Vendor Managed Inventory And Its Impact Essay

Vendor Managed Inventory is having considerable attending of late. It represents a powerful tool to take cost from the supply concatenation. It is a streamlined attack to stock list and order fulfilment and is a system in which a seller continuously and automatically refill a trading spouse ‘s stock list. True VMI occurs between a purchaser and a provider, with Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ) being the important nexus between the two companies. Trust is a critical ingredient in a successful VMI confederation. VMI besides entails a stocking scheme, whereby makers use their systems to foretell and refill the purchaser ‘s warehouse. VMI has produced singular consequences, touchable every bit good as intangible and enables a company to cut down their client ‘s stock list degrees and cut down client stockouts. Some purchasers may be discerning about allowing their sellers control their stock list, worrying that this might take to an glut from their sellers.

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However many writers have allayed this fright by repeating that VMI eliminates insistent purchaser buying activities, eliminates human mistakes, reduces transportation costs, improves service degrees, consequences in shorter lead times, leads to cut down stock list investings and so on. Distributors and retail merchants are deriving singular efficiencies of graduated table by cut downing mistakes, costs and backorders while at the same time increasing client satisfaction. Thus VMI is about a win-win state of affairs though there are some booby traps. Possibly the individual most of import benefit of prosecuting in a strategic VMI confederation could be the opportunity for cultivating a strong and permanent relationship between the provider and the purchaser, which in the long tally can harvest rich wagess for both. This paper provides an overview of the basic Vendor managed stock list mechanisms presently in trend utilizing a series of diary and conference articles that attempt to define the kineticss of the VMI procedure.


Swaminathan and Tayur ( 2003 ) described Supply Chain Management as:

the efficient direction of the end-to-end procedure, which starts with the design of the merchandise or service and ends with the clip when it has been sold, consumed, and eventually, discarded by the consumer.

As justly stated by Simchi-Levi ( 2003 ), by organizing different endeavors along the logistics web or set uping concern partnerships, SCM is concerned with happening the best scheme for the whole supply concatenation. One of import issue of happening the best scheme for the whole supply concatenation is sharing merchandise and production information amongst supply concatenation members. It has been recognized that information sharing at the retail merchant degree produces important benefits for the supply concatenation by cut downing the bullwhip consequence and supply concatenation costs. However, in malice of these advantages, retail merchants, most of the clip, do non want to prosecute in information sharing. This is due to the fact that the primary donee from information sharing is the makers, non the retail merchants.

As per Nachippan et Al. ( 2005 ), information sharing plays critical functions in stock list direction, peculiarly in VMI ( Vendor Managed Inventory ) system. VMI is basically a distribution channel runing system whereby the stock list at distributor/retailer is monitored and managed by the manufacturer/vendor. Information sharing between supply concatenation members is necessary for implementing VMI and, with VMI, the provider stock list degree, so as to guarantee the preset client service degree. In such a relationship, the provider takes the refilling determinations for the purchaser, despatching a measure of merchandise that may be variable measure which leads to merchandise handiness and improved client service degree without increasing stock outs. An effectual VMI can be achieved by integrating engineering, enabling web application, customizable refilling logic, and linkage to internal applications. In this relationship, purchasers relinquish control of cardinal re-supply determinations and sometimes even reassign fiscal duty for the stock list to the provider.

In a VMI partnership, the provider, normally the maker but sometimes a reseller or distributer, makes the chief stock list refilling determinations for the consuming organisation. This means that the seller monitors the purchaser ‘s stock list degrees ( physically or via electronic messaging ) and makes periodic resupply determinations sing order measures, transportation, and timing. Harmonizing to Disney & A ; Towill ( 2003 ), vendor managed stock list is one practical manner of seeking to obtain the benefits of echelon riddance. VMI is a supply concatenation scheme whereby the seller or provider is given the duty of pull offing the client ‘s stock.

Harmonizing to Disney et Al. ( 2003 ), VMI is practical where the provider has the duty to pull off the client ‘s stock list, including the refilling procedure. In this sense, VMI can be understood as a new version or as a “ development ” of the old practical of consigned stock list, nevertheless now inserted in an environment concern with higher degree of part.

To Nachiappan et Al. ( 2005 ), VMI is a centralised nexus between providers and clients that enables faster, less complex minutess without making single lines of communicating for every concern relationship.

