Vocabulary for matter and elements

Term Definition
Matter Is everything that has mass and takes up space
Mass How much matter is in an object
Density Relates to the mass in given volume
Volume The amount of space matter occupies
Atom Basic particle in all elements
Electron A particle with a negative charge
Proton A particle with positive charge
Neutron A particle with neutral charge
Periodic table A grid with all known elements and their atomic number
Element is the simplest substance cannot be broken down
Periods/Rows Tells how many energy levels an element has
Groups/Columns How many valence electrons an element has
Valence electrons Electrons on outer shell
Atomic number How many protons in the middle of elements nucleus/ usually same electrons and neutrons
Atomic Mass How much mass in a elements atoms
Chemical property The ability to combine with another substance to form a new one
Physical property The appearance or state of a substance
Ionic Bond Elements lose/gain electrons during bond
Covalent bond When electrons are shared during bonding
Chemical change Elements bond through attractive force of electrons
Compound/Molecule Two or more elements in a specific ratio / new substance
Mixture Two or more substances combine and keep same properties
Nobel Gases All elements in group 18 Most stable
Halogens All elements in group 17 very reactive 7 valence electrons
Alkali Metals All elements group 1 very reactive only 1 valence electrons
Metalloids Elements between metal and non 3-7 valence Electrons

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