ( 2002 ) . “Revisiting Maslow” . Workspan. Vol. 45. Iss. 5. pp. 50-56.

Reid. D. ( 1995 ) . “Fayol: from experience to theory” . Journal of Management History. Vol. 1. Iss. 3. p. 21.

Robbins. S. & A ; Barnwell N. ( 1998 ) . Organization Theory: Concepts and Cases. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall. Sydney.

Robbins. S. P. . Bergman. R. . Stagg. I. and Coulter. M. ( 2003 ) . Management. 3rd Edition. Pearson Education Australia. China.

Rodrigues. C. A. ( 2001 ) . “Fayol’s 14 rules of direction so and now: A model for pull offing today’s organisations efficiently” . Management Decision Vol. 39. Iss. 10. pp. 880-890.

Schermerhorn. J. R. . Campling. J. . Poole. D. and Weisner. R ( 2004 ) . Management: An Asian-Pacific Position. John Wiley and Sons Australia Ltd. Singapore.

Seath. I. ( 1993 ) . “Turning theory into practice” . Managing Service Quality. Iss. Nov 1993. pp. 35-37.

Wren. D. A ( 1995 ) . “Henri Fayol: acquisition from experience” . Journal of Management History. Vol. 1. Iss. 3. p. 5.

Wren. D. A. ( 2001 ) . “Henri Fayol as strategian: A 19th century corporate turnaround” . Management Decision. Vol. 39. Iss. 5/6. pp. 475-488.


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