Things about plants and FFA

Question Answer
What are the four parts of a plant? Flowers, Stems, Roots, and Leaves
What are the male reproductive parts and what are they called Anther and Filament. Collectively called Stamen
What are the female reproductive parts and what are they called? Stigma, Style, Ovary, and Ovule. Collectively called Pistil
What is the purpose of the stem? store food, support(leaves, fruit, flowers), and transport water and nutrients from roots to leaves(sugar and starches from leaves to roots).
What is the purpose of the roots? take in oxygen during respiration, absorb and transport water, store food as starch, Anchor the plant, and Give off CO2.
What is the purpose of the leaves? Photosynthesis, Transpiration (moisture carried through plants from roots to small pores underneath leaves, Stores food, and Asexual Propagation.
What are the requirements for plants to grow? Sunlight, Water, Soil, and Air.
What are the sun and water requirements for plants? How can you tell if plants are getting enough water and sunlight? The sun and water requirements for plants varies by plant ,but it’s how much they should be receiving of each. You can tell if plant are getting enough water and sunlight if they are turgid, pretty, and going through photosynthesis.
What are the three plant life cycles? Annual, Biennial, and Perennial.
What is an annual plant? Annual plants are one year long, can re-seed, and are typically flowering plants(many veggies are annuals).
Ex. Tomatoes, Wheat, Impatiens, Marigold
What is a biennial plant? Biennial plants are two year long, 1st season: grows vegetative parts, and 2nd spring: produce flowers and seed.
Ex. Carrots, Purple Cabbage, Radish
What is a perennial plant? live more than 2 years and Classification: Herbaceous and Woody
Ex. Strawberries,Roses, Iceland poppies
What is monoecious? both the male and female parts on the same plant.
mono = 1 plant
What is a dioecious plant? male and female reproductive structures on separate plants.
di = 2 separate plants.
What is herbaceous plant? Plant shoots die, roots live during winter and new growth in spring.
What is a woody plant? Woody: The top live through winter and shoot growth during spring. Ex. Trees and Shrubs
Explain what a complete flower is and give two examples. A complete flower is having all four floral parts: Sepals, Petals, Stamens, and Pistils. Ex. Rose, (Sepals, Petals, Stamens, Petals)
Explain what an incomplete flower is and give two examples. An incomplete flower is lacking one or more of the four parts in a complete flower: Sepals, Petals, Stamens, and Pistils. Ex. Grass, (Sepals, Petals, Stamens)
Explain what a perfect flower is and give two examples. A Perfect flower has both male and female parts. Ex. Stamen and Pistil, Apples, Roses
Explain what an imperfect flower is and give two examples. An Imperfect flower lacks either male or female parts. Ex. Only Pistils, Only Stamen, Willow
What growth does Nitrogen encourage? Nitrogen encourages the growth of the foliage (leaves)
What growth does Phosphorous encourage? Phosphorus encourages the growth of rooting and setting flower buds.
What does Potassium contribute to? Potassium contributes to the overall health and vigor(speed of growth) of plants.
What are complete and incomplete fertilizers? Complete fertilizers contains all 3 (NPK) primary nutrients. Ex. 17-3-5 Incomplete fertilizers lacks 1 or 2 (NPK) primary nutrients. Ex. 16-0-0, 17-6-0
List two things that are required by law to be printed on a fertilizer label. Net Weight and Brand and Grade of fertilizer
Others:Guaranteed analysis of each nutrient in fertilizer & Name
and address of manufacturer.
What does N-P-K represent on a fertilizer label (be specific)? N-Nitrogen, P-Phosphorus, K-Potassium represent the percentage of each primary nutrient found in the fertilizer.
Primary Nutrients Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium
Secondary Nutrients Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur
Micronutrients -Manganese
What is soil? The unconsolidated cover of the surface of Earth. Made of mineral particles, organic particle, air, and water which is capable of supporting plant growth.
What are the 5 functions of soil? Anchor plant roots, supply water to roots, provide air for roots, furnish nutrients for plant growth, and release water with low levels of nutrients
What are the 4 components/parts of soil and their percentages? Mineral Matter (45%), Organic Matter (5%), Soil Air (25%), Soil Water (25%).
What are the three different types of soil? sand, silt, and clay.
What is the purpose of organic matter, large pores and small pores in soil? purpose of organic matter is to hold the aggregates together. Large pores are filled with air in a moist soil. Small pores are filled with water in moist soil and even smaller pores too.
Macronutrients in soil. (needed in large amounts)
-Nitrogen (N)
-Phosphorus (P)
-Potassium (K)
-Calcium (Ca)
-Magnesium (Mg)
-Sulfur (S)
Micronutrients in soil. (needed in small amounts)
-Chlorine (Cl)
-Cobalt (Co)
-Copper (Cu)
-Iron (Fe)
-Manganese (Mn)
-Molybdenum (Mo)
-Nickel (Ni)
-Zinc (Zn)
Where do plant nutrients come from? Decaying plant litter, Breakdown of soil minerals, Human additions(commercial fertilizer, manure, lime, etc).
What are the FFA colors? Blue and Corn Gold
What is the FFA motto? “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve”.
What is the FFA salute? "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
What are the three parts of the FFA? Classroom/Laboratory, FFA, and SAE.
FFA emblem. Plow, rising sun, Owl, Cross section of an ear of corn, eagle, FFA & Agricultural Education

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