
Question Answer
The surface currents in each ocean form gyre
An _____ can affect weather and climate Ocean current
Some currents move along the water's surface, and others are examples of Upwelling
Because of the ______ ocean currents flow counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere and clockwise in the northern hemisphere Corioli's effect
Circular systems of currents Gyre
Large volume of water flowing in a certain direction Ocean currents
Vertical movement of water toward he ocean's surface Upwelling
Movement of water to the right or left that is caused by Earth's rotation Corioli's effect
Surface currents are caused by ____ from the wind Friction
Surface currents move water ____ and extend to about 400 m below the surface Horizontally
The vertical movement of water from the surface to deeper parts of the ocean is a _____ current Density
Density currents are caused by density changes, which are bought on b changes in temperature or Salinity
The oceans are a major part of the Water cycle
The Great Ocean Conveyor Belt is a model used to explain how ocean currents circulate ________ around Earth Thermal energy
Ocean currents affect weather and Climate
An ocean current is a large volume of water flowing in a certain direction True
Friction generated by wind on water can move the water to form surface currents True
Surface currents move water vertically and less than 400 m below the surface False(Horizontally)
In each ocean, the major currents form circular systems of currents called density False(Gyres)
Earth's rotation causes the Coriolis effect, which influences the direction that ocean currents flow True
Density currents move water vertically toward the ocean's surface False(Upwelling)
An upwelling moves water vertically from the surface to deeper parts of the ocean False(Density currents)
Density currents are caused by density changes, which are brought on by changes in temperature or wind False(Salinity)
The oceans are the major source of moisture for the water cycle True
The Great Ocean Conveyor Belt is a model used to explain how ocean currents circulate thermal energy around Earth True
Ocean currents affect weather and climate by redistributing wind energy False(Thermal)

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