Use of Organizational Success and Satisfaction Essay

Organizational success and employee satisfaction are straight linked with each other in assisting organisations to better their productiveness, quality, etc. At present clip regardless of the organisational scenes and environment the directors face a common job to actuate their work force. Employee battle has become the chief pillar of concern success for all the planetary organisations in today ‘s competitory environment. Battle non merely have the possible to act upon employee keeping, productiveness and trueness but it is besides a cardinal nexus to client satisfaction, administration repute etc.

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Every organisation want to make maximal stockholder value apart from net income maximization which it can merely accomplish if the organisation can achieve the highest degrees of concern public presentation for which the employees of the organisation plays a really critical function. Employee public presentation plays a major function to win in any concern. And of all time since this construct was discovered several surveies were conducted sing the factors act uponing employee motive. The research on employee satisfaction is invariably germinating, with new points of position and schemes emerging on a regular footing. In fact, there are a overplus of books that have been written on the topic. This survey will analyse the assorted constituents of employee satisfaction, every bit good as the cardinal drivers involved in actuating the employees with relevant illustrations. ( ACCEL,2010 )

Employees are one of the cardinal factors for any organisations success. No organisation can win without a certain degree of committedness and attempt from its employees. Organizations ever attempt to fulfill its employees to derive their committedness and trueness. Harmonizing to Luthans, ( 2001 ) occupation satisfaction might be one of the most desirable results that employees would wish to obtain. Over the old ages assorted researches has indicated that occupation satisfaction is necessary for both single public presentation and organizational-level betterment. Bartolo and Furlonger ( 1999 ) stated that there has been a convergence of involvement on the attempts of the employees by the organisations to analyze the factors that foster greater occupation satisfaction and do positive parts towards the organisation. ( Beatty,1997 )

Literature reappraisal

While reexamining the literature, it would be hard to happen the ideal definition of employee satisfaction. However harmonizing to Ivancevich and Donnelly ( 1968 ), employee satisfaction is a favourable position of the worker towards his present the work function. Later Smith, Kendall, and Hulin ( 1969 ) stated that occupation satisfaction is a feeling or affectional response towards the aspects of the state of affairs. Although there are no agreements on ways of specifying occupation satisfaction, it has been ever considered as an employee ‘s perceptual experience on how good his/her occupation provides the of import things in their life.

Again harmonizing to the employees ‘ grade of occupation satisfaction or dissatisfaction employees ‘ behaviour may change to act upon organisational operations and public presentations. Carrell, Jennings, and Heavrin, ( 1997 ) stated that a strong relationship between occupation satisfaction and organisational committedness has been found over the old ages.Even when the employees are satisfied ; they want to go forth the organisation for some better chances at other topographic point. To sum up it would be ideal to state occupation satisfaction is straight related to employee turnover in an organisation. ( Kressler, Herwig.,2003 ) ( Lindner.J,1998 ).

Determinants of Employee Satisfaction

Today ‘s concern universe is altering every twenty-four hours at a changeless gait and these alterations are making a batch of job for the directors in footings of human resources. At present clip the commercial success of every organisation rely largely on the employees. From productiveness to profitableness, enlisting to retention it ‘s merely the employees which plays a critical function for the organisational upliftment.

Research workers have found that a figure of variables are related straight to occupation satisfaction while some Acts of the Apostless as an index of occupation dissatisfaction.

Personal variables

Age -Waskiewicz, ( 1999 ) stated that occupation satisfaction with younger employees is by and large high at the get downing so beads for literally after few old ages so raises once more subsequently with employees age.

Gender – Harmonizing to a survey conducted by Hollen and Gemmell ( 1976 ) in a college, occupation satisfaction degrees of male and female coachs varied. The males expressed higher occupation satisfaction degrees than females.

Education – Carrel and Elbert ( 1974 ) stated negative relationship between instruction and occupation satisfaction. Harmonizing to their surveies employees who have more instruction get bored to make routine undertaking in a occupation than researching new things. (,2010 ).

Work-related factors

Type of work- Arnold and Feldman ( 1986 ) stated that educated employees prefer more ambitious undertaking to present their abilities, accomplishments.

Type of workers -According to Ducharme and Martin ( 2000 ) ‘s affectional coworker support helps to heighten employee occupation satisfaction.

Pay – Wage is an of import determiner of occupation satisfaction Employees position wage as a mirror image of direction ‘s positions towards their part to the organisation. Derlin and Schneider ( 1994 ) stated that wage and periphery benefits plays an of import function to increase employee occupation satisfaction.

Other factors


Harmonizing to Brooke ( 2005 ) leading manner of the organisation and employee satisfaction are straight related to each other. The leading of an organisation by and large establishes a vision ; organize parametric quantities to work for the employees within and put overall pitch for its employees of the organisation. Good leaders and directors ever focus on good communicating procedure with the employees to supply greater satisfaction to the employees enabling them to state their positions and expostulations. To better employee satisfaction proper organisational leading must be incorporated at every degree to accomplish organisational ends. O’Connor ( 2004 ) stated that effectual leading ever ensures that employee endowment is decently identified and developed for future leading places within the organisation. Leadership that includes an apprehension of employee outlooks, desires and demands is necessary in order to bolster and keep employee satisfaction. ( Pull offing employee public presentation and wages 2006 ) ( Marsden.D, Richardson, R, May 1992 ).

