Word Tutorial 4

Desktop publishing is the process of preparing commercial-quality printed material.
If a document is already divided into sections, by default, the column format is applied only to the section that currently contains the insertion point.
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Word’s AutoCorrect feature automatically converts some standard characters into typographic characters as you type.
Gridlines are actually part of the document.
The drop cap will extend three lines into the paragraph by default.
Once you crop a graphic, the part you cropped is hidden from view.
The lollipop stick shown in the accompanying figure is part of the background.
In the accompanying figure, the pink area in the photo represents the foreground.
In the accompanying figure, the blue border helps Word narrow the area of focus as it tries to distinguish between the background and the parts of the image you want to keep.
If you want the columns in a document to appear balanced on a page, you can insert a column section break at the end of the document.
Rotation Handle
Appears on the photo’s border when the photo is selected
Style, Width, Color, and Setting
Options for setting a page border
Graphics file format suitable for most types of simple line art, without complicated colors
Graphics file that stores an image as a mathematical formula
Presents, Line between, and Apply to
Settings in the Columns dialog box
Files commonly used for photographs or scanned images; larger than GIF or JPEG files
™ or ©
Examples of a typographic character
Suitable format for photographs and drawings
Another name for bitmap graphic
File format that is similar to a GIF
Which of the following is NOT an example of a type of clip art?
WordArt is considered a(n) _______ that can be manipulated independently of the text.
You can access Word’s typographic characters with the _______ button on the INSERT tab.
Which of the text wrapping settings flows around the exact outline of an object?
To make it easier to see the relative position of objects, you can display a document’s _______.
Wrap Text
To change the text wrap setting for clip art, click the _______ button.
Photo Button
The Illustrations group contains all but a _______.
To view the exact dimensions of a selected clip art graphic, click the _______ tab to access the Shape Height and Shape Width boxes.
If you have a large amount of text that you want to place in different locations in a document, with the text continuing from one text box to another, you can use _______ text boxes.
To delete a drop cap, click the paragraph that contains it, open the Drop cap dialog box, and then click _______.
A Drop Cap
A special design element, called _______, draws the reader’s attention to the beginning of an article.
To cut off part of the graphic in an illustration, you would _______ the illustration.
You can add rounded or _______ edges to the individual letters in WordArt.
When _______ WordArt, you need to consider both the font size of the text and the size of the text box that contains WordArt.
WordArt Styles
To quickly change the shape of a WordArt graphic, use the Text Effects button in the _______ group.
Aligning a graphic relative to the _______ is usually the best choice because it ensures that you don’t accidentally position a graphic outside the page margins.
To change the clip art’s colors, click the _______ button in the Adjust group on the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab.
A _______ file is a type of vector graphics file created specifically for Windows.
_______ files are suitable for most types of simple line art, without complicated colors.
A bitmap is a grid of square colored dots, called _______.
Page Border
A(n) ____________________ frames the contents of a single page.
To insert special characters in Word, choose the Special Characters tab from the ____________________ dialog box.
A(n) ____________________ object is located in a specific position in a specific line of a document.
A(n) ____________________ graphics file stores an image as a mathematical formula.
A(n) ____________________ graphic is a grid of square colored dots, called pixels, that form a picture.

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