Two Accounts of Hondas Entry Into the US Essay


The BCG Report states that Honda established an American subordinate in 1959. The scheme of Honda was explained in an one-year study in 1963. The policy of the company was selling, non merely for the motorcyclist but instead to the general populace. The American Honda motor company had made a scheme to get down doing bikes available to the general populace. The thought was to first present the smaller lightweight bikes to the US.

Honda had done advertisement to the younger households, Honda made a subject of ‘meet the Nicest Peoples on a Honda ‘ , they managed to be successful in making a demand for the lightweight bike and they increased the gross revenues from 1960-1965 by $ 76A 500A 000. The BCG study showed that success of the Nipponese makers started with the growing of their ain domestic markets. The high production for domestic demand led to Honda sing economic systems of graduated table as the cost of bring forthing minibikes declined with the degree of end product. This provided Honda to accomplish a extremely competitory cost place and clearly helped them set up their lead. ( Minzburg, H & A ; Quinn, J.B. ( 1991 ) , The scheme Process. ( Prentice hall ) In instance survey of Richard Pascal, he disagreed with the BCG study. He feels that non everything was every bit smooth as what the BCG study provinces.

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In the instance of Honda they really entered the market at the incorrect clip. Honda besides had deficiency of support from the ministry of finance. ( Minzburg, H & A ; Quinn, J.B. ( 1991 ) , the scheme Process. Prentice hall ) With instance survey B ) Pascal feels that the first instance is non as accurate and reveals that through incidental events really led to the success of Honda deriving a strong clasp of the US untapped market. When looking at the BCG study it states that Honda pushed the lightweight bikes, when in fact Pascal argues that is non true. In fact Honda wanted to advance the larger bikes but this failed due to mechanical mistakes which about destroyed the image of Honda.

Compare and contrast these two histories of Honda ‘s entry into the US?

The BCG study informs us about the easy success of the Honda ‘s light bike and the impact that it made in the industry where as an Insider of the Honda squad, Richard Pascale, informs us about the existent troubles that Honda faced in the bike industry. The cardinal differences that these two histories have are as follows:

The BCG Report instance shows that they did an environmental analysis and that is why they achieved the success whereas in instance B it shoes that they did non truly make an environmental analysis into the market because if they did they would hold discovered that there was non a demand for the larger bikes and in instance B if they had done more research they would hold prevented the job of about damaging the image of the company.

Case A shows that there was an entry scheme which was to guarantee selling and advancing the bikes non merely to the motorcyclists but to the general populace. The Pascale Report showed that Honda did non precisely have the scheme planned but they did hold the thought of selling something in the United States which is non truly holding a defined scheme to hold for a company and therefore could hold been another ground why they did non win every bit easy as they did non cognize what they wanted to accomplish.

The BCG Report made it look as if the Honda Company did non come across any jobs and that everything went harmonizing to how they planned. In the Pascale study on the other manus, it showed that non everything went as planned and non everything went that smoothly, for illustration the support was merely limited and they had to maintain some of the money in the stock list. Another illustration is that in instance B they did non ab initio excite the smaller bike and shows that through incidental events they discovered the untapped market desiring smaller lightweight bikes alternatively of the originally planned larger 1s.

( Clayton M. Christensen and Tara Donovan, A©2010 )

The Boston Consulting groups ( BCG ) study clearly shows a calculated attack to Hondas scheme in perforating the US motor rhythm market whereas in the instance B shows that the attack was more of an emergent attack. Case A had a Research and Development attempt and a policy of developing the US market part by part. In Case B it does non truly province much research and development constructs they had the thought of selling the larger bikes which at the terminal of the twenty-four hours did non work out for them but if they had done the proper research they could hold prevented cachexia of clip and attempts. ( Clayton M. Christensen and Tara Donovan, A©2010 )

The BCG study shows that they had a clear scheme and end to sell lightweight minibikes and guarantee that it is non associated with the typical biker image. The Pascale Report on the other manus indicates that the Honda squad put clip and attempt and most of their money into the larger minibikes. This act of following through with the larger bikes was about the terminal of Hondas image. The BCG Report clearly states that they were prepared and did the necessary research to do certain that the igniter bikes would be the top marketer.

