VIP delegations – Procedures and Approach Essay

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VIP Deputation:




Gulf States Security and the Persian Role in the Region:

UAE Strategy of national security:

Literature Reappraisal:




VIP Deputation:

In the current epoch one observes that apart from the national personal businesss that does take topographic point within the precinct of the state and its society, the international personal businesss happens to derive a stronger and more powerful importance. In fact it can be good opined that in the current state of affairs the external or the international personal businesss and developments and events tends to project a really captive affect on the internal developments of a state. In such a scenario we see that the states must be good cognizant of at least certain programs and plans of each other’s national dockets and must even collaborate with each other at certain points of clip that will non stick out consequence international peace and security but will besides finally lead to the development and growing of the assorted states within a geographical part. In fact we do detect that peaceable and friendly dealingss between two states frequently foster great development economic, political and finally societal of the spouse states in the peace and prosperity confederation. To impact such a motivation of purpose we see that in the recent times the tendency to VIP Delegations sing foreign states have been on an slope. In this instance we see that merely like many other political powers of the universe ( mondatosummit, 2015 ) . The UAE and the other Arab states are no different and are decidedly non dawdling behind in taking harmonizing stairss to direct their Delegates to other foreign states and to entertain the foreign deputations of other international powers. In the current treatment we will be looking at and will be diging deep into this subject that unravels the importance of the VIP deputations sing a peculiar state and the assorted facets that the host state must maintain in head while go toing to their VIP Delegates, which will be discussed refering to the state of affairs of the UAE ( Barbera, 2011 ) .


The gap of the article or the treatment reveals the cardinal thought of the title subject of the article. It reflects clearly that the current treatment will be diging into the facets of the importance and the assorted inside informations o managing the VIP deputations that comes to any state. This treatment will be approached with the state UAE in the chief position. However there are certain aims of the article. Rather it could b said that there are certain points or facets a successful probe of which rather evidently initiates the research. In this portion of the treatment we will be naming the same:

  • The importance of the VIP deputations that comes to see the state of the UAE from the position of the development of the state.
  • The function of the VIP Delegates in footings of the fostering international security and making more friendly bonds between the assorted states.
  • The political services and the attending that needs to be given by the host state to its VIP delegates who did come from the other states in the pursuit of set uping some fruitful or profitable confederations.
  • The different cordial reception gestures and services that could be provided for a comfy and gratifying stay of the Delegates.
  • Besides through the range of the treatment we will be taking a glance at the international dealingss and the security criterions and status that does predominate in the Middle East amongst the Arab states.
  • The article besides discusses as one of its nonsubjective the assorted attacks and the probe methods and means that have been chosen by the writer to happen the assorted facts and figures, informations and information that has helped the writer to set up his statements and theories that has added dimension and deepness to the said research.


The docket of the VIP delegates that happens to be a planetary phenomenon is a subject that has frequently been researched into. In this instance we see that several noted bookmans have been into the deepnesss and have tried to look into the assorted facets and the characteristics and the benefits that must hold triggered off this tendency of VIP deputations sing assorted states and which once more in the recent times have gained much importance and amplification. In fact the planetary media in the modern-day times happens to be covered and over spilled with this issue that reveals every 2nd twenty-four hours, which state delegate did caput for which international state and with what docket in head ( Heaton, 1998 ) . Hence in the current times we see that all the possible channels of media such as the newspaper, the updates on wireless and telecasting intelligence and the cyberspace web universe is flooded with information that reflects on the benefits of the VIP delegates sing the assorted states. Hence in this instance we can speak up that since the foreign delegates or the national governments who happen to be be givening to the VIP delegates are really busy people and hence could be rather hard to reach. Hence alternatively of interviewing of the concerned people who are rather A-one profile personalities, probe into the bing literature on the said subject will supply for the equal information and the information that will be required to build the said research model. Hence the secondary information informations is of important importance to the writer of the research ( Skretting, 2014 ) .