Harmonizing to Disney & A ; Towill ( 2003 ), VMI is a supply concatenation scheme where the seller or provider is given the duty of pull offing the client ‘s stock. VMI is a cardinal alteration in the attack for work outing the job of supply concatenation coordination. Alternatively of merely seting more force per unit area on providers ‘ public presentation by necessitating of all time faster and more accurate bringings, VMI gives the provider both duty and authorization to pull off the full refilling procedure.

To Kaipia et Al. ( 2002 ), vendor managed stock list is a recent option for the order bringing procedure. The cardinal alteration is that the telling stage of the procedure is abolished, and the provider is given both authorization and duty to take attention of the full refilling procedure. The kernel of the VMI is the duty of the provider in become available the necessary stuff to the client to be used when and how much it will be necessary.

Deduction of Inefficient Information Transmission – Bullwhip Consequence

As per Chopra and Meindl ( 2003 ), one of import mechanism for coordination in a supply concatenation is the information flows among members of the supply concatenation. These information flows have a direct impact on the production programming, stock list control and bringing programs of single members in the supply concatenation. The Bullwhip Effect ( BWE ) where the orders ‘ variableness is amplified in each echelon of the supply concatenation: from retail merchant to distributor, from distributer to maker and from the maker to the providers.

To Chatfield ( 2004 ), Bullwhip Effect is the elaboration of the demand ( order ) discrepancy up the supply concatenation, from client to mill, as demand information passes back through the supply concatenation. The phenomenon is shown in Figure 1.

Degree centigrades: UsersSidDesktopVMI_01.jpg

Figure 1. The Bullwhip Effect

Beginning: Adapted from Lee et Al. ( 1997 )

Harmonizing to Lee et Al. ( 1997 ), distorted information from one terminal of a supply concatenation to the other can take to enormous inefficiencies: inordinate stock list investing, hapless client service, lost grosss, misguided capacity programs, uneffective transit, and missed production agendas.

To Lee et Al. ( 1997 ), the bullwhip consequence refers to the phenomenon where orders to the provider tend to hold larger discrepancy than gross revenues to the purchaser, and the deformation propagates upriver in an amplified signifier. Lee et Al. ( 1997 ) identified four major causes of the bullwhip consequence – Demand prognosis updating, the rationing gambling, order batching and monetary value fluctuations. Demand forecast updating refers to the state of affairs where demand is non-stationary and one uses past demand information to update prognosiss. The rationing gambling refers to the strategic telling behaviour of purchasers when supply deficit is anticipated. When fixed order cost is nonzero, telling in every period would be wasteful, and batching of orders would happen. Finally, monetary value fluctuations refer to non-constant purchase monetary values of the merchandise.

To Chatfield et Al. ( 2004 ), the bullwhip consequence has a figure of deadly effects on the operation of a supply concatenation. Because of the higher discrepancy, more safety stocks have to be carried with accordingly more investing, excess production capacity, and increased storage infinite.

EDI and its Importance in VMI

As per Stratman S. ( 1997 ), EDI, as a engineering, refers to the computer-to-computer transmittal of concern information between merchandising spouses. But, more significantly, EDI as an enabler of concern procedure re-engineering is the driving force for supply concatenation efficiency.

EDI dealing sets can be easy transmitted utilizing ftp via the Internet. The cost is the same as directing an electronic mail across the Internet, but the EDI information is already in a structured format that can ease integrating into a VMI system. EDI allows the usage of functional recognitions that allow for tracking the transmittal. EDI value added webs can besides be setup to send on files the minute they are received, albeit at a greater cost. Thus it is really of import to set about a careful survey of physical logistics and the implied costs before implementing VMI. The lower the client stock, the less the keeping cost, but the higher the refilling cost and the hazard of a stock out.

Frazza V. ‘s ( 1998 ) say on EDI is that VMI is set uping the right merchandise at the right clip in the right measure. Virtually every retail merchant establishes prosodies for mensurating VMI public presentation: “ Inventory bends and service ”. Other keys to success include the parties sharing a good EDI informations transportation plan, the maker holding a good prediction and refilling system, the seller holding people familiar with the retail merchant and its demands and the seller holding sufficient stock list.

Though automated today, VMI was one time purely manual. VMI is enabled by information engineering and the most prevailing engineering in VMI is EDI.

