Unit 11 Taxonomic Groups

Question Answer
What do a mushroom, an amoeba, and a 6th grader have in common? They are all composed of one or more cells.
What is the BEST reason that fire is not considered a living organism? It is not composed of cells.
Which group is the broadest group in the modern classification system? Domain
What do the domains bacteria and archaea have in common? They both contain organisms composed of cells that are classified as prokaryotes.
Which pair of words best completes this analogy? cell: organism ::: ___________: _______ element: compound
A student saw a cell under a microscope that does not conatin a nucleus – this type of cell is classified as a _______ cell. Prokaryotic
A student saw a cell under a microscope that conatined a nucleus – this type of cell is classified as a _______ cell. Eukaryotic
Which domain does a person belong to? Eukarya
Carolus Linnaeus developed the system for naming and classifying organisms. Why is having a common naming system important? Scientists can communicate about experiments and therories about organisms.
Which domain is unique because all of the members have cells that contain a nucleus? Eukarya
What are the names of three domains? Archaea, bacteria, and eukarya
A student is using a microscope to view prepared slides of cells. What is important to remember when using a microscope? Use both hands when carrying the microscope.
An organism that can make its own food and is composed of many cells that each contain a nucleus belongs to which kingdom? Plantae
What are the names of each level of the Taxonomic Classification System? Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Which of the following characteristics would classify as cell as eukaryotic? The cell has a nucleus.
A student saw a one-cell organism under a microscope that does not conatin a nucleus, what kingdom does this cell likely belong? Bacteria

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