The BCG Report shows that comparative costs of their bikes are determined by two cardinal variables that they posses which is their engineering and economic of graduated table. It shows that the Honda machine was sold for under $ 250 and they were superior to their rivals in productiveness, and with extended advertisement they created a market for smaller bikes and presented it in a manner of holding merriment activities with the bike It besides shows that they had adequate capital in order to make a research and development attempt to staff interior decorators.

The Pascales Report states that the stock list was hapless and that the industries sold the bikes to traders in batches and it stated that the after-sales service was hapless. The Pascale studies shows that they besides did advertisement in trade magazines but that there was merely a few responses. The Inventory, harmonizing to the Pascale Report, consisted chiefly of larger motorcycles parts than for the smaller motorcycles.

The Pascale Report merely truly discusses the initial entry of Honda and states the troubles they had faced. The study shows that it took clip before they came to rule the market and have an established low-priced high-quality merchandise. It besides clearly states that Honda did non merely enter into the U.S market with a clear scheme and that they had really small cognition of the U.S market. The BCG Report on the other manus discusses the full history of the procedures that Honda went through and how they became successful with proper planning.

The BCG Report shows that they implemented a calculated advertisement run and that they came up with a subject and planned it consequently to guarantee they were non associated with the mean stereotype. The Pascale Report on the other had indicates otherwise, it shows that Honda had stayed with their Los Angeles bureau for a piece until they were approached by Grey Advertising with the thought of the Theme of run intoing the nicest people on a Honda. Lastly Pascales Report argues that the smaller bike was cheap because it had a alone light weight but high power engine design. The BCG Report on the other manus said it was cheap due to its rate of production. ( Richard P. Rumelt, July 10, 1995 )

To what extent was Honda ‘s evident scheme deliberate and/or emergent?

Honda ‘s scheme harmonizing to the BCG Report came approximately every bit been a deliberate Strategy whereas in Pascales Report the scheme seemed more of an emergent scheme. BCG saw Honda, as a corporation, who did consider planning by looking at the market and making an environmental analysis, puting ends, formulated a scheme to get by with the environment and competition force per unit areas from Harley Davison and Triump.

A deliberate scheme is more of a coveted scheme that is intentionally formulated or planned by the directors, it is associated with the usage of tools, techniques and models for strategic analysis and rating. ( G. Johnson, K. Scholes, R. Whittington, page 401 ) Deliberate scheme involves a 6 measure procedure viz. : 1 Environmental Analysis, 2 Goal Setting, 3 Strategy Formulation, 4 Strategy Implementation, 5 Evaluation/Control, 6 Feedback. ( G. Johnson, K. Scholes, R. Whittington )

An Emergent scheme on the other manus comes about through mundane modus operandis, activities and procedures in administrations taking to determinations that become a long-run way of an administration. ( G. Johnson, K. Scholes, R. Whittington, page 408 ) An emergent scheme is a form of action that develops over clip in an administration in the absence of a specific mission and ends, or despite a mission and ends. ( D. J. Power, A Alexander P. and Daniel J )

The BCG Report presented their concluding study to the British authorities and to the bike industry which indicated their rivals in the US and showed what the market underwent. The BCG Report indicates that Honda had the cognition of the stereotyping of motorcyclist as been the trouble makers, but they knew that by taking on a new scheme and policy they could get the better of the stereotype and sell a smaller bike to the US market and non merely to motorcyclist but to the general populace. This was the scheme and program that the BCG Report discusses and shows that Honda started to force the smaller motorcycles into the market foremost.

The BCG Report shows us that Honda had a deliberate scheme by bespeaking that they had done research and development attempts by staffing applied scientists and interior decorators. Honda ‘s policy harmonizing to the BCG Report was to develop the market part by part. With a set program and scheme in topographic point it shows that Honda did their research on the US Market to happen that there was a market for the smaller motorcycles and so constructing a scheme around the fact that they will turn their gross revenues part by part.

