Vocabulary words from unit D-2.

Term Definition
gene A unit passed down from parent to child that holds information that determines certain characteristics of offspring.
genetics The study of heredity and inherited characteristics.
inherited trait A trait that is genetically passed down from parent to child.
acquired trait A trait that you get or develop from the environment around you.
trait A specific quality or attribute that typically sets something apart from something else.
mutation An inconsistency in the genes of an organism. Often associated with asexual reproduction.
allele Two or more alternate forms of a gene or characteristic.
dominant The gene that has a higher chance of appearing in offspring.
recessive The “hidden trait” that has less of a chance of appearing in offspring.
homozygous Two identical alleles.
heterozygous Two different alleles.
phenotype The physical appearance of an organism.
genotype The genetic appearance of an organism.
chromosome Small structures made up of proteins that carry on organisms genetic information/DNA.
cell division A process in which a cell splits itself into two identical cells.
DNA (Also known as deoxyribonucleic acid) The carrier of a living organism’s genetic information.
co-dominant A relationship between two versions of a gene in which neither gene is masked by the other.
incomplete dominance A relationship in which two organisms with different phenotypes breed to produce offspring with a third phenotype that is a blend of the parents’ phenotypes.

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