3.1 Impact of EDI in VMI on Bullwhip consequence

A supply concatenation is a system dwelling of stuff providers, production installations, distribution services, and clients who are all linked together via the downstream feed-forward flow of information ( orders ). In a traditional supply concatenation each “ participant ” is responsible for his ain stock list control and production or distribution ordination activities. Harmonizing to Disney et Al. ( 2003 ), in a traditional supply concatenation, each company operates separately, with interactions between them limited to merely feed-forward flow of physical merchandises and the feedback flow of information, in the signifier of orders and hard currency. As a effect of the construction, the traditional supply concatenation suffers from long lead-times, multiple determination points, ill-defined information and minimum synchronism.

The deficiency of visibleness of terminal client demand causes a figure of jobs. The most apparent is the Bullwhip Effect, as shown in Figure 2, due to the construction of the ordination determinations with its lead-time for bringings. The retail merchant as a consequence of calculating client demand introduces excess fluctuations into the form of demand. The distributer, whose prognosis is based on the orders of the retail merchant, so increases these fluctuations farther. This consequence continues up the supply concatenation, ensuing in a important deformation of the existent client demand by the clip the maker receives the orders.

Degree centigrades: UsersSidDesktopVMI_02.jpg

Figure 2. The BWE in a traditional supply concatenation

Beginning: Adapted from Disney & A ; Towill ( 2003 )

With VMI, the provider controls the purchaser ‘s stock list degree, so as to guarantee that predetermined client service degrees are maintained. In such a relationship, the provider takes the refilling determinations for the purchaser, despatching a measure of merchandise that may be fixed or variable. Replenishment occurs when the stock degree at the purchaser reaches a specified degree, based on both the mean demand during the transit lead-time and safety stock to cover for demand fluctuations. Consequently, there is no passing of orders between the two companies. For VMI be successful it is necessary for a big sum of information to be transferred between both parties, peculiarly informations sing terminal user gross revenues and stock list degrees at the purchaser. A simple diagram of a VMI supply concatenation can be found in Figure 3.

Degree centigrades: UsersSidDesktopVMI_03.jpg

Fig 2. The BWE in a traditional supply concatenation

Beginning: Adapted from Disney & A ; Towill ( 2003 )

Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment- A brief overview.

Another construct that is closely tied to EDI and VMI is Collaborative Planing Prediction and Replenishment ( CPFR ). Collaborative Planing Prediction and Replenishment is a aggregation of new concern patterns leveraging the Internet and bing engineerings to radically cut down stock lists and disbursals while bettering client service. The progresss cardinal to this plan affect coaction between retail merchants, distributers, and providers on prediction informations and premises driving to a individual shared prognosis of consumer demand. This prognosis becomes the foundation for incorporating value added supply activities across the value concatenation. The collaborative demand planning and integrated supply direction is farther enabled through usage procedures, which leverage the peculiar strengths of the trading spouses. CPFR allows collaborative procedures across the supply concatenation, utilizing a set of procedure and engineering theoretical accounts that are [ Ref: ]

Open, yet allow Secure Communications

Flexible across the industry

Extensile to all Supply Chain procedures

Support a wide set of demands ( new informations types, interoperability with different DBMSs, etc. )

CPFR uses a combination of non-proprietary vehicles including the Internet to portion information and the distributer and the maker portion a broader set of information dynamically.

CPFR begins with an understanding between merchandising spouses to develop a collaborative concern relationship based on interchanging information to back up the synchronism of activities to present merchandises in response to market demand. Using CPFR, supply-chain participants can minimise the stock lists that buffer interactions between procedures and concentrate on bettering the truth of programs to back up the flow of merchandises in the channel.

By concentrating on the flow of supply to consumers, without the overcasting consequence of stock list, participants can detect antecedently concealed constrictions in the flow ( discrepancies in existent from program ) and turn to them. In bend, taking attention of these now-visible inefficiencies can cut down cross-process operational costs. This jointly agreed to be after basically depict what is traveling to be sold, how it will be merchandised and promoted, in what market place, and during what clip frame. This program becomes operational through each company ‘s bing systems, but is accessible by either party via bing communicating criterions.

