vocabulary for matter and elements

Question Answer
matter anything that takes up space
mass the stuff that matter is made up of
volume how much room matter takes up
density the amount of stuff matter takes up a specific space
atom smallest part of an element
electron particle of an atom that surrounds the nucleus
proton an atom that is positively charged
neutron an atom located in the nucleous
periodic table a large grid that classifies all of the elements
periods/rows rows that tell how many energy levels each element has
groups/columns columns that tell how many valence electrons each element has
valence electrons the electrons that move on the outer shell
atomic number how any protons an element has inside the necules
atomic mass the measurement of the mass for an elements atoms
chemical property the ability of substances to combine with each other forming a whole new substance
physical property the state of matter and appearances of a substance
ionic bond when elements either lose or gain an electron during bonding
covalent bond when elements share electrons
chemical change/reaction elements bond together through the attractive force of electrons
compound/molecule two or more elements combine together in a specific ratio/pattern creating a whole new substance
mixture two or more substances combined
nobel gases all of the elements in group 18
halogens all of the elements in group 17
alkali metals all of the elements in group 1
metalliods elements between metals
endothermic chemical change that absorbs energy
exothermic chemical reaction that releases energy

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