Harmonizing to the BCG Report, Honda had a calculated attack on how to make to their market. First Honda came up with a run that allowed people to see them as more of a household oriented bike supplier/producer. Honda used a run that indicates that you meet the nicest people on a Honda, they intentionally wanted to guarantee that the raucous image was withdrawn from their concern and their bikes. This scheme was a success and increased Honda ‘s gross revenues and market portion in Japan and US markets.

The fact that the BCG Report shows that Honda looked into the market and that Honda had set ends for the company which was to sell their smaller bikes and be fruitfully competitory indicates it as a deliberate scheme been implemented. The Pascale Report is the emergent scheme. An Emergent scheme itself means larning what works and so taking one at a clip and expression for a possible form or solution to happen consistence once more. ( Clayton M. Christensen and Tara Donovan )

At First with the Pascale Report, Richard clearly indicates that Honda put all their attempts into the larger bikes but when catastrophe struck with the larger minibikes leaking oil and holding clasp jobs Honda ‘s repute was about destroyed therefore Honda had no pick but to force the 50cc motorcycle and to their surprise the retail merchants desiring to sell their motorcycles were non motorcycle traders. Therefore doing speedy determinations from the bad state of affairs they were in show they used an emergent scheme without utilizing proper planning procedure.

The BCG Report is different harmonizing to Mr Pascale who stated the Honda existent hesitated to force the 50cc motorcycles because they feared that the smaller bike might harm the image of the to a great extent motorcycles, this shows that Hondas purpose was non to sell the smaller 50cc motorcycles but instead to travel with the remainder of the industry by selling the bigger motorcycles such as the 250cc and 350cc. This once more shows that the Pascale Report was more of an emergent scheme.

The study documented by Richard shows that Honda had a hard and ambitious clip within the market. The stock list they had been hapless and they had many hurdlings to get the better of, one of them was to obtain funding, at one point Honda had to even set the undertaking on clasp. Harmonizing to the Pascale Report Honda did non even have a scheme which is another indicant that there was no deliberate planning done. This means they did no research or environmental analysis in the US market.

The Pascale Report informs us that there was no treatment on net incomes or deadlines for breakeven this indicates that be aftering was non done and they had non set any ends for themselves or for the Company. Honda ‘s focal point, harmonizing to Richard ‘s Report, was to vie with the European exports and to force the 250cc and 350cc machines. The Report adds that Honda was in the dark the first twelvemonth. Therefore with their difficult learnt experience Honda decided to travel to the retail merchant direct which was their first measure to a more calculated scheme. They did this for the grounds to salvage more costs as money for the Honda squad was tight and they needed to cut out excess costs.

The Pascale study stated that Mr. Honda and the squad followed their inherent aptitudes instead than making calculated planning to be after certain results. The fact that they were so hesitating on forcing the 50cc, even though the success rate in Japan is so high, shows that they did non make proper research on the US market as they assumed that the whole of the US market likes the bigger epicurean points. It was through driving the 50cc themselves that they realised they were pulling attending with the smaller motorcycle. Honda was even contacted by Sears yet the company still hesitated. Honda finally decided to travel in front with forcing the 50cc as they had no other pick left due to the fact that the larger bikes were holding more jobs, hence doing this an emergent scheme.

Last the advertisement harmonizing to the BCG Report was a calculated scheme ; they implemented the run of run intoing the nicest people on a Honda for the ground to interrupt away from the stereotypic image of other motorcyclist. The Pascale Report on the other manus was more of and emergent scheme as harmonizing to Richard, Honda was still utilizing the Los Angeles advertisement bureau, the run to all clients and did non upset one market in hunt of another. It was merely subsequently that Honda went through and emergent scheme, the manager of gross revenues decided that the subject of run intoing the nicest people on a Honda was the right scheme to implement.

What cardinal Lessons may be learned from any comparing of these two rather different histories of the same strategic determination?

The Lessons learned from the two histories are traveling to be discussed under lucidity below. It involves looking at the chances they came across, costs advantages, to research the market, to be good prepared, non to be surprised and to take some hazards, in conclusion to be cognizant of the demands of the market.

Honda went through some truly ambitious events that put their operations on clasp at one point in clip, but by larning through their errors and taking chances when they saw it they managed to get the better of some jobs and be successful with a merchandise they did non believe would be and see it hazardous to advance. The 50 milliliter was a smaller bike and small did the company know that that bike would be the reply to happening an untapped market through holding jobs with their larger bikes.