One of the cardinal stairss in CPFR is a dynamic information sharing, which will enable merchandising spouses to portion forecasted demand across spouses. CPFR intends to guarantee that the industry really captures the benefits of inter- and intra-enterprise coaction through a common, matter-of-fact attack. Rather than make a new criterion, it leverages the bequest of bing criterions. Data format for messages in CPFR is ANSI X12 Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ) and the Standard Interchange Language ( SIL ) criterion. [ Ref: ]

The Short Term Impact of VMI

As per Dong & A ; Xu ( 2002 ), VMI leads to immediate alterations in both purchaser ‘s and provider ‘s stock list direction, which can be considered as the direct, or short-run, effects of VMI execution. At the early phase of VMI, gross revenues and purchase measures are comparatively stable due to the market restraints and other contractual or public understandings with other parties. Purchase monetary value, nevertheless, can be adjusted comparatively rapidly as a new VMI contract is negotiated and determined. Arguably, the direct effects of VMI on steadfast public presentation such as costs and net incomes may be the initial inducement and benefits for the houses following VMI or the major concerns for some others non to make so. As observed in many illustrations noted within this paper, many companies seemed to get down or rebut a VMI plan based on its expected direct effects on their companies.

5.1 The inventory-related cost position

For VMI to be considered and accepted by both parties, it has to be able to bring on some discernible benefits, e.g., aid cut down inventory-related costs. VMI ‘s direct benefits to the purchaser ‘s side are straightforward and have been documented in pattern, while those to the providers are more diverse and controversial. Although some other strategic or managerial considerations, such as beef uping competitory advantage, fastening buyer-supplier relationship or partnership or merely lasting, might play a function in the provider ‘s determination to follow VMI, the bottom line is whether or non VMI could finally salvage costs or bring forth grosss for the provider. We will demo that, from the position of cost nest eggs, VMI allows the companies to cut entire stock list related costs and therefore provides a strong inducement for both houses to incorporate their stock list systems.

Cross ( 1993 ) argues that one of the most successful enterprises to cut supply concatenation costs in an effort to hike profitableness is uninterrupted refilling planning, besides known as VMI in their specific instance. This gives a ground to such an statement and illustrates that pull offing the full stock list system by one of the parties allows the supply concatenation to be better synchronized harmonizing to both parties ‘ cost features.

As per Gamble ( 1994 ), both trading spouses are under enormous force per unit area to acquire rid of waste and inefficiency and construct better concern procedures. The decrease of combined inventory-related costs through VMI, nevertheless, does non needfully connote a cost decrease in the provider ‘s stock list system, although nothing stock lists can be realized on the purchaser side. Rather, since the provider handles the combined stock list system, the provider ‘s stock list costs under VMI are likely to increase. There is, nevertheless, a possibility that the provider ‘s inventory-related cost with VMI is less than that without VMI.

5.2 The purchase monetary value and net income position

Speed ( 1998 ) states that with the establishment of VMI, the purchaser and the marketer will renegociate a new dealing monetary value. Intuitively, since the purchaser ‘s stock list is merged into the provider ‘s with VMI, the purchaser eliminates its inventory- related cost while the provider has to pick up this transferred cost. This might necessitate the purchaser to counterbalance the provider for its possibly increased stock list cost. However, the integrated stock list system, as a consequence of VMI, could give such a low inventory-related cost that this cost is even less than the provider ‘s old inventory-related cost without VMI. If this is the instance, the provider might even be willing to accept a cut on the purchase monetary value so that the two companies can establish a VMI plan.

However, even though VMI is proved to hold the ability to cut down entire inventory-related cost, the provider may non profit from this cost decrease. The purchaser takes the biggest ball of the cost nest eggs. This limits the provider ‘s ability to make its optimum net income degree in a longer term. In fact, the long-run relationship is built upon the provider ‘s accommodation in purchase measure so that it can maximise its net income given a purchase monetary value. Meanwhile over the long-run, the purchaser could besides take advantage of the chances provided by the lower inventory-related cost to pull more client demand.

The Long-run Impact of VMI

VMI when implemented and accepted in the organisation for a considerable clip span shows its consequence in footings of act uponing the supplier-buyer dealingss, the measures ordered and the net income deductions for both the participants.

6.1 The alteration of optimum purchase measure under VMI

As per Gamble ( 1994 ), when VMI is implemented over a long period of clip, the indirect effects of VMI, such as alterations in purchase measure, will be observed. It has been reported in pattern that companies with VMI had expected an addition in gross revenues finally, which would besides convey up purchase measure. Annual gross revenues volume and purchase measure addition because VMI instantly brings about lower stock list cost in the supply concatenation, which allows the purchaser to sell more merchandises at a lower monetary value.

