
Question Answer
Minerals a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
Crystal Structure is a unique arrangement of atoms, ions or molecules.
Moh's Hardness Scale a mineral by its resistance to scratching.
Luster a gentle sheen or soft glow, especially that of a partly reflective surface.
Cleavge a sharp division; a split.
Fracture the cracking or breaking of a hard object or material.
Streak a long, thin line or mark of a different substance.
Hardness the quality or condition of being hard.
Crystallization a chemical solid and occurs in a crystallizer.
Solution a liquid mixture in which the minor component.
Vein a fracture in rock containing a deposit of minerals.
Geode a rock containing a cavity lined with crystals.
Elements a substance composed of a single kind of atom.
Compound a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements.
Inongranic not consisting of
Fluorescence the visible or invisible radiation emitted by certain substances.
Texture the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
Fine grined consisting of small particles.
Course grined slow cooling of magma far beneath earth's surface
Porphyry magma cools in two stages
Intrusive Igneous Rock Igneous rock formed from magma below earth's surface
Extrusive Igneous Rock Igneous rock formed from lava that erupted onto the earth's surface
Sediment small solid pieces of material from rocks or living things
Compaction the process that presses sediments together
Erosion the process in which running water wind or ice loosen and carry away Rock fragment
Cementaion the process in which dissolved minerals crystallize and glue particles of sediment together is
Depositation the process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying
Clastic Rock sedimentary rock that forms when rock fragments are squeezed together under high pressure
Chemical rock sedimentary rock that forms when minerals dissolved in a solution crystallize
Organic rock sedimentary rock that forms from remains of plants and animals
Folited metamorphic rock with grains arranged in parallel layers or bands
Nonfoliated metamorphic rock with grains arranged ramdonly

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