Vanilla ice Jim Carrey “Ice Ice Baby” Sample Essay

In the vocal. “Ice Ice Baby” . Jim Carrey satirizes vanilla ice in his version of in the original vocal. In “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice. negotiations about how he is manner better than everyone and that he has all the misss. best autos. and even all the money. In the satirical version of this vocal by Jim Carrey. he fundamentally is stating everyone that vanilla ice is a large sham and the lone ground he is even bring forthing blame vocals is because he wants money and celebrity. and he is making that off of person else’s civilization. One of the things Jim Carrey satirizes is how vanilla ice doesn’t like his existent name. In Vanilla Ice’s Version of the vocal. he refers to himself as “Ice” in the first Stanza. In the 2nd stanza of Jim Carrey’s version of the vocal he is seeking to mortify vanilla ice because he changed his name from Robert Van Winkle to Vanilla Ice because “nothing rimes with winkle. ” Another manner Jim Carrey Satirizes is how Vanilla Ice is merely bring forthing vocals is for the money and celebrity. and he is making it off of another civilization. which he knows nil about.

In vanilla ice’s version of the vocal vanilla ice is “rolling in my 5. 0 with my ragtop down so my hair can blow” which shows that he is merely writing vocals for money. Besides in Jim Carrey’s version. in the 4th stanza it says “WHEN YOU GON NA STOP possibly ne’er I become richer with every endever I’m populating big and my bank is scooped. cause I jus listen to existent blame and victim it” which besides indicates that he is non merely making this to acquire rich. he is doesn’t even know how to knap. The 3rd manner Jim Carrey satirizes vanilla ice is how vanilla ice thinks he is all tough but he is truly merely another sham. In vanilla ice’s version of the vocal he says “the child don’t drama if there is a job yo I’ll solve it” which proves that vanilla ice thinks he is excessively tough for everyone. In Jim Carrey’s version of the vocal in the 6th stanza Jim Carrey says. “I told the universe I was stabbed in the butt but it was truly a lavatory paper cut” which proves that vanilla ice is non tough he merely acts tough.

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