6.2 The long-run net income alterations under VMI

As per the research carried out by Dong and Xu ( 2002 ), VMI stock list plan brings positive alteration to the purchaser ‘s net income, which is consistent with its short-run motive. The long-run impact of VMI on the provider ‘s bottom line is improved from that of the short-run. This stems from the fact that in the long-term VMI provides solid efficiency addition for the purchaser which can take down his concluding market sale monetary value and obtain a higher gross revenues volume. The higher gross revenues volume of the purchaser is so relayed to the provider in the signifier of a higher purchase volume, attach toing with similar or even higher purchase monetary value. All these assist the provider to better his operations and net income place comparatively to the short-run instance.

Cottrill ( 1997 ) states that this may explicate why the provider is ab initio merely lukewarm or even leery of such plan but bit by bit accepts it due to other strategic considerations, chances to cut down other costs and to increase long-run net income.

Distributor-Supplier Partnership Issues

Harmonizing to Choi & A ; Hartley ( 1996 ), the basic map of distribution is to supply a method of acquiring the maker ‘s merchandise to the trader in the most efficient mode possible. Efficient merchandise logistics are a must and most distributers go beyond that and offer extra services like station selling support, gross revenues and recognition support etc.

Frequently the distributer faults the provider for inconsistent lead times, hapless order fill rates and high monetary values. The seller on the other manus accuses the distributer of unequal stock lists, hapless stock list direction and seeking to do excessively much border on the merchandise.

Distributor-Supplier relationships fail for many grounds. Some of the major grounds are deficiency of communicating and chance of lessening in short-run profitableness of the provider due to execution of VMI.

Product handiness is the most critical success factor for a distributer. Every distributer requires exigency cargos at one clip or another. A disorganised, ill managed distributer doubtless will necessitate more exigency cargos than a well-managed distributer. This sort of opprobrious usage of exigency cargos plays mayhem with the provider ‘s stock list direction therefore increasing provider ‘s cost

Russ Brockelmann in his first-class book “ Inventory categorization invention ” negotiations about the immoralities of holding preseason plans. He feels that preseason plans are riotous and disturbs the even fluxing expression in front calculate refilling system that is normally working and the extra seasonal merchandise should someway be added on to that basic plan and non take the topographic point of it. The regular smooth flow of merchandise should non be interrupted prior to the season by a riotous and sole pre season plan.

Electronic commercialism and look-ahead prognosis systems have proven to extinguish redundancy and raise client service. The add-on of history informations of the distributer ‘s gross revenues minutess allows for look-ahead prediction. Armed with this of import information, the provider is in a place to use the techniques of Distribution Resource Planning ( DRP ).

DRP was developed for makers so that they could maintain mill owned distribution centres can be supplied accurately. Transaction history and on-hand stock list is required for a DRP system to decently map. Supplier Assisted Inventory Management ( SAIM ) presents an about ideal communicating nexus between the distributer and the provider. The SAIM procedure forces a subject whereby merchandises are better identified and described which consequences in fewer errors in receiving, carrying and transporting. Distributors and providers are invariably looking for ways to increase profitableness. SAIM represents the ideal pick in respects to helping both spouses to increase their profitableness. In SAIM and VMI the prognosis of future stock list demands is parameter driven. These parametric quantities result from the duologue and analysis of the distribution and provider spouses.

Obstacles to VMI

There are two major repeating obstructions to a successful VMI execution, one is strategic and the other operational. At the strategic degree, a high degree determination must be made about how the company wants to place itself. Operationally occupation maps, procedures and public presentation measurings will all necessitate to alter in order to acquire the most benefit. Resistance will be felt from employees who fear alteration.

Strategic obstructions are the concerns most frequently expressed at the distributer degree. Some distributers are concerned about allowing their private information acquiring into the custodies of their sellers as they feel that this would give the sellers direct entree to the distributer ‘s clients. However Bruke ( 1996 ), argues that is frivolous since grapevines that will be most attuned to consumer ‘s demands are those that have a concerted demand concatenation focal point on the consumer. The distributers that will thrive in the approaching old ages are the 1s that will give most value to the clients and providers.

