VATICAN CITY -- A Vatican Panel Issued A Stinging Condemnation Of Huma Essay

n cloning Tuesday and warned against the misuse of genetic information.

Human cloning, it said, represents a grave attack on the dignity of conception and on the right to an unrepeatable, unpredetermined set of genes.

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The Pontifical Academy on Life also warned that using genetic information to suppress malformed or diseased embryos and fetuses amounts to a new form of selective eugenics.

The statement came at the end of the academy’s three-day conference at the Vatican. The report wrapped up a year of study on the potential effects of current research into human genetics.

The Vatican has in the past called for a ban on human cloning and also forbids abortion. People should be conceived and born in a human way, it has said.

In an earlier report, the academy said human cloning would not result in identical souls because only God can create a soul.


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