The BCG Report shows that Honda did some strategic planning with cost advantages and easy operations in Japan, this can be seen in the statement explicating the competitory places that Honda had and when they emphasized on the net incomes been made. By making the necessary research and analyzing the markets Honda was able to be successful and that lesson learned will guarantee that they keep up the good work of research and development to stay competitory.

Apart from Honda ‘s success in Case A due to their environmental analysis and pre-thinking they could hold in fact done a spot more research into the market that they entered. The fact that they were advised non to come in the US market due to comparatively due to little bargaining power of the new entrants, and the fact that some shops were closed on weekends was besides a mark of barriers that Honda could confront. Another lesson that Honda had to larn was how to interrupt away from the typical biker image. Honda at the terminal of the twenty-four hours did hold a closer expression at the competition N instance A at that is how they found a untapped market that wanted smaller bikes.

Surprise and larning exposing oneself to the opportunity of being surprised incremental version and acquisition, in the instance of Richard Pascale he highlighted the fact that in instance A non everything was wholly true. He states that Honda had made misreckonings when it came to which bike they would be marketing i.e. they were seting more accent on the larger bikes, hence in Case B no clear strategic planning was implemented and they did non even have a peculiar scheme. In the Pascale study Honda admitted to hold no scheme and that they merely had the thought of seeing whether or non if their bikes would sell in the United States.

Pascale sees the 50cc success of Honda as a no other option that had to be implemented to the jobs that had occurred to the larger bikes. The lesson learned here was that Honda fund out that the larger bike demand was unsatisfactory. But with the aid of the publicity of the run “ You meet the nicest people on a Honda ” this helped with them to hold a sense of way on how they wanted to be perceived, which made it a successful narrative. By being smart in observing the untapped market and responding fast to it besides helped Honda to guarantee success. If Honda was non cognizant of the fact that the larger bikes were non making so great who knows where they would be now.


The BCG study seemed more organized and seemed more in control of their selling activities and making out to their market. It clearly showed that there was Research and development done in order to be competitively strong. Honda Operations in Case A, harmonizing to BCG, seemed drum sander that what was stated in Pascales Report, as in that instance it showed that Honda had faces many jobs and had to meet them as they came. Pascales Report in fact at the terminal high spots and of import factor which is larning and taking chances from the menaces. Pascales dissension to the BCG was that the BCG study made it look that Honda ‘s experience was smppth. If Honda had done proper planning and research and taken the hazard on the 50cc they would hold had a smoother experience.

Honda ‘s success with the 50cc bike was explained really otherwise by the two histories studied. The BCG Report showed that Honda had done deliberate planning and had adequate resources and adequate capital to transport out the research and development. It besides shows that the Honda squad knew what they wanted and carried out a good thought out run to implement their scheme. The run, harmonizing to the BCG Report helped heighten the success of Honda as it found the market that they were taking for, and found a manner on how to acquire them to see holding a motor rhythm that is associated with more of a household subject.

The Pascale Report had more of an emergent scheme ; non holding a specific scheme in topographic point and forcing the larger bike about got Honda to lose their delicate repute. Through emergent schemes, Honda ended up go forthing the larger bikes to force the 50cc as they had no other pick. Therefore making this Honda found an untapped market in the US and merely so found the right run that best suited the company. Honda had a learning experience in both instances the similarities between the two histories was to guarantee that they both had an oculus on the US Market and that the Honda took the opportunities on the 50cc bike and achieved great consequences competitively together with the campaign/theme created.

Harvard Referencing:

G. Johnson, K. Scholes, R. Whittington, 8th Edition Exploring Corporate Strategy, page 30, 401, 408

Paul Lester, The Entrepreneurial Process, retrieved 27th February 2010 hypertext transfer protocol: //

Minzburg, H. & A ; Quinn, J.B. , The scheme Process. Prentice hall ( 1991 )

Clayton M. Christensen and Tara Donovan

D. J. Power, A Alexander P. and Daniel J. , A Planning Skills.COMsm, Tuesday, March 16, 2010A


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