Water Cycle Study Guide for Quiz 011416 Definitions

Term Definition
Salt water and Fresh Water Two types of water that cover the earth and are involved in the water cycle.
Water Vapor Most water in the atmosphere exists as this invisible gaseous form. It can change into solid or liquid water.
Groundwater Water that fills the cracks and spaces in underground soil and rock layers. This water is located within the rocks below the Earth's surface.
Transpiration Process by which leaves in plants give off water in the form of water vapor.
Water Cycle The continuous movement of Earth's water from the ocean to the atmosphere to land and back to the ocean. It is driven by the energy of the sun.
Condensation Takes place when water vapor cools and changes into water droplets that form clouds in the atmosphere. Changes gas to liquid.
Evaporation Takes place when water from the oceans and the Earth's surface changes into water vapor. Changes liquid to gas.
Precipitation Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from the clouds on to the Earth's land and oceans.
Percolation The downward movement of water through pores and other spaces in soil due to gravity.
Runoff Is precipitation that flows over land into streams and rivers. This water later enters the ocean.
Zone of Aeration Once water seeps underground this is one of two zones that is considered the upper zone.
Zone of Saturation Deeper zone underground where water collects. In this zone, spaces between rock particles are filled with water.
Water Table The boundary where the Zone of Aeration and Zone of Saturation meet.
Aquifer A rock layer that stores ground water and allows the flow of groundwater.
Porosity The percentage of open space between rock particles in a rock layer.
Permeable A rock's ability to let water pass through it.
Non-Permeable Rock that stops flow of water is this.
Friction Is a force that causes moving objects to slow down. Less of this allows water to flow more easily through the rock layer.
Spring An area where groundwater reaches the surface or a place an aquifer meets the surface.
Well A human made hole that is deeper than the level of the water table.

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