Winning Attitude Essay

A winning attitude is being a good sport. People who always
brag about winning don’t have a winning attitude. Not all people have a
winning attitude. Although a lot do. When you play a game and a
person always says that they are going to win, then they don’t have a
winning attitude. When you are playing a game with somebody and both
of you play fair then you both have winning attitudes. A winning
attitude helps alot in games.

Some people only care about winning. Thats not a winning
attitude. When you play a game and the other person loses, if they are
all upset and angry, they should not play because they dont have a
winning attitude. Sometimes people like to cheat just to win a game.
When half of the time the person who cheated ends up losing. Then
they look bad because they lost even though they cheated. So, don’t
cheat, cheaters never win. Always play fair.

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When you play a game don’t be rude to the other player(s). And
don’t be rude to your own teammates. If you play a game like
basketball, don’t be a ballhog and not pass the ball to anyone else.
Share the ball and let the team win the game, don’t win the game for the
team. Just one person can’t win the whole game by themself. It takes a
whole team to win. Teamwork is what makes the team, and what gives
you, and the rest of the team a winning attitude. All of these factors
are important to have a winning attitude.

Even when you lose a game you still need a winning attitude.
After the game go shake hands with the other team. Say good game or
good job. If you or somebody you know gets all mad or upset if they
lose a game tell them that they don’t have a winning attitude.
Even if you have a winning attitude encourage others to have one
too. The more winning attitudes, the more winners, or example; After
a baseball game you don’t see the baseball players yelling or screaming
at eachother. They ALL walk out on the field and shake hands a nd say
good game. So remember, even if you win or lose, you should always
have a winning attitude.


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