Most of the states and the national powers in the modern epoch give a particular attending to the activities and the attitudes o their adjacent states. In fact we can state that this is a aspect that is non merely applicable to the current times when a planetary integrity has come to rest as a major characteristic in all the facets o political relations, economic system and the society. Even before this in the earlier yearss from the point of position of the political every bit good as the economic involvement we see that the adjacent national powers did hold a particular importance. Once once more right from the yearss of the male monarchs and the dynasties we see that political representatives of one state happens to see the other states with assorted dockets of which some were political, economic or societal issues and concerns that both the lands had to confer with and believe about in an brotherhood. This is a tendency that is go oning even in the current times. We see that even in the modern age assorted political delegates visits other states to discourse affairs political, economic and societal in nature which is required to be discussed by both the host state and the state from which the delegates have come. In the recent times we besides see that the foreign delegates frequently comes down to see their adjacent states with assorted affairs that are refering to the security of both the states and their several societies and besides the affairs of international security. Hence we see that particular attending is to be given to all the facets of the foreign delegates so that the diplomatic dealingss between the two states are kept strong and secure and the VIP delegates are besides facilitated in their attempts of carry throughing the determined aims that had initiated their visit to the said state ( totalcompr, 2015 ) .

Gulf States Security and the Persian Role in the Region:

The Gulf is the part that is dominated by the Arab community. This community although Idaho distinguished by assorted national boundary lines and political sovereignties, however has a really long and old historical background that is instead spiritual in its nature. In this context we see that the Gulf is a part that has a seen a history where the national powers have frequently found themselves to hold been drawn in a discord. Of the same the state of Iran deserves a particular reference. The Sunni Arab universe has inherently found themselves at dunces with the Shiite Iranians and we see that there have been several occasions on which there has sprung up assorted belligerencies between the two national and the spiritual religious orders. On the other manus we see that the assorted Arab nationalities besides takes a particular notice of the Nuclear power that rests with the state of Iran on the strength of which Iran is one of the most recognizable national powers in the part at least in footings of military might. Other Arab states such as Saudi Arabia dwell in a changeless fright of confederation between the West and that of Iran which could set the remainder of the Arab universe in an obvious danger. Even in the Iran Iraq war we see that the remainder of the Gulf powers had negated any aid that could be perchance extended from the other parts of the western universe or the western states, where the political leaders of the Arab nationalities said that they are capable of screening out their ain jobs and no intercession from the western powers are expected ( al-monitor, 2014 ) .

UAE Strategy of national security:

To keep a absolutely safe and unafraid atmosphere in which the Arab universe and the UAE could further a well developed economic system and national unity the UAE authorities has got down to be after a certain and definite security plan for the state and the full geographical part for that affair. In this position the UAE says that they look frontward to the development and integrating of the military might of the state and besides the authorities of the United Arab Emirates looks frontward to a joint coaction between the interstate, international and inter governmental units. Further the political leaders have designed that this inter and intra regional cooperation will assist the state of UAE and the full gulf part to be better prepared against any possible foreign onslaught ( ISHR, 2013, February 14 ) . In this context we besides see that the UAE did indicate out that in the earlier times the state of the Emirates were non strong plenty to protect themselves as a consequence of which we see that he western powers such as the UK and the USA had to step in for the protection of the UAE and the other Arab states. However, this has to alter in the hereafter and the UAE and the remainder of the Arab states had to go self dependent and strong in footings of protecting themselves. In the position of the state of Iran UAE tries to keep a peaceable and harmonious relation with the state and besides the other states such as the Saudi Arabia with whom once more the UAE had a history of discord and battle ( Salama, 2015 ) .

Literature Reappraisal:

In this subdivision we will be looking at the assorted incidents and events when foreign delegates did come to the UAE for assorted intents and involvement. The Gulf News on the 12Thursdayof April 2015 did blink the intelligence that two VIP deputations came to the jebel Ali Free Zone or the Jafza. The deputation comprised of senior trade development functionaries and the concern work forces from Thailand and the Philippines. In the meeting it was recorded that warm salutations were recorded and that great hereafter for bilateral trade between Jafza and Thailand and Philippines was expressed and assured. In this instance the newsman Adelle Geromino did reference that the non oil trade between Jafza and that of Thailand had already seen a 30 % addition to what is was in the old twelvemonth. The possibilities to set up concern brooders were besides expressed during the class of the twenty-four hours ( Croucher, 2013 ) .

Harmonizing to ( Contorno, 2015 ) the foreign diplomats have a great function to play in the bilateral foreign trades between two states. The taking day-to-day newspaper even mentioned that the foreign diplomats should follow a proactive function in happening out about the market tendencies of the state and besides zero down on the export potency of the place state to the host state. These are the information that they need to portion with the industries of the place state so that the maximal net income could be generated for the place state.