Work Environment

Work environment includes many facets like employees physical work environment, direction ‘s attitude toward its employees, relationship with the co-workers and coworkers, and the on the job conditions.

Employee Training/Programs

One of the greatest factor in employee satisfaction/ is the grade of preparation and development the organisations provide to its employees Adequate preparation and development plans non merely assist to beef up employee satisfaction, but besides produce eternal benefits for the organisation. Training enterprises should be planned good by the direction squads and decently funded and designed to run into organisational and employee ends. ( Jariyavidyanont 1978 )

Employee Development & A ; Leadership Planning

Employee development typically includes two chief countries – calling development and professional development. Career development provides a broader facet of preparation which straight relates to the employees professional development and calling planning. Professional development accomplishments, depict the outside range of an employer ‘s occupation description supplying the accomplishments and abilities necessary for the growing and ripening necessary for leading places.

The major facet of a good employee development plan is to choose, cultivate, and develop future leaders and directors. This move will actuate the employees to travel up in the organisation. Continual instruction and development of the employees is regarded as one of the most critical organisational scheme at present clip. Cascio ( 1998 ) stated that organisations which have the best campaigners helps both the organisation and the employees to make single ends. When organisations are able to retain quality employees with crisp accomplishments, the economic chances for the organisation better well The leading development procedure a simple, supple and uninterrupted procedure which links an employees personal development to both the ends single and organisational ends. ( Rue and Byars, 1999 )

Employee Satisfaction and Recognition

At a clip the employees were thought to be merely a normal portion of the production procedure of an organisation but now every organisation realized that the employees are the chief drive force of the concern coevals procedure, and require high quality motive and acknowledgment.

A unrecorded illustration of an organisation proactively measuring the factors which motivates its employees can be found at the Piketon Research and Extension Center in Piketon, Ohio. The organisation developed a study questionnaire consisting of 10 factors and asked employees to rank them in order of importance. The most indispensable portion of employee motive is to do it doing it stable and uninterrupted and one of the best ways to accomplish this is by a formal employee acknowledgment plan. Acknowledging and measuring employees ‘ accomplishments are critical to reenforcing coveted behaviours. Recognition plans have proven to play an of import function in a company ‘s employee satisfaction and growing. Recognition plans serve to make positive environments that encourage desired behaviours. Organizations that implement meaningful and effectual acknowledgment plans frequently gain a competitory border through increased employee keeping and an addition in overall employee satisfaction the execution of effectual award and acknowledgment plans can make a positive working environment that encourages employees to boom. ( Soranun, 1994 ) ( Luthans, 2001 ).

Harmonizing to Brintnall ( 2005 ) acknowledgment makes employees experience more valued, apprehended and contributes to higher employee morale which increases overall organisational stableness. An effectual acknowledgment plan must be incorporated with organisational schemes and ends. As this will guarantee that employee ‘s attempts are channeled toward the ultimate ends of the organisation. A good thought out and intentional acknowledgment plan will take into consideration factors such as: the ends of the plan, the audience, the budget, guidelines, communicating, and methods of award.

The followers is an appropriate illustration of the 12 stairss of the employee acknowledgment and satisfaction plan implemented by Sony Corporation:

Awareness – In Sony employee ‘s consciousness is broaden by specifying the end of consciousness to the employees and so advancing the end through standard lines of communicating within like organisation like in the company like postings, competitions, group meetings, section tiffins, flyers in employee payroll check envelopes.

Specifying the audience – Sony corporations ever define the organisational behaviours that need to be changed or improved.

Identifying a attack – Sony ever tries different attacks to find single public presentation and squad public presentation.

Constructing a budget.

Keep an oculus on rival ‘s stairss.

Single out the employees for awards – Sony ever value its employees by supplying proper wages to its staffs.

Implement regulations within the organisation. – The regulations should be clearly written, and must be simple and apprehensible.

Communicate decently with the employees and staff.

Track the alterations in public presentation –. Develop quantifiable methods to find employee public presentation.

Announce the victors. Compliment the top performing artists but be certain to demo grasp to the whole squad for their attempts.

Deliver the awards.

Keep the impulse.

Even though different organisations have different designs and programs for a acknowledgment plan, this illustration from the Sony Corporation includes the indispensable elements necessary to efficaciously set up positive employee behaviour. ( Shields.J,2007 )

Employee Motivation

Kreitner ( 1995 ) stated that motive is a emotional procedure which gives behavior a ground and way a disposition to act in a peculiar manner to make its ends.

