Total Estimated Population Sample Essay

Harmonizing to the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) . which is a US Government bureau responsible for supplying national security intelligence to senior US policymakers. the entire estimated population of the Philippines in twelvemonth 2012 is about 103 775 002. Almost 104 million people are populating in the Philippines. Compared to the population of other states. Philippines ranks as the 12th most populated state in the universe and China as being the unchallenged no. 1 most populated state. The birthrate rate of Filipino adult females is estimated to be at 3. 05 % which is at the upper bracket of 206 states. It is estimated that four babes are born every minute. If this rate continues. the population of the Philippines will balloon to 130. 2 million in the following 20 old ages. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. affordablecebu. com/load/philippine_government/total_population_of_the_philippines_2012/5-1-0-3004 )

Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act 2012 ( Republic Act No. 10354 ) was signed by President Benigno Aquino 111 of The Philippines last December 21. 2012. The jurisprudence guarantees cosmopolitan entree to methods on contraceptive method. birthrate control. sexual instruction. and maternal attention. The measure does non merely seek to restrict the population. it besides provides for population development that aims to assist twosomes or parents achieve their birthrate rate better generative wellness. cut down incidence of adolescent gestation. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. who. int/pmnch/media/news/2013/20130107_philippines_reproductive_health_law/en/index. hypertext markup language )

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The nexus between the population growing and economic development was the topic of intense research from 1960s to the eightiess. A common position was that rapid population growing – of two per centum or higher per twelvemonth so predominating in many developing states – was more likely to impede than surrogate economic development. This negative consequence operates via reduced kid attention and human capital investing. lower family nest eggs for private and public investings. and restraints on allocative efficiency. entrepreneurship and invention. Rapid population growing consequences in available capital being thinly spread among many workers. every bit good as in financial and environmental externalist ( Pernia. et Al. 2004 ) . ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. studymode. com/essays/Related-Literature-Rh-Bill-559393. hypertext markup language )

Harmonizing to the Asiatic Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development: “The passage of the RH Law is a immense spring for the Philippines towards accomplishing its committedness to the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. who. int/pmnch/media/news/2013/20130107_philippines_reproductive_health_law/en/index. hypertext markup language )

Harmonizing to the Nobel Prize victor George Akerlof. who combines the survey of economic sciences and psychological science. preventives tend to degrade matrimony and lead to more adulterous sex. more fatherless kids. more individual female parents and more psychologically troubled striplings. Harvard Director of AIDS Prevention. Edward C. Green. one time wrote that harmonizing to the best grounds available. rubbers give a false sense of security and prompt people to be more foolhardy in presuming sexual hazards. therefore declining the spread of the sexually familial diseases. Thailand. which has the highest incidence of AIDS-HIV in East Asia. could be cited as a testimony to this. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //mjdasma. blogspot. com/2012/10/no-to-reproductive-health-rh-bill. hypertext markup language )

Other scientific disciplines demonstrate that the RH Bill. will make more injury than good. Certain types of preventive pills ( non all ) can kill babes. Because medical scientific discipline has demonstrated that human Begins at fertilisation. certain “abortifacient” pills kill human life because they act on the human embryo after fertilisation. The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology pronounced that the IUD ( intrauterine device ) brings about the devastation of the early embryo ( 187: 1699-1708 ) . Furthermore. the International Agency for Research on Cancer reported in 2007 that the preventive pill causes malignant neoplastic disease. giving it the highest degree of carcinogenicity. the same as coffin nails and asbestos. Harmonizing to a publication of the American Heart Association ( 33: 1202-1208 ) . pills besides cause shot. and significantly increase the hazard of bosom onslaughts.
( hypertext transfer protocol: //business. enquirer. net/88866/no-to-rh-bill )


* hypertext transfer protocol: //cbcpforlife. com/ ? p=164.
* hypertext transfer protocol: //www. manilatimes. net/index. php/opinion/columnist1/39405-reproductive-health-law-is-unconstitutional * hypertext transfer protocol: //business. enquirer. net/88866/no-to-rh-bill
* hypertext transfer protocol: //mjdasma. blogspot. com/2012/10/no-to-reproductive-health-rh-bill. hypertext markup language * hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Responsible_Parenthood_and_Reproductive_Health_Act_of_2012 * hypertext transfer protocol: //www. studymode. com/essays/Related-Literature-Rh-Bill-559393. hypertext markup language *

* hypertext transfer protocol: //www. affordablecebu. com/load/philippine_government/total_population_of_the_philippines_2012/5-1-0-3004 * hypertext transfer protocol: //www. who. int/pmnch/media/news/2013/20130107_philippines_reproductive_health_law/en/index. hypertext markup language * hypertext transfer protocol: //www. guttmacher. org/statecenter/updates/2012/statetrends12012. hypertext markup language *


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