Bruke ( 1996 ) argues that operationally the beginnings of opposition are many, but the overpowering subject is alteration. A major alteration of company operations requires a cultural accommodation every bit good as a important reorganisation of mundane occupation responsibilities. Culturally many companies have non yet recognized the importance of supply concatenation and will non give supply concatenation directors the necessary authorization to implement, and will non do the necessary investings. Without top-level support for the plan there will be small attitudinal alteration. The new civilization must admit that the consumer has ultimate power, that the supply concatenation itself is a competitory tool, and that the cooperation between the trading spouses is indispensable.

Other issues that warrant consideration are sing the direction of alteration and specific occupation alterations. Concerns such as the function of purchasers and gross revenues people in the new environment and the new measurement systems must be addressed. Functions and measurings will alter, but with proper acceptance of cultural values, it will be obvious that occupation alterations are needed.

K-Mart for illustration did a good occupation in accomplishing service degrees of 99.5 % while keeping stock list at 70 % above aim. However shortly the providers were dropped since it was found out that most makers did non hold equal providers. K-Mart ‘s loss of control over the programming of cargos was a major factor in paring the plan.

Spartan Stores a Michigan concerted food market jobber decided to hold the VMI plan after a disruptive 12 months. The consequences were n’t merely good plenty and though the stock lists did autumn, it was merely because little orders were being placed at more frequent intervals. Spartan and their VMI sellers did non come up with an effectual manner to cover with publicities, planning and pricing. The administrative costs excessively increased as the sellers failed to make a good occupation with prediction.

However there are many success narratives as good. Oshawa Foods, a big Canadian grocer distributer is prophesying that VMI is merely a impermanent solution and that they expect to finally travel towards sophisticated retail managed stock list systems. Oshawa has a extremely successful VMI plan in topographic point.

Bruke ( 1996 ) concludes that VMI does do good sense and in fact nowadayss a enormous chance. A supply concatenation partnership between big volume merchandising spouses will usually hold two driving aims. With the overruling end of maximising value for the terminal client, the partnership attempts to increase gross revenues and cut down operating disbursals in the supply concatenation. VMI can lend to both ends. The client provides the information and the provider does the planning, and between them they increase supply dependability and cut down supply costs. To Bruke ( 1997 ), VMI is a manner for a provider to better the supply procedure for small-unsophisticated clients or a manner for a big client to add value by absorbing administrative jobs.


As per Sari ( 2007 ), VMI plan will be effectual in cut downing the inventory-related costs for the system of buyer-supplier channel as a whole, even without altering any cost features of the channel or demand degree at the terminal market, a status described as direct conversion or short-run. It achieves this through optimising shipment measures as observed in typical VMI pattern. The purchaser will snap most of these short-run cost nest eggs, as its net income under VMI is ever higher than that before VMI when both parties manage their several stock list independently. Such cost nest eggs are non ever shared by the VMI provider, because the provider ‘s excess load of transporting the purchaser ‘s stock list operations may non be sufficiently compensated by the VMI purchaser ‘s purchase monetary value. However, VMI provides chances for the provider to streamline the operations of the whole system such that its inventory-related cost is even lower than that anterior to VMI, i.e., its net income higher than that anterior to VMI. This clearly suggests that companies interested in following a VMI plan should concentrate more on those dealing relationships where both parties ‘ stock list systems are significantly different.

Harmonizing to Sari ( 2007 ), VMI ‘s benefits go beyond a simple switchover. In a longer period when both the purchaser and the provider adjust their production, distribution and selling attempts to take advantage of this lower system-wide inventory-related cost, the concluding gross revenues volume and therefore the purchase measure will probably increase, as observed in the logistics pattern of Proctor and Gamble. More significantly, the channel net income as a step of the supply concatenation success will increase as a consequence, nearing a maximal graduated table afforded by full channel coordination and supplying important chances for a reciprocally good relationship. The purchaser typically enjoys a solid addition in its net income through such a long-run accommodation under VMI, while the provider ‘s fiscal addition is much less apparent. However, as discussed above, other strategic benefits such as long-run partnership with the purchaser and decreases in certain cost constituents would do the VMI plan sufficiently attractive to the provider.

However, Simchi-Levi ( 2003 ) is of the sentiment that VMI is still an formless term altering form harmonizing to who is utilizing it. While purists will state that VMI has to affect EDI and that distributer client plans should be justly called DMI, most industry professionals agree that VMI can so, take many signifiers.


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