On a concluding note it could be said that the function of the foreign delegates in the way of the advancement of the place and the host state is rather never-say-die. The VIP delegates play a really of import function in the fosterage of friendly and affable dealingss between two states. In this instance we besides see that the VIP delegates are the personalities who along with them conveying about an chance for an overall development of both the host and the place states. Not merely can the component of political peace and prosperity could be secured and an good political confederation between the authoritiess of the two states could be effected that will do both so states strong but at the same clip tungsten Se that the delegates can besides open new avenues for the economic and the societal developments of both the states. Once once more we see that the VIP deputations besides frequently has the possible to settle some of the most irking issues of national and international safety and security. In add-on to the same we see that the civilization and the prestigiousness of the host state acquire richly multiplied.

In the instance of the UAE we see that the state is one of the most developed states of the universe and that the state has a greatly developed economic system and are besides a really modern state in its nature and kernel. The reaching of the VIP deputations happens to open new and great economic possibilities for the state that since ages happens to further an unfastened door policy for commercialism and trade. Once once more we see the VIP deputations besides open new channels for set uping peace and prosperity with the other states of the Gulf. Hence the function of the VIP delegates the development of the state stand rather imperative.


Following are the recommendations that could be made for the state of UAE who could utilize the suggestions to function their delegates better:

  • The host state could maintain a really infinitesimal elaborate record of the likes and disfavors of the delegates and besides their personal penchants. In this instance we see that frequently such individualized touches of cordial reception leaves the invitees really much happy and they feel cared approximately. This once more gives a really positive contemplation of the cordial reception criterions of the host state.
  • The VIP delegates could be helped to acquire an interior penetration into the civilization and societal facets of the state that could assist the host nation’s frailties and once more the invitees could experience culturally enriched.
  • Once once more we see those installations such as immediate flights, planned Tourss, great going installations personal ushers and other facets that would do their stay, comfy, gratifying and memorable.
  • Once once more changeless medical installations as and when required could once more heighten the services of the host state, such as UAE in this instance.
  • The governments must be careful about the fact that the VIP delegates must be holding their times carefully planned so that they get to run into all the needed cardinal individuals meeting who would be required for the success of the visit of the VIP Delegates.


al-monitor. ( 2014, April 09 ) .Oman Iran gcc Saudi-Arabian security economic system gulf. Retrieved from al-monitor: hypertext transfer protocol: //

Barbera, M. ( 2011 ) .VIP deputation: Enabling VIPs to offload informations in wireless societal Mobile webs. Retrieved from ieee: hypertext transfer protocol: // tp= & A ; arnumber=5982141 & A ; url=http: // arnumber=5982141

Contorno, t. ( 2015, February 26 ) .Conservative group claims Hillary Clinton ‘s foundation took 1000000s from foreign authoritiess. Retrieved from politifact: hypertext transfer protocol: //

Croucher, M. ( 2013, October 24 ) .The delay begins as Expo delegates complete Dubai’s command procedure. Retrieved from thenational: hypertext transfer protocol: //

Salama, S. ( 2015, January 05 ) .UAE National Service bill of exchange scheme announced. Retrieved from gulfnews: hypertext transfer protocol: //

Skretting, H. ( 2014, August 28 ) .VIP Delegation Visiting Program for ONS2014. Retrieved from intsok: hypertext transfer protocol: //

totalcompr. ( 2015, April 14 ) .ROSEWOOD HOSTS TOP DELEGATION. Retrieved from totalcompr: hypertext transfer protocol: //

Heaton, J. ( 1998 ) . Secondary analysis of qualitative informations.Journal Of Social Research, 1( 22 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //

ISHR. ( 2013, February 14 ) .Adept positions on the Vienna Declaration & A ; Programme of Action + 20 – See more at:hypertext transfer protocol: // # sthash.ECS78CAu.dpuf. Retrieved from ishr: hypertext transfer protocol: //

mondatosummit. ( 2015, January 29 ) .Footings and Conditions for Conference Delegate AND VIP Passes and Summit Awards. Retrieved from mondatosummit: hypertext transfer protocol: //


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