However motive harmonizing to the work context can be related to the grade of willingness exerted by an person to do usage of an attempt towards organisational ends ”. Motivation is non the individual factor necessary to better the public presentation of the employees as people may be extremely motivated but are still low performing artists due to assortment of other factors like hapless direction, unequal preparation or disused equipment etc likewise on the other manus employees can be less motivated to work but due to other factors like tight direction, inducements, assessment strategies they can execute good. Motivation is something that can take to better public presentation, but merely when other conditions are met. But largely in all organisations the employers make illations about degrees of motive of the employees strictly by detecting public presentation.

The motivated and qualified work force plays a major function to better the productiveness of any organisation. Ever since it was discovered that employee public presentation plays a major function to win in concern, there have been uninterrupted attempts by assorted organisations to measure the factors that help to optimise the strength, quality, efficiency and dependability of public presentation.

Harmonizing to Frederick Taylor ( 1856 – 1917 ), employees are motivated largely by salary and rewards. Taylor ‘s Theory of Scientific Management declares that employees of course do n’t wish work, and in order to do them bask their work the directors must interrupt down a responsibility into series of little undertakings. Following which the employees should be given equal preparation for the coveted undertaking and should be paid as per points they produce in a set clip of clip that is piece rate wage Taylor ‘s methods were widely adopted by many organisations due to the benefits of increased sum of production degrees and lower unit costs. For e.g. Henry Ford design the first of all time production line of Ford autos by utilizing used them. Later workers disliked Taylor ‘s method as they were given non-challenging, repeating mundane occupations to execute and were treated little bettered than mechanical human machines.

Conversely another bookman, Elton Mayo ( 1880 – 1949 ) suggested that employees are non merely concerned with their wages but besides with better motivated by the fulfilment of their societal demands at occupation ( something that Taylor disregarded ). Mayo introduced the HR School of idea, which focused on director ‘s function to take more involvement in the employees, covering them as group holding valuable sentiments and recognizing that employees enjoy pass oning together. Mayo implemented a series of experiments at Hawthorne mill where he isolated two groups of adult females workers to analyze their productiveness degrees by jumping assorted factors like illuming and working conditions.

He expected that the productiveness degrees will fall following the bad lighting and other conditions but he discovered that no affair what the alteration in illuming or working conditions occurs, the productiveness degrees of the employees will either better or go on similar. After this survey Mayo stated that employees are best inspired by: Better communicating between directors and its staffs within the organisation as Hawthorne employees were consulted during the experiments and besides had been provided the chance to give feedback, Extra direction engagement with the employees as Hawthorne workers responded to a great extent to the increased degree of attending that they received., Working in groups or squads as Prior to the experiment the Hawthorne workers ne’er worked in squads. Here mayo ‘s theory relates straight with the paternalistic direction manner.

Abraham Maslow in 1940-50 developed the theory of Hierarchy of Needs in USA which described the positions of the people sing motive and public presentation. Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs Model stated that people must fulfill each demand in bend, get downing with the first, which deals with the most obvious demands for endurance itself. Still till day of the month the Hierarchy of Needs theory remains valid for understanding human motive, direction preparation, and personal development. ( Maslow,2009 )

Maslow – Hierarchy of demands

( Beginning: Business balls 2010 )

There are many theories on motive but different motive countries are frequently gets confused: i.e., motive to acquire in a occupation and public presentation motive. It ‘s a great demand for the directors to understand the importance on both countries as its vital for the direction. Herzberg ‘s motivational theory differentiates between the two chief countries of motive.

( Beginning: concern balls 2010 )

It differentiates the satisfiers, who are the chief ground for occupation satisfaction from dissatisfiers, who are the chief ground for occupation dissatisfaction. Motivating factors are chiefly achievement, acknowledgment, duty and the work itself. On the other manus dissatisfiers includes working conditions, wage, and relationship with co-workers, administrative supervising, etc. ( Novabizz,2009 ).

Last McGregor ‘s X-Y theory is a simple reminder of the natural regulations for pull offing people. He stated that there are two types of workers and directors in any organisation Theory x ( ‘authoritarian direction ‘ manner ) and Theory y ( ‘participative direction ‘ manner ). The workers following theory x dislikes work and ever seek to avoid it, so direction must coerce these people for work with the menace of penalty to derive organisational aims. Theory ten workers prefers to avoid duty ; are ambitionless, and wants security above all else. On the other manus Theory Y workers are self directed, motivated for work without any external control or menace of penalty, they normally accept and frequently seek duty and shows their creativeness in work outing organisational jobs. Under Theory X, people ever want to fulfill their lower demands and seek to fulfill their higher demands in leisure clip.

( Vijaya. and Kiran 2002 ) ( Quarstein, and Ardalan,1995 ).


In recent times the success of any concern is determined by the professional capacity and the motivational degree of the employees. Now a twenty-four hours ‘s organisations are confronting a batch of challenges to better the degree of committedness, accomplishment, and motive of the employees in workplace. They are inventing assorted schemes to hike the employee morale. The above literature supports the fact that employees plays a major function in organisational success Companies are confronting the challenges of increasing the degree of committedness, motive and occupation satisfaction among their employees. In this respect, it has became of import to take into consideration the impact of employees ‘ demands, motivations and aspirations as portion of the quality of work docket.


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