Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) Essay

It stands for Thin Layer Chromatography.

It ‘s a simple technique used by chemists in separation of Mixtures in add-on to back uping the designation of the detached compounds by comparing the “ Retention Factor ” of the separated compound with that of a known compound.

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The TLC home base on which the Thin Layer Chromatography is performed is normally a sheet of glass, aluminium or plastic. It ‘s has a coat of adsorptive stuff ( known as stationary stage ) such as silicon oxide gel, aluminum oxide or cellulose.

First measure is application of the sample to the home base, so in a capillary action- the chemist draws the dissolver up the home base. Separation occurs due to the different dominance rates of analytes on the home base.

Advantages of TLC over other types of chromatography

  1. Paper Chromatography
  • TLC is faster than paper chromatography.
  • It ‘s more sensitive to many substances.
  • Its readying is normally sharper.
  • It requires smaller measure of sample.
  • Potential application of different types of reagents without doing harm to the home base.
  • Column chromatography
  • TLC has smaller setup
  • It has more velocity
  • Previous points leads to cheaper over all process
  • It provides easier measuring of the “ Retention Factor ” .
  • The above advantages makes it more suited for analytical intents instead than separation intents.

Preparation of TLC home base

To fix the TLC home base, foremost we must blend a little measure of an inert substance such as “ Ca sulphate ” with adsorptive substance like “ Silica gel ” and H2O. The 2nd measure is distributing this mixture on sheet of unreactive substance such as “ glass ” or “ fictile ” . The 3rd measure is activation of the home base that consequences from the old processs by heating it in an oven at 110oC for about half an hr.

The adsorbent bed ‘s thickness depends on the intent of TLC as in instance of analytical intents, it ranges from 0.1 to 0.25 millimeter. In instance of preparatory TLC it ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 millimeters.


A little sum of the sample ‘s solution is poured on the home base to cover about one centimetre high from the base. Then the home base is soaked in a convenient dissolver like “ Hexane ” and set in a container that ‘s good sealed. Using capillary action, the dissolver goes up the home base to run into the sample ‘s mixture which it helps to travel up the home base and dissolves every bit good. Differences between rates of the compounds in the mixture are because each compound has different affinity to the adsorbent bed ( stationary stage ) from the other compounds and besides each compound has different solubility in the mixture. If the dissolver is changed, the compounds can be separated ( utilizing Retention Factor ‘s value ) .

Applications of TLC in the Pharmaceutical field

  1. Thin-layer chromatography technique is used for separation of amino acids that are the chief constituents of antibiotics, enzymes and endocrines.
  2. TLC-UV spectroscopy was used to find salidroside in 8 Rhodiola species ( Rhodiola is a herb that has been used for long clip for intervention of cold and grippe symptoms in add-on to alleviating mental and physical emphasiss. In China, it ‘s late considered as promising anti-aging drug in add-on to holding causative agent for betterment of athletic public presentation and heightening memory ) .
  3. The combination of advanced chromatographic declaration of 2D-TLC with simple bioautography is used in detecting new natural merchandises that are active against of import fungous pathogens of workss.
  4. Thin-layer chromatography in add-on to HPLC are used for the designation of “ Pogostemoni herba ” which is a rough drug and a Kampo medicines-component.
  5. TLC-colourimetric was used to gauge free and combined emodine, physcione and chrysophanol in Indian Rhubarb and it turned out to incorporate ( 0.07 % ) of free emodin of ( 0.08 % ) of C-glycosidic emodin, ( 0.30 % ) of O-glycosidic emodin, ( 0.40 % ) of free physcione, ( 0.18 % ) of O-glycosidic physcione, ( 0.17 % ) of C-glycosidic physcione, ( 0.15 % ) of free chrysophanol, ( 0.06 % ) of O-glycosidic chrysophanol and ( 0.21 % ) of C-glycosidic chrysophanol.
  6. TLC-UV Densitometric method is used in Misai Kucing Capsules for Simultaneous Quantification of Sinensetin and Tetramethoxyflavone.
  7. TLC is used for finding of different compounds in analgetic tablets.
  8. TLC-densitometric process is used for finding of the contents of Plumbagin which is a vitamin K that acts as antimalarial, antimalarial, anticancer, cardiotonic and antifertilityaction.
  9. Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography is used for the finding of Propranolol in human plasma.
  10. Determination of Steroidal Alkaloid Glycosides utilizing Thin-Layer chromatography Immunostaining.
  11. TLC is used to find Phenytoin in pharmaceutical readyings and place its Hydroxylated Urinary Metabolites.
  12. Isolation of antioxidants from Perilla frutescens volt-ampere. acuta fruit is carried out utilizing TLC.
  13. TLC- densitometric method is used to analyze artemisinin in the planlets of Artemisia annua L.
  14. TLC is used to observe every bit good as identify opiates in piss in add-on to reveilind adultration in diacetylmorphine.
  15. TLC-Densitometry is used in the Quantitative Analysis of Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin and Bisdemethoxycurcumin in the Crude Curcuminoid Extract from Curcuma longa.

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