Thoracic Imaging -- Pulmonary Edema, ARDS, and Radiology in the ICU

Hydrostatic (cardiogenic)
Increased capillary permeability (noncardiogenic)
Two types of pulmonary edema
Kerley’s lines (A and B)
Thickening of fissures
Peribronchial cuffing
Poor definition of perihilar vessels and perihilar haze (ground glass)
Signs of interstitial edema (4)
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Thoracic Imaging — Pulmonary Edema, ARDS, and Radiology in the ICU
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Hours (normal), Days (Patchy, often peripheral consolidaiton with progressive confluence), Weeks (Slow resolution, development of reticular opacities), Months (Honeycombing, often anterior)
Describe the four stages of DAD
Cardiogenic: cardiomegaly, Kerley’s lines, pleural effusion
Noncardiogenic: slow to clear, air bronchograms
How to distinguish hydrostatic (cardiogenic) from increased capillary permeability (noncardiogenic) pulmonary edema?
4-7 cm above carina
Ideal ETT location

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